from reading about this whole mess reminds me of flowerchild and singir, mainly the singir/tekkit mess, i liked how singir resolved that, but he got flak, greg has no reason to do what singir did, because singir did that to get his mod out of a pack that added it without permission, greg makes the game crash if some one undo's the mess me makes, i think what greg does is unfair to TC and whoever else makes the game easier, i do agree that if you mess with the game without permission, other people can fix it, he is being a hypocrite in my opinion, a guy who changes things without permission, make you crash if you change HIS stuff without permission. it's ALMOST like how flowerchild has a BLACKLIST (that's the whole thing that's like FC) i think he should make the crashing recipe thing go away and just make it easier to undo the configs, like instead of removing the recipes ONE AT A TIME, make so that you can remove ALL recipes of that type at ONCE! (side the whole "reverse smelt block_iron=true" make it "reverse smelt storageblock=true"... SO MUCH EASIER) that's my idea to fix it, i don't know if he has added something like that already or not, i have only seen the config since the 1.4.7 thing (i lightly look at the 1.5.2 configs but did not stare at them for 10 minutes like i had to for 1.4.7) :/ i hope it gets resolved soon if it has not already