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from reading about this whole mess reminds me of flowerchild and singir, mainly the singir/tekkit mess, i liked how singir resolved that, but he got flak, greg has no reason to do what singir did, because singir did that to get his mod out of a pack that added it without permission, greg makes the game crash if some one undo's the mess me makes, i think what greg does is unfair to TC and whoever else makes the game easier, i do agree that if you mess with the game without permission, other people can fix it, he is being a hypocrite in my opinion, a guy who changes things without permission, make you crash if you change HIS stuff without permission. it's ALMOST like how flowerchild has a BLACKLIST (that's the whole thing that's like FC) i think he should make the crashing recipe thing go away and just make it easier to undo the configs, like instead of removing the recipes ONE AT A TIME, make so that you can remove ALL recipes of that type at ONCE! (side the whole "reverse smelt block_iron=true" make it "reverse smelt storageblock=true"... SO MUCH EASIER) that's my idea to fix it, i don't know if he has added something like that already or not, i have only seen the config since the 1.4.7 thing (i lightly look at the 1.5.2 configs but did not stare at them for 10 minutes like i had to for 1.4.7) :/ i hope it gets resolved soon if it has not already :)
There are a heck of a lot of people in here who really need to read Arthur Schopenhauer before they try to construct another argument.

That aside, ethically speaking, if you perform ACTION_A, then someone else performs the same or similar ACTION_A in a way which is contrary to your *wishes* (not, wishes, it does put the application or data in jeopardy, it doesn't actually *break* anything) then causing the application to throw an exception and gracefully fail over is not an acceptable response. That is unethical, irresponsible and downright childish, whatever the justifications you might throw at it. If this was industry, Greg would be looking for a new job right now.

For argument's sake, let's pretend that ACTION_A is overriding a default recipe, hmm?
The recipes which are modified by GT were not removed/reported by other mod creators, but Greg does not tolerate this to GT. We also need to bear in mind his vision to his creation.
Going radical was a more good solution than that. Doing something shady to show that player configuration is bad in a middle of gameplay is not noble, I think
no, going radical is never, ever the better thing to do, granted it might be less likely to drive people away, but when your mod is malware, you are just being an ass[DOUBLEPOST=1374172999][/DOUBLEPOST]
Its sad that he has that attitude of "not caring" thank god he is not being paid for his mod he go out of business quite quickly.
adfly does pay him...[DOUBLEPOST=1374173075][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's only a matter of time until a furnace recipe requires iron ingots.
look at the terrafirma craft recipies...[DOUBLEPOST=1374173155][/DOUBLEPOST]
How would you get the iron ingots to make the furnace? :p
some crazy sifter and water system probably
I remember the first time I mentioned I was unhappy with the way greg was going & acting, that was way way back when I was an avid fan/player of gt, I got lambasted by GT fans for minor comments, & I must add lot of them are now very very anti GT guys n gals, the point being he who is with out sin cast the first stone, I got lambasted & from then on defensive, funny thing I still like a lot of what GT has to offer in the early versions, but managed to see whats was going to happen as I guess a lot of ppl did, no one can comment on ic2 gt section for fear of flame wars, unless looking for drama, as a lot from this forums have done in the last couple of days, that was just wrong.

The dust is starting to settle on this last ep of the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY mod" I only used caps because its seems to fit with the msg that came with the last issue.

I don't think "Lamblasted" really works in this instance, as afaik, Lambert really isn't a big fan of Gregtech either :P
The recipes which are modified by GT were not removed/reported by other mod creators, but Greg does not tolerate this to GT. We also need to bear in mind his vision to his creation.

i'm sorry, but greg "does not tolerate" someone fixing a change that he made to vinilla that really never should have been changed in the first place somehow justifies him creating malicious content? Let's also keep in mind MDyo, doesn't he have a vision too?
Post moved from the "Future of modpacks" topic:

You know, I really like the endgame that Gregtech adds, but his shenanigans have gone too far this time. He gets away with quite a lot, but intentionally crashing users' FTB is unreasonable. Really, the hypocrisy of Greg getting upset about another mod changing his recipes is just ridiculous. That's what his mod is infamous for, and as far as I know, no other modder has retaliated in a way as malicious and harmful to the users. His mod is actually quite good, but his attitude towards other modders and the users is simply intolerable. Even as someone who likes Gregtech, I'd be happy to see it removed from FTB for this behavior.

(Yes, it is bad enough that I finally registered just to voice my opinion on this.)
95% of gregtech is recipie changes, I have no sympathy for greg because he is a hypocrite, He crashed the game because someone other than himself did what He does to others

So instead of a crash exception on a recipe overload you would've wanted a recipe war... each mod maker trying to overload each others recipes and maybe, eventually lagging out your whole game?
"Nice" joke. You are offering him to work absolutly for free?
And if I remember correctly, FTB Packs are direct downloads

Like everything else with FTB, it's completely "free"/unpaid
From the creators of the mods, to the modpacks, to the launcher, to those of us that help. No one gets paid, and that includes via downloads. (Staff correct me if I'm wrong)
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So instead of a crash exception on a recipe overload you would've wanted a recipe war... each mod maker trying to overload each others recipes and maybe, eventually lagging out your whole game?

No, I would've wanted Greg to quit acting like a five year old and actually ask mDiyo about it.
To be honest, they are both wrong. Changing another mod is not against the rules, but is certainly frowned upon.
Unfortunately this is true. Even fixing bugs in other mods is considered a major offense in MC community and modders themselves are actively working against this.
to dissable fortune smelting, dont add it to the tool...
Sure, that'll work just awesomely in a public server!
Mdiyo didn't attack GT. Mdiyo fixed the VANILLA recipe that GT changed.
A fix that wasn't even needed due to there being an easy configuration to change it. mDiyo was asking users to change either config for fortune smelting, why didn't he do the same thing for wood?
about defending GT causing a crash:
yes you did, you did exactly that
Link or ....
If anybody's looked through the gregtech IC2 thread, you'll have noticed that people reporting bugs have gotten told off because the bugs are "Not his fault." Sounds like something a teenager in trouble would say.
Can you cite a single valid bug that is caused by GT and is ignored?
if you took gt out of ultimate, almost nobody would be upset by it and almost everyone would be happy about it, it is not core to ultimate, IC2 is
I love how you base your claims on solid data. Mind sharing it with the rest of us?
In my personal opinion, and as I believe, Gregtech does actually break the law. In Britain, it is illegal to alter someones code without permission from the creator.
Greg has NEVER changed the code of anyone. If you claim he to be doing it then, as was said, every single other MC mod would be violating exactly the same law. Not to mention pretty much every browser doing it while they optimize JS.
Because Greg's config options didn't work with TC, so he decided to opt to the pre-nerf? It's not that complicated.
The configs worked just fine, mDyio just chose to forbid the end-users from using them.[DOUBLEPOST=1374173584][/DOUBLEPOST]
By that token, mDiyo could have asked for a config option
There was config option the moment the feature was added.
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GregTs STATED goal was to mess people up and make them mad. He considers putting crash code vs other mods a USEFUL and SUCCESSFUL tool to get his own way. He also LIED about the cause of the crash until he was caught lying, he blamed the crash that he had coded on another mod author.

That alone justifies the removal of the mod, and Slowpokes statement link earlier is anyone with the type of crash code will not be included.
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About Gregs vision and mDiyo visions:
"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins"
By that token, mDiyo could have asked for a config option

The configs worked just fine, mDyio just chose to forbid the end-users from using them.
Apparantly the config option was broken when GT was used in conjunction with Tinker's (this is ignoring the config didn't even originally exist), which lead to mDiyo making it default to the vanilla recipes.

At least that's what I understand from the conversation.
I can look up the links again but greg had storage block smelting on first half of January this year at latest, probably even much earlier. You added fortunesmelting class around mid-May. Is this correct?
This was purely a visual thing. Assuming you don't play in 3'rd person I'm not sure how it broke the game. Or did it actually added the pumpin-overlay?

Well, he wouldn't be able to put on any head items, right? That sounds very annoying to me.
So instead of a crash exception on a recipe overload you would've wanted a recipe war... each mod maker trying to overload each others recipes and maybe, eventually lagging out your whole game?

I'd prefer that greg stop acting like a child and just back down. If he actually bothered communicating in the first place this never would have happened. All it took would have been a simple PM and typing "Hey man, I noticed you changed something in my mod, would you mind removing that it's kind of in there for a reason." but no, he had to be lazy and childish about it.[DOUBLEPOST=1374173856][/DOUBLEPOST]
Can you cite a single valid bug that is caused by GT and is ignored?

Actually, I can. I'm sure almost any person on these forums can except apparently you. Even the people that like greg can do so.
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