Good vs. Evil

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
69 On most terminals I've used, highlighting text with the mouse and then pressing the middle mouse button will copy the highlighted text to the position of your cursor. It behaves exactly the same way as if you'd typed the selected text- which is fine when using the command line, but tends to break stuff when I do it in vim and forget to go into insert mode first.


Jul 31, 2013
70 that sounds great and all but I rather want a way that doesn't need the mouse as I use a window manager that tries to make the mouse unnecessary and grabbing the mouse just to select some text in a terminal is kind of annoying

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
71 *shrug*

It works for me, at least when I have a mouse handy, which has not happened frequently since I started using this laptop all the time.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
71 I would use a mouse more often than I do, but it's a hassle and my laptop's touchpad actually works pretty well. Only problem is that occasionally it'll register a left-click when I intended to right-click, which can often be a problem when I'm playing Minecraft in Creative mode.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
73 Now that you've been banned from making new characters, you're going back and messing around with your old characters?

Loophole: When you get an idea for a new character that's kinda-sorta similar to one of your previous characters, archive that character's rolesheet in its current state, then replace its stats, abilities, backstory, etc. with that of the new character. Now you've got Ylva 1.0 and Ylva 2.0, and if you play your cards right, the GM might not notice that you've got two completely different characters in there.

Or just write up new charsheets as you please, but don't post them on the Internet for the GM to see.


Jul 31, 2013
74 working on Morana's backstory is on the list since her last rework. In a way even Raven was planned as I needed a reason for Mahlah to become ok-ish when eating human meat. The reason for that being is that it just opens up a good number of new ways she can hurt Morana that isn't "stab Morana at place X, now stab her at place Y, etc, etc".

I do want to change Morana's second ability though now that she showed she is capable of making ghosts. Especially as when I made Morana's sheet I had no clear idea what her "second" stage would be. I mean, she can kill things by simply touching them what does that kind of magic lead into?
Well, it leads into keeping characters "alive" this is because it is easier to push things over an edge then to keep them from falling over it. (If that makes sense)

Mahlah likewise will have her current magic lead into other things as well. Her magic will be all about the (human) body and its mind. Thus eventually she will be capable to "read" organs or extract power from her opponents and other such things.

And yes, there is a reason for the fact that their direction their magic goes to is "planned" out. :)


Jul 31, 2013
78 I'm revisiting some characters appearances. Now, how do I make it clear that one of them has worms inside of her?