Then it sounds like you need to move the magic into Geostrata, otherwise you would need magic trees for geostrata (unless I'm seriously misunderstanding something, which is possible.)
And no, I will not be porting the content in DyeTrees into GeoStrata. That makes little to no sense.
I wouldn't think that moving DyeTree content into GeoStrata would be the goal.
DyeTree, as I understand it, gives you the following:
1. Alternate ways to farm vanilla dyes. In particular, red and yellow. Brings a feature that exists in 1.7 back to 1.6.
2. Additional ways to fight Thaumcraft taint.
3. Additional ways to counter Mystcraft instability.
4. A way to play "mostly peaceful" without being 100% peaceful.
1-3 I like. 4 I dislike, and can avoid. Well, sort-of. The "I'll drop from vanilla leaves and not let you turn this off"? ... Hmm, is there a "frequency of spawn in vanilla biomes" setting ...
I:"Dye Tree Density in Normal Biomes"=2
... only cut it in half down to 1?
None of that has anything to do with GeoStrata.
What I do not understand is why move additional stuff into DyeTrees, and make it "magic", without a way to disable that? I mean, it's like saying that the mod will grow, and get bigger, but you can't download just the portion of it you want.
I would be pissed if I had to download a massive file (at 0.01 MB/s) just for one subsection.
Now, in fairness, the little part I removed:
Everything to do with the crystals works off of the dye color palette, much as DyeTrees does. It could become one coherent (colorful) mod.
While a "Color Magic" mod might be workable -- given what you've done so far, it's very possible that you can make it work -- it's not what I want.
Will it be possible to use DyeTrees v20 without magic even if DragonAPI etc. continue to update past 25, 30, etc?