Mod Pack: Unhinged
Mod & Version:Minecraft 1.5.2 (Graphical Errors,AS SAME without optifine)
Pastebin link to crash log:none this time,I get faustrated by getting like billions of errors
Whats the bug?Really,It's basically some mod 'corrupt' the rendering engine caused hell LOTS of lag spike of death and 'GL Error'
I have NO idea what happen to 'any' of those mods since I add literally nothing to it,Except two config from IC2 to generate both copper and tin,and
i think that makes nothing bad,didn't fiddle with any config at all
Can it be repeated?Yup,obviously,happen to some other modpack including infamy as well
Known Fix:Optifine don't fix it,normal minecraft fast render still don't fix,no light update from GT still don't work,since it's something to do with Biome's o Plenty,I tried using optifine 'ultimate' with ALL fast rendering still i got Lag spikes of death but not GL Error,this is getting 'really' faustrating,and i hope that people leaves the Rendering Engine untouch since 'Biome's O' plenty 'renders' the skies as well,oh hell yes,i tried remove it but still get those lag spikes of death and GL Error,I think it's either the 'ore' Generation have some problem cause some part of rendering engine renders a whole chunk being transparent,you can still walk on it,but it's literally 'transparent' and you can see tunnels and caves around,good sight,but bad for FML.