Changelog for Mindcrack 8.1.1? I've just updated the pack and couldn't find any changelog here. The new layout looks great, but I'm more interested in mod updates 

*coughfurriescough*My Little Pony, directed at a younger audience... but i suspect that it will be used heavily by an older crowd as well XD
Indeed, sometimes I feel like I'm watching a holy war. A new show gets popular with some of the net, grows a fan group. The fan group grows into fanatics. Then they cross the event horizon and you get people who'd name themselves after the show (bronies, whovians, trekkers) this is the point where you'd get a convention. I'll pause here to let you get the idea that anything there's a convention for has crossed this line. So, picture these convention sized groups, in continual holy war with other sized convention group. They occupy the web on forra and when a member of one faction brushes with a member of another faction, things get hostile.
Now, sometimes an upstart group will surrender itself into an older group, take a loss of identity to be in a larger fanbase. I doubt that we'll see bronies merge into furs until the show has gone the way of the serenity. It took quite a while for the browncoats to surrender themselves to being just sci-fi fans. Me, I aim to misbehave. when do we know that there will be a yogscast pack?
Slowpoke has talked about it in the past, and I believe Watchful confirmed it.has slowpoke confirmed anything?
back on topic: I suggest adding on the side if the mod adds worldgen or not.
Well, let's just hope there is no drama when they come over here, thanks for letting me know!
Theres already quite a bit of drama in the modding community. I'm not blaming anyone in particular, but both the modders and the people who play them seem to cause more unnecessary drama then the rest of the MC community