Bye Bye FTB Forums. Anyone been to any curse forums? Not worth the trouble.
IIRC it was stated multiple times the move would not happen until the Curse forum is at least as good as our current one.
Bye Bye FTB Forums. Anyone been to any curse forums? Not worth the trouble.
Not sure how long that's going to take, looking at the MCF's state. That newer version of the site is buggy and hasn't really changed over the many months it's been introduced.IIRC it was stated multiple times the move would not happen until the Curse forum is at least as good as our current one.
Not sure how long that's going to take, looking at the MCF's state. That newer version of the site is buggy and hasn't really changed over the many months it's been introduced.
Is says right after the part that you quoted that they won't be changing the forum software until satisfied that the new one won't be worse, just changing where the forums are hosted to start with...Bye Bye FTB Forums. Anyone been to any curse forums? Not worth the trouble.
I hope not.Keep in mind we may not even get the same software as what MCF is running.
Suddenly relievedTo clarify... we're not preparing to move forum software just servers
AS2 will be coming out. @Jadedcat maybe can tell you more but its kinda top secret stuff IIRCI would love to see a new, possibly FTB-approved (in other words, not a part of the 3rd party packs) Agrarian Skies-esque pack. I keep FTB around specifically for the old one.
Why does it matter whether it's FTB or third party?I would love to see a new, possibly FTB-approved (in other words, not a part of the 3rd party packs) Agrarian Skies-esque pack. I keep FTB around specifically for the old one.
I think they may mean it's on the launcher. Because some people don't want to have to look through forum threads, and find a pack code, for a pack that is AgSkies-esc...Why does it matter whether it's FTB or third party?
HQM packs are not all good...I think everyone wants good HQMI think they may mean it's on the launcher. Because some people don't want to have to look through forum threads, and find a pack code, for a pack that is AgSkies-esc...
However I would argue that around 75% of the non-launcher packs, for 1.7.10, are launcher-worthy, when compared to some of the other packs on the launcher. Of course, we aren't going to compare them to packs such as ME^4, RR2, TolkeinCraft, etc. just because those are all very well based on a story/quest.
*I say 75% because, from what I have seen, that is about the percentage which have HQM (I haven't played all of them, so I don't know how well they play, but it seems nowadays everyone wants HQM - from what I have seen around the forums)
You mean ME^4 or its predecessor?If peeps are looking for some HQM stuff, they need not look any further than Material Energy.
Would play that one again, maybe with a friend this time around.
Haven't played ME^4, but if it lives up to ME^3, it sounds like something I should be stoked for.You mean ME^4 or its predecessor?
I'm currently watching Direwolf20's and Pahimar's Let's Play on ME^4.
Add @Anti-Sleepyscumbag to that list
I'm so glad you have finally seen the error of your ways. at least a little. You haven't completely abandoned this crazy quests in my minecraft idiocy but at least you are getting back to the core of what makes FTB great. great stable packs that just work without quests that DO NOT BELONG in minecraft. It takes entirely to much time and effort for you guys to try to maintain for a game that isn't a RPG. I could see it if it was. but it's not and that is why I play Minecraft. when I want a RPG i play one. anyway, I'll quit shaking my cane and get down off of my soap box and let you get back to your development of great packs. and Yea it has been told to me before that I could "Just ignore" the quests" but it bugs me that it delays the release and or the update of packs when they are in them. /end rantWhen coming up with the specs for the packs that we wanted to create for 1.7, we failed to include a kitchen sink pack in our list and it is my belief now that this was a mistake
You can have your own opinions, but don't shout at people for doing what they want to.