I have no idea what you are even trying to say.
I replied in his own words.
I do not like that sentiment either but sometimes you are just not interested to pursue it any further.
It is well and good to make blanket Statements that serve only the name call a pack however the question raised by the poster is still to the point. There are no "Standards" in place anywhere. SO If you want to discuss these so called "Modern Standards" you might start with what those are first and maybe not try and run off every person the disagrees with your view point. Since the statement was to me I will go ahead and ask "What are these "Modern Standards" you are referring to. Cause as far as I know AOE is also a 1.10 pack. So I don't have any clue why FTB Continuum being started planning wise in 1.10 has to do with that pack. Also AOE is based on ages. You can find these types of packs out there this is far from the Standard for Expert progression pack.
The poster did not raise a question, at least not in a form I am willing to discuss.
Maybe standards is the wrong word but I like the quality implications that it has.
To me the AoE similarities are quite obvious and this pack would roughly fall into that time frame as well were it released when it was first planned.
Group progression gating in named "ages"/stages/tiers or don't that is not what I am talking about.
I just think that if you look at other packs that have come out it is hard to argue that FTB has been pushing the envelope with this one.
This has started as a 1.10 pack. This much is a fact. This has not been a continuous work over the last 2 years, that much is obvious too (and would have not been possible technologically).
All I am saying is if they start a fresh design on a pack with all that stuff that we now have in the "modpack community" in terms of technology, experience and different approaches I am hoping to see something major out of FTB.
Kinda feels like it's their turn to show they are still on the forefront.