FTB Beyond Release

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How about a real question. What mods are the devs looking at to add later once those mods become stable? I'm sure you're looking at Thaumcraft. Are there any others?
And, given that, if the mod you add later gens ore, does that mean we'll have to move to unloaded chunks once the mod is added?
One of the mods they use I believe back gens ores gen for new mods. I don't know the name so you shouldn't have to restart later barring some massive game glitch.
Anyone else no able to burn redstone in a furnace to make flux for the mod FluxNetworks? Its in the pack but I can't use it....
Anyone else no able to burn redstone in a furnace to make flux for the mod FluxNetworks? Its in the pack but I can't use it....
from the mentions of recipe changes ive heard already from this thread , if a recipe does not work check jei for what recipe it says wil make the item .
because it sounds like the flux recipe has been changed by craft tweaker
from the mentions of recipe changes ive heard already from this thread , if a recipe does not work check jei for what recipe it says wil make the item .
because it sounds like the flux recipe has been changed by craft tweaker

I did check and flux is in JEI but it when you click on it, it doesnt show anything on how to make it. It just says you can make it by burning redstone but I have no been able to find a way to burn redstone to be able to make flux. so if it has been changed, does anyone know what it was changed too?
This pack just feels to be missing that magic spark that every FTB Flagship pack has given me in the past. (for now am just going to wait) ....and I very much enjoyed Infinity lite..right or wrong am just not feeling this pack.
Can someone explain why you nerfed Psi? I can sort of understand Quark, but why Psi? I could understand making it require Obsidian or something, but nether stars and dragon eggs? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?
This pack just feels to be missing that magic spark that every FTB Flagship pack has given me in the past. (for now am just going to wait) ....and I very much enjoyed Infinity lite..right or wrong am just not feeling this pack.
Need Magic, MAgic!!! rofl Joking aside I want to do a magic run lp but there really isn't a good magic mod to start with.
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Is there anyway to turn EU to RF I understand they don't wanna move rf to Eu and it wasnt designed to from what ive been reading but I really hate having to make multiple different power gens with different storages
Any chance of more magic mods like Ars Magica and Astral Sorcery being added?
out of curiosity why dont blood magic or botania count ?
well there is magic tech mods and magic mods. Magic mods let you cast spells and use magic as the player you have the magic. Blood magic and botania let you build and use magic items for the most part you really never have any magic your self. Closest thing I can think of to a real magic mod in packs these days would be roots or that soul one.
How can I get Plugins working on Beyond?
I am seeing servers running stuff like PEX or Essentials for ranks and such, RTP, Holographic Signs, and many others, but when I try to get any plugins working I cant.
I even tried loading sponge, but thats not working.

Any help would be awesome!
I need to get Kits, Ranks & Nicks bad, my friends are wanting to go play on someone elses server if I can't get this going

Draconic evolution is in the mod list but no tweaks to it have been mentioned ? not even a simple "hard mode is enabled" config swap ?

Why does actually additions require nether access to do really anything ? if their is a specific item(s) that are problems why aren't those changed instead ?
How can I get Plugins working on Beyond?
I am seeing servers running stuff like PEX or Essentials for ranks and such, RTP, Holographic Signs, and many others, but when I try to get any plugins working I cant.
I even tried loading sponge, but thats not working.

Any help would be awesome!
I need to get Kits, Ranks & Nicks bad, my friends are wanting to go play on someone elses server if I can't get this going


Plugins are not supported, FTB Utilities should cover most of what you are after.
I tried to change gamerules yesterday in my Server were I´m OP by using ingame console with /gamerule mobGriefing false...
Chat sais that is has been update correctly but next creeper blew up my base...
Any reason wht this does not apply? Is there maybe any mod like FTB Utilities or something that over rules this?
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Really like all mods in this pack but lots of the stuff i really love is disabled on this pack. If this pack didn't change and disable so much and not tell you at all i may play it. The one that really gets me is the Portable Tank form Thermal Expansion seems like only the basic on is enabled and Agrocrafts ore plants are out then there also Quark in this pack but why bother adding Quark if you're just going to disable everything? if i could just enable everything again it would be nice