Flesh Craft-Mod In Progress

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Love this mod idea. Would definitely volunteer to test it. Any idea on what version of MC it would be on?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thought so. I would love to put it on Direwolf20's pack and combine it with thaumcraft.
Maybe zombie brain in a jar minions?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thought so. I would love to put it on Direwolf20's pack and combine it with thaumcraft.
Maybe zombie brain in a jar minions?

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That sounds pretty cool, they could be like those clay golems, but instead it can do one of the things the normal system can do. For example, if you made a grinding brain in a jar minion, it would grind all ores and anything you can macerate/pulverize regularly in the chest under it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds pretty cool, they could be like those clay golems, but instead it can do one of the things the normal system can do. For example, if you made a grinding brain in a jar minion, it would grind all ores and anything you can macerate/pulverize regularly in the chest under it.

That does sound really useful.
Azanor would need to get contacted, but idk if it should be a part of thaumcraft research or just an infested golem. Although brain in a jars could be like oculi, but with a seperate command sequence.
E.g. little brains that add to the mother brain.
P.S. (add metroids) :p

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Metroids would be pretty cool. Maybe they would go out in a radius of the brain, and would seek out enemy players and mobs, and kill them, taking their items and XP back to the brain.

And we now have a banner! Well, a temporary one, we should be getting a better one soon:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haha, love the banner.
Metroids could be BiaJ with tentacles that walk, or a thaumcraft mechanic that gave them levitation.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Ben shapiro
Haha, love the banner.
Metroids could be BiaJ with tentacles that walk, or a thaumcraft mechanic that gave them levitation.

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It will always be accessible just we are getting more variety one from someone who has made good banners in the past and the other well..

This is not a derp like me it had some problems in it's creation in other words no bueno (no good)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just quickly went through the first post and I kinda like the idea!!
SkeletonPunk are you the only coder working on this? Did you make it open source?
I could give you a hand if you want, just tell me ;)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just quickly went through the first post and I kinda like the idea!!
SkeletonPunk are you the only coder working on this? Did you make it open source?
I could give you a hand if you want, just tell me ;)

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I am not the only coder, no. Solomon codes to. If you want to help you should ask Creeper Catcha or Derpysauce.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just quickly went through the first post and I kinda like the idea!!
SkeletonPunk are you the only coder working on this? Did you make it open source?
I could give you a hand if you want, just tell me ;)

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How good at you at coding? Your more than welcome to help if its ok with the others. Just make sure its ok with derpysauce and the other coders.[DOUBLEPOST=1391804862][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, this is for 1.6.4 right? or are you coding it for another version?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well the thing is that I don't have a lot of time so I definitely won't be available as a full time developer. But I'd gladly help from time to time.
Is the mod open source?

I never made a real big mod but I tried a few things here and there. Anyway, I have a master degree in computer science and I'm a Java developer for living so I guess it should be fine ;)

I guess I'll wait the approval of derpysauce then. Also, I'm based in GMT+1 so I don't know how that will cope with the rest of the team...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It could be what happens if you give the cyborg or whatever too much sustenance and independence, it grows and gains the ability to break blocks, like an ender dragon.
Change the organism to an entity, similar to the ships in the Archemedes Ships Mod?


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Change the organism to an entity, similar to the ships in the Archemedes Ships Mod?
No that's not what I meant. THere's a possible idea for something which is basically a travelling interface with the brain, we think of it as a cyborg for now, but it also has the same problems of sanity, energy need and independence, so if maybe it went mad it could go all attack on titan on yo' arse.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Ben shapiro
How good at you at coding? Your more than welcome to help if its ok with the others. Just make sure its ok with derpysauce and the other coders.[DOUBLEPOST=1391804862][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, this is for 1.6.4 right? or are you coding it for another version?
I'm not actually coding it I know how to code and how to read code but I have not tried my hand at coding mods for minecraft and I don't think it's a good idea to start on this mod that's like going from vegan to a omnivar and starting with McDonald's new burger the 20 20lb meat master if you can't do math that's about 400lb I say about because there's buns
And I believe that the mod is 1.6.4 and nauktis any chance you can give us a sample? Like make a simple mob I like the masters digrea but this has become a brain child basically and you don't hand baby's to strangers unless you're in soviete Russia or your very trusting
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