Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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Username: Protieus
Previous OP/Mod Experience: I was an Admin in a small tekkit server but they refused to change over to FTB so Im here
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? None
How well do you know linux? Not at all
Other information:I record youtube videos, Am very nice, And love FTB
Previous OP/Mod Experience:i've never been either but i have been on a few servers. as for mods that i have used. ive used technic, yogbox, pokemobs, the moon, the aether, etc.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? none id really like to learn java or html someday though.
How well do you know linux?a small enough amount that is more than nothing and yet not enough to use linux
Other information: im a quick learner but i have had no previous experience with ftb.
Previous OP/Mod Experience:i've never been either but i have been on a few servers. as for mods that i have used. ive used technic, yogbox, pokemobs, the moon, the aether, etc.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? none id really like to learn java or html someday though.
How well do you know linux?a small enough amount that is more than nothing and yet not enough to use linux
Other information: im a quick learner but i have had no previous experience with ftb.

Sorry, for some reason even after deleting the mod the mod items dont seem to want to go away, trying to figure out why.

Edit: for now, we will leave it in until we figure it out. It seems to crash the server if we remove it... >.> broken mod is broken.
ok so, FTB website doesnt allow .properties files, so change the portalgun.txt to then it will work.


Sighs something seems to be wrong with my Age.
I think it might have been the quarry I forgot to turn off overnight and has now shat the entire area with thousands of blocks -.-
I think, but I can't check. The server ain't exactly a happy panda when I try and log on in my age.