Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
However, when you want people to come to your site and use your modpack, you'd better inform the masses. It's rude, and unprofessional not to do so.

Letting us know that they are missing a deadline is not a kindness. It's required if you want people to remain loyal, donate and continue to use said service. FTB is not the only source of mod packs and launchers out there.

It doesn't matter if it's free, or a paid service. And me being annoyed at the lack of communication isn't me being a brat - it's me expecting people to honor their word. On the internet, what else do you have?

No one would have their "panties tied round their orbic dangles" with communication - it really is that simple. A post saying "hey, we're having some issues and need to push the release back" would go a long way to making people feel as if they MATTER.

I'm not angry or butthurt at the FTB team. I am very disappointed that once again, we are left completely out of the loop/hanging.

You hit the orbic dangles on the head. Er, nail. Oh my.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so it was mentioned that FTB does this for free.. which to some point that's true. Now they have a deal with Creeper Host, they receive donations for their efforts usually the ones streaming though, they help promote mods and their authors.. they are getting some kick backs.

On that note, I would say the FTB team does it because they love Minecraft more then the kickbacks. I wish i could see the total amount of time I have played Minecraft. for that $25 fee we paid, or cheaper if you got in on the pre-release versus the amount of time playing. Id be willing to say Minecraft has given it's player base more bang for the buck compared to any game ever released. And I'd also like to say that it's also because of Mod'ers and groups like FTB and Tekkit which helped Mincraft be such a hit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can concede that it would have been nice to hear something like "something came up, have to delay 1.5 pack" etc. would be nice and after giving a date does land further in the rudeness level. Still, all other things aside from a need for being a little more communicative, they do good quality packs you know will work. Some of us might not have much trouble doing the config legwork but I am sure it matters a lot to those that do struggle there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The FTB team should've never mentioned a release date when it depends on the mod authors updating the mods. Xycraft, for instance, was supposed to have more features released when 1.5 came out. It's out and we get to see DW20 and the other authors play with them but they are not available. Seems to me the more people who beta your mod the better your chances of finding bugs.

Really it's out. Where? Have you played it?
Hes' finished the world gen portion of the mod but neither that or any other part of Xycraft for 1.5 is available to the public.
As it has bin mentioned countless times by now the forgecraft server is for testing. And yes public betas would add more people to find bugs. Lots and lots of people. Unqualified people who wouldn't know a bug from a hole in the ground.
Who would post endlessly about every single thing they don't like about it. from deliberate changes to completely unrelated problem.
And what bugs they did find would be posted about endlessly. Every one would post. About every bug. It wouldn't matter if every other person on the forum posted about the same bug they would still pots about it.
Do you want to go sorting threw a few thousand illiterate posts?
Most of them giving useful helpful information such as: its' borke fix it. it cwashed fixi t . fix it fix it . your mod is stupid and your a popyface.

Those who are testing it are also largely the ones best qualified to fix it. The rest are ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it.

"ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it."
This is the important part of this whole post.
How long would it take for a mod maker to simply start ignoring all such posts? Not ling. In fact that's' precisely why Forgcraft was crated. And why open betas don't happen anymore. People like you. So thank you. Your complaining has changed the world. Lets all give him a big hand.

End rant.[DOUBLEPOST=1367305283][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can concede that it would have been nice to hear something like "something came up, have to delay 1.5 pack" etc. would be nice and after giving a date does land further in the rudeness level. Still, all other things aside from a need for being a little more communicative, they do good quality packs you know will work. Some of us might not have much trouble doing the config legwork but I am sure it matters a lot to those that do struggle there.

How about something like:
My name is slowpoke.
I am not god.
I don't know everything.
I can not be help responsible if a last minute problem has prevented us from releasing as planed. I do not appreciate all these negative comments directed to me about something I have no control over. So rather than saying anything knowing full well that nothing I say will stop the comments I wont' bother trying to say anything at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So rather than saying anything knowing full well that nothing I say will stop the comments I wont' bother trying to say anything at all.

I think that's where you're wrong and right. Some people may still spam endlessly after a statement is made, but the majority of people would be pleased. (Myself included.) It's a simple matter of what's the polite thing to do. I realize a few bad apples spoil the bunch, but we're people, not apples. The decent members of this community deserve to know what's going on even if the trolls and spammers don't. Since this forum is a form of public media, not private communication, the best way to inform the people that deserve to know is by publicly announcing it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This website, the launcher the whole package has a very professional feel to it, lulls you into expecting professional behavior from the people in charge. This kind of communication void shows they're maybe a bit more amateur than we expect them to be, I'm sure they'll improve.

A 1 line edit of his original post doesn't seem like an unreasonable expectation when said post still contains the line: "or the following Monday at the latest (April 29)"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly you just have to look at the line up of the mods the Tekkit pack has on release. It leaves a lot to be desired; when they update their worlds are going to lack so many ores its almost a waste of time. It's much smarter to wait until the large mods are released, IC2/Railcraft/Gregtech/Forestry/Redpower(maybe)/Soul Shards/etc. Keeping to a deadline regardless of changes is not a smart move in my opinion.

That said, more communication from the FTB team would be professional and generally helpful. If you state your intentions and things turn out for the worst, notify people. Reading through this thread shows how great this community can be, even when things haven't turned out for the best the majority of us are fine with that, its only the lack of communication that's considered a problem. I'd much rather hear something disappointing about time-frames than nothing at all, basically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really it's out. Where? Have you played it?
Hes' finished the world gen portion of the mod but neither that or any other part of Xycraft for 1.5 is available to the public.
As it has bin mentioned countless times by now the forgecraft server is for testing. And yes public betas would add more people to find bugs. Lots and lots of people. Unqualified people who wouldn't know a bug from a hole in the ground.
Who would post endlessly about every single thing they don't like about it. from deliberate changes to completely unrelated problem.
And what bugs they did find would be posted about endlessly. Every one would post. About every bug. It wouldn't matter if every other person on the forum posted about the same bug they would still pots about it.
Do you want to go sorting threw a few thousand illiterate posts?
Most of them giving useful helpful information such as: its' borke fix it. it cwashed fixi t . fix it fix it . your mod is stupid and your a popyface.

Those who are testing it are also largely the ones best qualified to fix it. The rest are ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it.

"ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it."
This is the important part of this whole post.
How long would it take for a mod maker to simply start ignoring all such posts? Not ling. In fact that's' precisely why Forgcraft was crated. And why open betas don't happen anymore. People like you. So thank you. Your complaining has changed the world. Lets all give him a big hand.

End rant.[DOUBLEPOST=1367305283][/DOUBLEPOST]

How about something like:
My name is slowpoke.
I am not god.
I don't know everything.
I can not be help responsible if a last minute problem has prevented us from releasing as planed. I do not appreciate all these negative comments directed to me about something I have no control over. So rather than saying anything knowing full well that nothing I say will stop the comments I wont' bother trying to say anything at all.

NJM when I stated it's out I was referring to 1.5 not Xycraft. Before you go attacking someones post maybe you should read it a little better. Obviously Xycraft isn't out which was part of the point I was trying to make. And, like most people, you take a snippet of a post and attack it. Additionally, Soaryn ALREADY gets the posts you mentioned so adding a public or semi public beta could help with finding bugs. I know Forgecraft is for testing but are you really sure a lot of people authorized to play on it are? Are we sure the people playing on it are more qualified to find bugs then you? And what makes them more qualified? is it because they do an awesome job entertaining us with their videos? Or is it because they are developers working on their own mods so surely they have time to troubleshoot another mod? Having independent bug testers is a good thing. It's even an industry standard.

And for the record I was not complaining. I pointed out it was a bad idea to give a definitive date when there are too many unknowns. I also pointed out a small note on this thread regarding the failure would have been nice. I mean we did twist Slow's arm to give us the initial post, right? We stormed the lofty offices of FTB and demanded he make a statement!

In fact we did none of that and all we are asking is they follow up the AWESOME information with an equally, although less verbose, response. Maybe something like, "Hey guys we can't make the deadline due to unforeseen complications." Or, "Please be patient we are working diligently to get the pack out and we apologize for missing the deadline." of, "Hey guys we f'ed up giving a deadline we had no way to ensure we could make.". Or (and this is my fav), "Mod developers are not updating fast enough, blame them!"

DISCLAIMER: The quoted lines in the above paragraph are for entertainment purposes only.

If you bothered to read the rest of my post it was quite positive and I even called for the community to chill out and stop complaining.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They could just release a 1.5.1 lite edition with what's out right now.. and add those packs later when there ready (IC2, Railcraft, Red power 2, etc...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get multimc, let it download forge for you.
Download the mods you want, tell multimc to put them in.
Stop complaining.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know nothing about modding, but Minecraft 1.5 has been out for a while, I am surprised that being such popular mods they are not updated yet. Also noting that Minecraft 1.5.2 was supposed to release 5 days ago must mean that Mojang really screwed things up. Like I said, they are popular mods so they will be here soon. Also don't yell at Slow, go to the modders twitter accounts and yell at them there. Finally, if you look closely at the post Slow had with the release he said 4/29 at the latest ASSUMING EVERYTHING GOES OK AND THE MODS ARE DEEMED STABLE. Apparently people can't read or just ignored that part...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know nothing about modding, but Minecraft 1.5 has been out for a while, I am surprised that being such popular mods they are not updated yet. Also noting that Minecraft 1.5.2 was supposed to release 5 days ago must mean that Mojang really screwed things up. Like I said, they are popular mods so they will be here soon. Also don't yell at Slow, go to the modders twitter accounts and yell at them there. Finally, if you look closely at the post Slow had with the release he said 4/29 at the latest ASSUMING EVERYTHING GOES OK AND THE MODS ARE DEEMED STABLE. Apparently people can't read or just ignored that part...
Are you trying to be a troll? Because that's what it looks like. 1.5.2 was never supposed to be released five days ago; the pre-release was released 5 days ago and will probably be pushed to the launcher this week. Almost every mod has updated, and the few that haven't have been a lot of work to update or the mod maker has been busy with other things. The only person we have a right to yell at is Slow, because he said April 29 at the latest, which has not happened. The only news we can get is by visiting his stream to discover a banner saying "There is currently no release date on a 1.5.1 FTB Pack". We aren't complaining that there isn't a pack, we are complaining about the lack of communication.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you trying to be a troll? Because that's what it looks like. 1.5.2 was never supposed to be released five days ago; the pre-release was released 5 days ago and will probably be pushed to the launcher this week. Almost every mod has updated, and the few that haven't have been a lot of work to update or the mod maker has been busy with other things. The only person we have a right to yell at is Slow, because he said April 29 at the latest, which has not happened. The only news we can get is by visiting his stream to discover a banner saying "There is currently no release date on a 1.5.1 FTB Pack". We aren't complaining that there isn't a pack, we are complaining about the lack of communication.
yes, you caught me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really it's out. Where? Have you played it?
Hes' finished the world gen portion of the mod but neither that or any other part of Xycraft for 1.5 is available to the public.
As it has bin mentioned countless times by now the forgecraft server is for testing. And yes public betas would add more people to find bugs. Lots and lots of people. Unqualified people who wouldn't know a bug from a hole in the ground.
Who would post endlessly about every single thing they don't like about it. from deliberate changes to completely unrelated problem.
And what bugs they did find would be posted about endlessly. Every one would post. About every bug. It wouldn't matter if every other person on the forum posted about the same bug they would still pots about it.
Do you want to go sorting threw a few thousand illiterate posts?
Most of them giving useful helpful information such as: its' borke fix it. it cwashed fixi t . fix it fix it . your mod is stupid and your a popyface.

Those who are testing it are also largely the ones best qualified to fix it. The rest are ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it.

"ones who know better than to complain endlessly about it."
This is the important part of this whole post.
How long would it take for a mod maker to simply start ignoring all such posts? Not ling. In fact that's' precisely why Forgcraft was crated. And why open betas don't happen anymore. People like you. So thank you. Your complaining has changed the world. Lets all give him a big hand.

Nice grammar skills you have there.

Realistically, I doubt everyone using an open beta mod would complain about bugs endlessly - most of them would more likely use the mod to play the game and not ever post on the forums, and if they ran into a game-breaking bug, they would probably just give up and uninstall the mod. People are lazy like that. They still wouldn't be properly beta testing it, but not everyone who wants to download an open beta is going to report the same bug or badmouth the creator, that's a hyperbolic assumption.

Hyperbole seems to describe your general opinion of the Minecraft community's reaction to mods and their developers though.

How about something like:
My name is slowpoke.
I am not god.
I don't know everything.
I can not be help responsible if a last minute problem has prevented us from releasing as planed. I do not appreciate all these negative comments directed to me about something I have no control over. So rather than saying anything knowing full well that nothing I say will stop the comments I wont' bother trying to say anything at all.

If he did say that, it would come off as incredibly childish and unprofessional - not to mention offend more people and make them think he wants nothing to do with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Realistically, I doubt everyone using an open beta mod would complain about bugs endlessly - most of them would more likely use the mod to play the game and not ever post on the forums, and if they ran into a game-breaking bug, they would probably just give up and uninstall the mod. People are lazy like that.

They would uninstall them because they though that it was a bad mod. According to one mod developer this is actually one of the resions why they don't release betas. I'd say that while might seem shallow they actually care about the public's opinion of there mod. Who new mod developers actually cared bout there mods.

If he did say that, it would come off as incredibly childish and unprofessional - not to mention offend more people and make them think he wants nothing to do with them.

Hyperbole seems to describe your general opinion of the Minecraft community's reaction to mods and their developers though.

The whole post was Hyperbole. And exaggeration of things to make it easier to understand.
Of the community and of slowpokes reactions.

Think about it like this. If even one percent of the community thought some thing like that or did that things. Do you know just how many of us there are? Even that would be a really big number.
And that last time I watched slows stream even with the message posted on the screen he was asked dozens of times an hour about it. He might have explained it one or twice if asked one or twice. The first couple of times something like this cropped up. But how many before he ignores us.
If it comes to the point where you can ether shout at us or ignore us I wonder which he will choose.

It all comes down to that old addage. If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all.
With that line there should not be any more posts in this thread. Or at least not negative ones. What a bet there will be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They would uninstall them because they though that it was a bad mod. According to one mod developer this is actually one of the resions why they don't release betas. I'd say that while might seem shallow they actually care about the public's opinion of there mod. Who new mod developers actually cared bout there mods.

The whole post was Hyperbole. And exaggeration of things to make it easier to understand.
Of the community and of slowpokes reactions.

Think about it like this. If even one percent of the community thought some thing like that or did that things. Do you know just how many of us there are? Even that would be a really big number.
And that last time I watched slows stream even with the message posted on the screen he was asked dozens of times an hour about it. He might have explained it one or twice if asked one or twice. The first couple of times something like this cropped up. But how many before he ignores us.
If it comes to the point where you can ether shout at us or ignore us I wonder which he will choose.

It all comes down to that old addage. If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all.
With that line there should not be any more posts in this thread. Or at least not negative ones. What a bet there will be.

I would not have even posted in here if there were a front page announcement about updates. My only reason for being in here was to see what the deal was with no update on the specified date. I'd imagine there would at least be 4 less posts on the forum in total from one user (me) if someone bothered to post a proper announcement.
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