Feed The Beast - Redpower and 1.5.x

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure the stream has received a non-trivial influx of viewers over the past few days, people who were desperate for news and couldn't find any on the forums. /conspiracy
I had the same thought when two nights ago slow and two others were discussing the number of twitch viewers slow currently had. one told slow he could make a living off of it and slow said he does. I am not saying slow arranged this but i am saying his lack of updates to this thread after the missed deadline is because he may have seen a financial motivation to only release info thru twitch.tv. Which is rather irresponsible after making this thread with dates in the first place. also before the slow defenders jump on this compare how slow handled this to and open source project that misses a release date. The difference is communication.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you really think conspiracy theories are going to go anywhere? o_O

Even in my rudimentary understanding of economics such an idea is entirely untenable due to people rather quickly leaving without return as substance dries up. In other words, such a short-sighted and short-term approach is only ruinous.

That said, all indications are the FTB team and all those from Forgecraft are fairly personable and honest individuals. Well, RichardG is a bit of a troll, but he's got limits too. :p

I thoroughly expect that although some more communication would be vastly appreciated, there is no dark hidden motive lurking around the FTB crew. Makes about as much sense as a cactus chewing bubblegum with it's fingers. :eek:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also missing world gens such as from xycraft meaning that we will definitely need a new mystctraft age to mine for xycraft ores later when it is out; also without both railcraft and xycraft; we didn't know what liquid tank storage we could make...

What do you mean? There's a RailCraft beta in their IRC channel on esper..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This does not necessarily mean it is true though. Look at gaiacentric model of the universe as an example.
What we say is true now may not be viewed as true in the future, but due to the fact that no one can contest a claim and win, it is viewed as the truth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What we say is true now may not be viewed as true in the future, but due to the fact that no one can contest a claim and win, it is viewed as the truth.
I was not actually meaning to imply anything against what you were all saying, I was just making a comparison to what the other said about something being viewed as true based on it being stated more often.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
This does not necessarily mean it is true though. Look at gaiacentric model of the universe as an example.
exactly. Something being accepted as truth does not necessarily mean that it is true. That's why there are theories and laws, the theories are accepted as truth until proven otherwise, while a law is always true.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imagine a real life real world non profit organisation run by volunteers in their spare time, who gave a product and / or service to the public for no charge.
For arguments sake lets say they give out free bottles of coke to the public on demand.

A new "better" coke is planed but around the time of "estimated" release the non profit organisation of volunteers announce that they have not yet taken delivery of the new "better" coke because not all the ingredients are ready yet.
They still provide the old coke for people to enjoy free of charge as always and ask everyone to be patient.

Question: How many douchebags do you think would fill their offices complaining about lack of new "better" coke and the lack of information ?

Only on the net do you find people who feel they have a right to complain and demand about stuff they recieve for free from volunteers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imagine a real life real world non profit organisation run by volunteers in their spare time, who gave a product and / or service to the public for no charge.
For arguments sake lets say they give out free bottles of coke to the public on demand.

A new "better" coke is planed but around the time of "estimated" release the non profit organisation of volunteers announce that they have not yet taken delivery of the new "better" coke because not all the ingredients are ready yet.
They still provide the old coke for people to enjoy free of charge as always and ask everyone to be patient.

Question: How many douchebags do you think would fill their offices complaining about lack of new "better" coke and the lack of information ?

Only on the net do you find people who feel they have a right to complain and demand about stuff they recieve for free from volunteers.

That might seem like a sound way of thinking but the issue is that Slow didn't estimate the date. He said "at the latest" on the 29th of April. Personally, I don't care that it's not out yet, I've made my own custom pack. The thing that bugs me is the lack of an update from him or the team. I refuse to watch his stream. He uses too much coarse language (I'm 32, it's not that I'm prude or anything, but I feel like it's over the top. Or it used to in the past anyway..). He has enough time to stream, but not to post a single thing on his forums saying "Sorry guys, some bugs still happening, gonna need to delay the beta pack a little bit more. No ETA this time" or anything like that? Heck, he could just ask one of the other members of the team to post something. He's not the only one that "works" on the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only on the net do you find people who feel they have a right to complain and demand about stuff they recieve for free from volunteers.

actually in your example the non-profit organization would have said : "we release the new coke at Jan 1st at the latest !" and on January 1st there is no release of the new coke and there is no information about what happened, or if the non-profit organization is still alive ! :)

I don't think that any real non-profit organization would be so arrogant to behave that way, only on the net you find non-profit teams who feel they have a right to ignore their fans.

Again, most of the people here find that the FTB team is doing a great job with the launcher and the packs but most of the people also find that the communication is lacking, to say the least ... and actually the communication part is probably the easiest to fix (one line is enough !)
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Imagine a real life real world non profit organisation run by volunteers in their spare time, who gave a product and / or service to the public for no charge.
For arguments sake lets say they give out free bottles of coke to the public on demand.

A new "better" coke is planed but around the time of "estimated" release the non profit organisation of volunteers announce that they have not yet taken delivery of the new "better" coke because not all the ingredients are ready yet.
They still provide the old coke for people to enjoy free of charge as always and ask everyone to be patient.

Question: How many douchebags do you think would fill their offices complaining about lack of new "better" coke and the lack of information ?

Only on the net do you find people who feel they have a right to complain and demand about stuff they recieve for free from volunteers.
There's a bit of an issue with your example. In order to be more accurate to the current situation, this non-profit organization producing the better coke say that it will be released at the latest on friday. Friday comes and goes, but the organization gives the public no information at all about the delay, only the people who happen to catch their webshow live, where they talk about all sorts of "interesting" facts about their product and what goes into it, coke drinking contests, recipes using their coke, all sorts of stuff, or watch the recorded version of said webshow. The general population is frustrated by the lack of information, while the people who do watch this webshow have all of the latest news and the general population is kept in the dark. The old coke is still supplied, but the company is not telling the public anything. Their website hasn't updated since the announcement that the new coke would be ready at the latest on friday. Lots of adoring fans are annoyed about the lack of information, because they seem to be doing a lot of webshows, but they don't have enough time to write out one line on their website saying that there is a delay, or even get an intern to do it for them.

What I'm trying to say is providing news via a stream that most people do not watch instead of taking a few minutes to type the news on the forums is just really annoying.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean? There's a RailCraft beta in their IRC channel on esper..

Yeah you are right russjr08, we tried railcraft last night, it went ok. But at the end we have to remove IC2 as it's too buggy. Same problem, we lost all the copper (etc) world gen, and all the IC2 copper in our inventory.

Sorting out our own mod-pack, really not fun :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
exactly. Something being accepted as truth does not necessarily mean that it is true. That's why there are theories and laws, the theories are accepted as truth until proven otherwise, while a law is always true.
Except in science even laws can be revised as new information is discovered. But this is all off topic. I do like to discuss scientific methodology and all. Especially as defined by Karl Popper, but we are still off topic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imagine a real life real world non profit organisation run by volunteers in their spare time, who gave a product and / or service to the public for no charge.
For arguments sake lets say they give out free bottles of coke to the public on demand.

A new "better" coke is planed but around the time of "estimated" release the non profit organisation of volunteers announce that they have not yet taken delivery of the new "better" coke because not all the ingredients are ready yet.
They still provide the old coke for people to enjoy free of charge as always and ask everyone to be patient.

Question: How many douchebags do you think would fill their offices complaining about lack of new "better" coke and the lack of information ?

Only on the net do you find people who feel they have a right to complain and demand about stuff they recieve for free from volunteers.
A like for the sentiment, and for the Dr. Strangelove avatar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just for your interest:

and then assuming that everything goes OK and the mods are deemed stable

Slow never said they release the pack on April the 29th, he said they plan to release it, when all the mods are in a state to do so... and they aren't. A lot of mods still have issues, exspecially when combined together.
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