FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED
MindCrack v8
This is a private server but we are currently recruiting new members.
Since going private, we've had no trouble with griefing, thieves or dupers. This means that we're able to build our houses in THE open without risk of someone stealing you blind for not hiding camouflaged and underground like on THE public servers.
We are looking to add new members to our private server. We are very selective. We only want good people that won't grief our server. Please submit an application to join.
If I like your application and decide to whitelist you, I will send you a personal message.
- No stealing or griefing. At all. Ever.
- Do not engage anyone in PvP unless it's mutually consensual.
- Smack talk is fine. Say what you wish in chat as long as you're not being completely
annoying and obnoxious. This means NO SPAM.
- You do not have to be respectful of any player if you choose not to - this isn't daycare
however, you must be respectful of other people's things and buildings.
- No duping or exploiting.
- No leaking entities onto the map or causing the server to lag. If you can't set up a
quarry without spilling blocks, then get some instruction first.
- From now on, no one will have a recycler attached to any quarry pipe. We've had three major spills due to people trying to put thousands of trash blocks into recyclers.
- QUARRIES- You will not have a quarry running while you are offline. If you wish to run a quarry while AFK, then you can, but your player must be standing on a redstone pressureplate cutoff switch. This means that while you are standing on the pressureplate, the quarry will run. If you lose connection, then your character disappears and your quarry shuts down. If you have never set one of these up, then one of us will show you.
In-Game Name:
Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?:
What do you look for in a server?:
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?
Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server?
Are you able to set up and operate a quarry without spilling blocks onto the map?
If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things:
Why do you wish to join this specific server?
MindCrack v8
This is a private server but we are currently recruiting new members.
Since going private, we've had no trouble with griefing, thieves or dupers. This means that we're able to build our houses in THE open without risk of someone stealing you blind for not hiding camouflaged and underground like on THE public servers.
We are looking to add new members to our private server. We are very selective. We only want good people that won't grief our server. Please submit an application to join.
If I like your application and decide to whitelist you, I will send you a personal message.
- No stealing or griefing. At all. Ever.
- Do not engage anyone in PvP unless it's mutually consensual.
- Smack talk is fine. Say what you wish in chat as long as you're not being completely
annoying and obnoxious. This means NO SPAM.
- You do not have to be respectful of any player if you choose not to - this isn't daycare
however, you must be respectful of other people's things and buildings.
- No duping or exploiting.
- No leaking entities onto the map or causing the server to lag. If you can't set up a
quarry without spilling blocks, then get some instruction first.
- From now on, no one will have a recycler attached to any quarry pipe. We've had three major spills due to people trying to put thousands of trash blocks into recyclers.
- QUARRIES- You will not have a quarry running while you are offline. If you wish to run a quarry while AFK, then you can, but your player must be standing on a redstone pressureplate cutoff switch. This means that while you are standing on the pressureplate, the quarry will run. If you lose connection, then your character disappears and your quarry shuts down. If you have never set one of these up, then one of us will show you.
In-Game Name:
Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?:
What do you look for in a server?:
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?
Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server?
Are you able to set up and operate a quarry without spilling blocks onto the map?
If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things:
Why do you wish to join this specific server?