FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
I made a computer, not sure why but i did. And now when im trying to login the game just crashes when im about to get on the server, can anyone help me?
In-Game Name: Henryv38

Age: 13 I know i'm young but I am mature.

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I have experience with the modpack and almost all the mods in it.

What do you look for in a server?: I look for a good community and a good server.(or at least decent server)

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?: no greefin n steeling ermergerd. Yeah I do :P

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server?: Yeah i do.

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: I was banned from everforest the FTB server because of admittance of guilt. I was banned because I was explaining how to lock somebodies chests and then a guy teleports to me uses a wraith igniter and burns the house down and the person who I was helping thought I did it.The admin even cleaned my inventory broke my chests and gave it to him. I was fine with that. Not like I had quantum or anything. So I mined and mined until I got a diamond and the admin banned me because I wasn't talking so he said Admittance of guilt.
In-Game Name:Unknown35


Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: somewhat, I do, however, have experience with tekkit

What do you look for in a server?: Friendly community and cool build ideas

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? yes

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? yes, I do

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: I have had no previous bans
In-Game Name: abculatter_2

Age: 18

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I've been playing it almost constantly since it came out. :P

What do you look for in a server?: Not really sure, honestly. Active and friendly community, opportunities for builds, good public areas, etc.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? of course.

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Fuck yeah! (I've always hated keeping my tongue...)

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: Never been banned, to my knowledge.
I got up this morning and Windows crashed. I couldn't repair or recover it or even reinstall it without formatting my 1 terabyte harddrive which took forever. I'm having to reinstall all my firewalls, video card drivers, etc. I just now got back online. It'll be another little bit before I can even look at the console to even see if the server is running smoothly.

To you guys above, I'll check your apps in a bit. Thanks for your patience.

In-Game Name: diamondragom987


Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: yes about a month's worth now

What do you look for in a server?: a community type of group

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? yes and i will make sure not to grieve or steal

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? yes it doesn't bother me

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: i have no prior bans
In-Game Name: Dritalin

Age: 28

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: Yes, mostly using IC2 and BC blocks though.

What do you look for in a server?: smaller, tighter community. People who like to show and tell their creations.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Absolutely :)

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Yup

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: N/A
In-Game Name:


Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?:
Not with FTB itself, but I've played tekkit for a couple months.

What do you look for in a server?:
Stable, reliable server-hosting; Mature, sensible, active administration; Friendly, Cooperative Player-base; and no bullshit.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server?

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things:
I was honeypotted in an irc server. I was banned on a server I have never been on.
Unknown35, abculatter_2, Dritalin, Ginger_Bread, you're all on the list.

diamondragom987, the ban site denies me access to your ban history. It's the first time I've encountered this. I have no idea why your record is a secret.
Oh hey Brandon I haven't been able to log on since I tried making a computer and I've been stuck in crash limbo since.. Thought I had sent you a message before but apparently I miss clicked and sent it to someone else.

In-Game Name: Narcisism

Age: 19

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I've played with these mods since DW20's Season 3 LP, so yes :p

What do you look for in a server?: A place where I can hang out, chat, and build some stuff without worrying about being greifed if I don't build underground.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yeap.

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Hell yes :p

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: As far as I know, I've never been banned.

EDIT: Perhaps I missed it, but I don't see what modpack you're using posted anywhere. So uh... which one are you using?
In-Game Name: Sergey1357

Age: 16 in about 2 months :)

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I have very little experience with FTB, however I have a ton of experience with Tekkit (a somewhat similar mod-pack).

What do you look for in a server?: Little to no lag and good enforcement on anti griefing rules. Oh and good uptime at least 80%.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Yes, I find servers that ban you for cursing to be stupid, you should be able to express your emotions in chat.

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: Yes, but it was a mistaken conviction and revoked after about 30 min. Basically someone had and underground base and I accidentally mined into it. Other than that (and I don't think that one counts) no.

Edit: When I added your server to my list it said that you need 1.4.2, but none of the FTB mod-packs work with 1.4.2, if I do get accepted, can you link me to where I could download the 1.4.2 FTB
In-Game Name: Sergey1357

Age: 16 in about 2 months :)

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I have very little experience with FTB, however I have a ton of experience with Tekkit (a somewhat similar mod-pack).

What do you look for in a server?: Little to no lag and good enforcement on anti griefing rules. Oh and good uptime at least 80%.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Yes, I find servers that ban you for cursing to be stupid, you should be able to express your emotions in chat.

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: Yes, but it was a mistaken conviction and revoked after about 30 min. Basically someone had and underground base and I accidentally mined into it. Other than that (and I don't think that one counts) no.

Edit: When I added your server to my list it said that you need 1.4.2, but none of the FTB mod-packs work with 1.4.2, if I do get accepted, can you link me to where I could download the 1.4.2 FTB
the regular mod pack i beleive its somewhere near the bottom called Feed the bead beta pack A
also if there some problems with the server tonight?
In-Game Name: Pr0_Gam3rz

Age: 13

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack? Just a bit.

What do you look for in a server? Fun and social chat.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? HELL DAMN YES!

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? It's fine.

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: Well i play on a vanilla server and when i go down this main ladder i hit the ladder while i go down but not breaking it. I don't know hows that grief but that is my only 'grief'. Thank you
Ok, that was a huuuuge P.I.T.A. but the world is up and running. We have about a 5 hour rollback. I lost stuff from the last 5 hrs, too, so I apologize for the inconvenience and downtime. I got frustrated with the whole thing and shut it down to go to a New Years party last night.

This is what happened, because I think that it's important for you guys to know. We've had a griefer or two that think it's hilarious to use TNT on their neighbors' houses. Since there are no plugins for FTB, the only clues I can get to what happened come from the Forge logs which are like reading Chinese braille. So, I backed up the world and tried to change a value in the invtweaks.txt file from 46 to 0 for TNT. Apparently, the server didn't like this. At all. I couldn't restore the world last night or even get ANY of the saved worlds to work. Someone just logged in and told me that a slew of servers were down last night, so perhaps it was coincidental timing when this all happened that I couldn't get the server going again. I have no clue.

Any time I go to the FTB forums to ask a question, even if I get an answer at all, it's something vague like, "Just alter your config files, man." I suppose they heard some admin talk once about changing the .cfg files, so they think it's somehow helpful to tell me that.

But I do have a bead on who you griefers are. I know of the little feud that is ongoing with a few of you and who is part of it. I have told the server that if you want to build forts and have a war, then that's fine as long as all parties agree to the war beforehand. You haven't done that. You're sneaking over to your neighbor's house and "chicken bombing" or whatever it is you guys call it. THIS WILL STOP. If I have to erase the entire g*dd**n whitelist to make it stop, then I will. When you applied for this server, you read the large print on the title that says no griefing. This means that you are a liar if you agreed to sign up for a nongriefing server yet are now griefing.

From now on, I will start booting people if I even get a whiff of you griefing or stealing. I'm a guy that likes proof before I kick anyone, but since Bukkit and Forge can't seem to get along, I have no way of proving anything until someone comes out with a solution. This problem isn't unique to this server; it's a problem for all FTB admins. If you are found snooping around someone's house or going through a chest that isn't yours, then I will ban you on the spot. I haven't been sneaking around and TPing to spy on people because I've always hated when admins do that crap. But I am going to start watching all of you until we can find the bad guy. I'm not a mean fellow, but you have no business snooping around someone else's house. It's not fair to the honest players to whom I've promised an honest server to have a couple of jackholes blowing up their hard work.

If you enjoy this very stable, smooth server we have, then you'll abide by the rules you agreed to or else you're gone. You've been warned.

You should go check out Fihgu's Command Mods. It adds things like regioning, locking chests, and permissions. It's not as robust as Bukkit, but it will tide you over until Forge Essentials is ready. As far as I can tell, there isn't anything that you can use to log who accessed what blocks and stuff, but at the very least you can let your players lock their houses so people can't grief them.
In-Game Name: mrboomx


Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: barely i want to join servers to learn from other people

What do you look for in a server?:nice people no griefers and no spammers

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?yup HATE griefers

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server?yes

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things:i think i may have 1 me and my friend were in a survival server and we had the good stuff going until we got griefed bad so we found out who did it and we griefed them back and we got banned so i think it was the owner or someone we griefed back
Narcisism and Sergey1357, welcome.

mrboomx, the site listing prior bans doesn't allow me access to your info. Sorry.

In-Game Name: jmdarling

Age: 21

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: Yes. I have been playing FTB for a bit over a month now.

What do you look for in a server?: I am looking for a mature community that enjoys this game and will be respectful of each other. I will not purposely do anything to annoy other players and I expect that the same courtesy is returned to me.

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes.

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Yes.

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: I do not have any prior bans but I have also never played on a server that I do not personally own.