FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Welcome jmdarling.

NOTICE: The whitelist went poo in the crash last night, so let me know if you have troubles.

EDIT: Welcome DJFergy

We have quite a number of people online right now, so I am going to stop recruiting for the moment. Recruiting for this server is now CLOSED. Thanks
In-Game Name: DJFergy
Age: 20
Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: I am very experienced with most of the ftb mods
What do you look for in a server?: I look for a nice friendly atmosphere with helpful players that will lend a hand if needed. I hope to become one of those players if allowed to join.
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Most certainly
Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Absolutely
If you enjoy this very stable, smooth server we have, then you'll abide by the rules you agreed to or else you're gone. You've been warned.
Welcome jmdarling.

NOTICE: The whitelist went poo in the crash last night, so let me know if you have troubles.

EDIT: Welcome DJFergy

We have quite a number of people online right now, so I am going to stop recruiting for the moment. Recruiting for this server is now CLOSED. Thanks
I made a request before this and you accept the other people the made one AFTER me. Why?
Hey recently the server started having unbelievably high block lag. When I started playing I was amazed at how NOT laggy it was, it was almost like single player. Now it is actually lagging more than the average FTB server. Idk if you have any control over this, I just thought I would post to let you know.
Hey recently the server started having unbelievably high block lag. When I started playing I was amazed at how NOT laggy it was, it was almost like single player. Now it is actually lagging more than the average FTB server. Idk if you have any control over this, I just thought I would post to let you know.

The crash today actually generated an intelligible crash report. Apparently there's a bug in IC2 where The values for a part of The nuclear reactor in The IC2.cfg do not match The number that The world map uses. As we learned earlier when I tried to change The value of TNT to "0" to combat a couple of griefers, Minecraft doesn't like numbers that don't match. Until today, we haven't had an issue with The reactor part because no one had yet crafted a reactor.

I've altered The value, and I'm testing The server alone to see if it'll smooth itself out. I had immediately launched The server after changing The values and several people joined at once and it crashed on us. So, I removed The whitelist and I'm letting The server rest a bit with just me inside.

The map it generated is now The one that we originally had this morning which means we had a rollback/rollforward. If this doesn't make sense, just log in and you'll see what I mean. I can't control this type of stuff through Forge. If I had a degree in Java and C++ and whatever else Forge and FTB use, perhaps I could. If The professional programmers coding The FTB still make mistakes, then I surely will, too. I will continue to do The best I can with an inefficiently coded Beta version of this game, and I hope you'll bear with me patiently.

I'm going to re-add The whitelist and open it up to see if it's steady again with more people. It's been running smoothly with just me in-game for The last 30 min. Cross your fingers.

EDIT: And I have discovered that it rains just as much with just me in-game as when The server is open. Perhaps no one has a rainmaker afterall.
The spill is cleaned up, and I've reopened the whitelist. As far as I know, if the map wasn't corrupted by the spill, then we should be stable and smooth.

We're going to be -1 on the whitelist. Dixie, you were an active and enjoyable member to have around, but I've warned you once before about not using a void pipe. Yes, you attached one this time in case I came by to check, but you still had no items going it from your diamond sorter. There's no way anyone should think that a couple of recyclers could handle all those trash blocks. And don't blame the crashes. You can't contribute to crashing and lag then blame them for not having it set up correctly.

No one NEEDS ALL THESE TRASH BLOCKS. Put your trash into a void pipe if you can't figure out how to handle the massive amounts of stuff that comes out of a quarry. I have spent hour and hours the last two days pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is causing the trouble and here you are spilling over 3000 blocks onto the ground. I went to bed at 6:30 this morning trying to figure this out.

If you've forgotten about this post that I added to the front page in red, I will refresh your memory:
"- From now on, if you are tied to lag, and if you can't resolve it in a timely manner, then I have no choice but to remove you from the whitelist. FTB doesn't yet have the plugins for me to check problems. If people are telling you that the server was smooth all day until you logged in, then that means you need to fix your problem. If you have pipes with 10,000 items inside running in a loop or if you're leaking blocks onto the ground, you need to clean it up and stop the leak. It's not fair to the players that one or two people create lag machines. I have asked and asked until I'm blue in the face, but laggy players are gaffing it off. I'm not being mean, I'm just tired of a few people messing up an otherwise smooth server. Thanks."

I apologize to the rest of you for the lag and downtime.
In-Game Name: Taidel

Age: 24

Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: Nope, I've been playing with Technic for about a year now, FTB looks like a fun alternative that I'd love to learn

What do you look for in a server?: Mature people who can respect other people and their things, a fun environment, Mods/Owners who aren't strangers and actually log in from time to time

Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yep

Do you accept that foul language is allowed on this server? Yep

If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: Never been banned before

Last line of post #176:
If you enjoy this very stable, smooth server we have, then you'll abide by the rules you agreed to or else you're gone. You've been warned.
The spill is cleaned up, and I've reopened the whitelist. As far as I know, if the map wasn't corrupted by the spill, then we should be stable and smooth.

I'm not certain if you have reopened the whitelist or not, but if you have, I might have been accidentally wiped from it. When I tried logging on today it said "you are not whitelisted on this server." Sorry to trouble you, Sergey1357.
Edit: It also seems that the player cap is set to 2?
NVM all of this is fixed thanks a lot
After much grief and hardship, I've decided that an efficient FTB server will only work with a very small private whitelist. Some people have no respect for the fact that a person pays for a server for everyone to enjoy. People grief. They steal. They dupe and create large numbers of machines that they've been told will lag the CPU. And they spill thousands of blocks all over the ground because they just don't feel like installing a void pipe after being asked to repeatedly.

I know the majority of you are good players and are not to blame for any of this. But I'm tired, guys. There's no way for me to look to see who is running 10 turtles and spilling items on the ground. All I can do is reset the whitelist and select a few people that I know will make a good build and who won't destroy the map. I've spent more hours trying to fix this mess than people spend getting paid at work each day. And in the end, it means that I spend all my time reading forums and trying to troubleshoot rather than getting to play Minecraft.

When the devs get their mods stable to where we can go haywire with machines and ages and portal guns and they make quarries where they won't destroy a map, then we can all open this up and have a nice server for everyone that wants to log in. Until then, I have to make this small and private with people I can trust to turn off their machines when I ask them and to check their quarries and pipes.

If you guys are looking for a semi-stable server, then check out the minemod servers. The trouble I had with them is that they have hardly any enforcement for griefing or stealing, so you have bands of people flying around looking for stuff to grief and steal. They will also crash every couple of hours, but they have the least amount of lag that I've seen out of most FTB servers. If you're looking for a semistable, anarchy sort of server where anything goes, then try them. And I don't know them and am not advertising for them. I just hate leaving you guys out to dry when most of you have been very nice and good members here.

Good luck to all of you. If the FTB mod devs ever fix their unstable code, then I'll have another public server that everyone can come enjoy together.
so most all of us were removed? :/ damn, well off to find a new server again, sorry if i had been causing lag or anything with my quarry
I don't see a reason why you unlisted me. I managed my quarry and didn't even touch turtles.
IGN ales94x
Wow, seems like I applied at the perfect time. I love working with others to build happy, safe, stable communities, and that's always easier when you're with the first draft of people. Sorry for all of the heartache you've been through, I can only imagine the hassle of constantly trying to fix something that stays broken. I'll keep checking back to see what's up, but otherwise good luck working the server :)
Hey, Brandon. I'd like to get back on the whitelist, too. My quarry was well managed with no spillovers or tons of blocks in the pipes.
Age: 15 Years
Experience: Industrial Craft and thaumcraft
Yes I am a mature person.
No i havent every been banned

what i look for in a server: no griefers and a nice friendly community
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes
If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: i never been banned
IGN: alexdel
Age: 15 Years
Experience: Industrial Craft and thaumcraft
Yes I am a mature person.
No i havent every been banned

what i look for in a server: no griefers and a nice friendly community
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing? Yes
If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things: i never been banned
IGN: alexdel
i dont think you read the thread jackhammer, its closed to people joining
BrandonBP said he reset the whitelist and selected a few trustworthy people to join. Are you saying he's got his group of people and will not invite anymore, or will he once in a while invite trustworthy people that he gets to know first? I'm sure that if we had a chat I could gain his trust; I'm a nice person, easy going :). Just trying to find a good FTB server; small, whitelist-only sounds perfect to me. But if there will not be any more invites, I'll respectfully leave and check out the minemod servers Brandon recommended.

Hi all,

The advanced machines crash has struck again. This time, I couldn't resolve it without taking out the Advanced Machines mod. This is the only fix listed anywhere in any forums for this Advanced Machines v4.4 bug.

I have to go to a meeting for a few 3 or 4 hours, but I will work on trying to install the latest version of Advanced Machines when I get back. I don't know if the latest version with the new fixes will work with our current build.

For future reference, the bug crashes the server when over 64 dusts appear in the right slots of the rotary macerator while BC pipes are attached. I can confirm this because I was the one who did it. :/ I thought I could get back in and simply destroy the machine, but every thread I could find on this afterwards says that removal and reinstallation of Advanced Machines is the only way to reset the issue.

I'll research it tonight to see if the newer - and hopefully repaired - version of Advanced Machines will work on our build.


Ok all, it appears that Advanced Machines v4.5 fixes the rotary macerator crash bug!

Get it here: https://www.sugarsyn...5634581_7573577

Use your FTB launcher program to remove Advanced Machines 4.4 and add 4.5. It's a very, very easy process and a very small download.

EDIT: Well I knew it was too good to be true. It's never just anything simple. Advanced Machines v4.5 somehow borks the machines in our current version of RailCraft. Updating RailCraft then wants an update of Forge. Jeez

So, I'm reinstalling the original bugged Advanced Machines 4.4. I'm testing the server and will update in a few.



Ok, I closed out the trouble ticket before the server people even got out of bed. I ate a healthy dinner and watched TV for a while and was able to come back and fix this thing in two minutes after having toiled over it for hours. I guess it's good to take a break sometimes.

We didn't have to even rollback; however, Advanced Machines has been returned to its former gloriously broken state. If the dusts in the right output boxes of the rotary macerator go to 64 while being fed by pipes, then it will crash the server and everyone will lose all their advanced machinery. Remember, I am not a programmer and am not responsible for these modpack bugs. I'm just the guy that makes them worse by trying to fix them. :O

So get in here!
I'm taking it that no response means no to me joining. Eh, had to try. However, thanks for ignoring me. A "no" would've been nice :(
