I don't know. Biomass/Biofuel made more sense, since you can make that basically out of anything, but to make Ethanol, you need sugar. Yes, i know that there are working setups to manufacture Ethanol out of sawdust and other organic materials, but it is a very inefficient and costly process compared to the simple fermenting of sugar(Or sugary liquids, like Apple Juice or Corn Syrup, or Beets...), since you still need special bacterias and chemistry to turn the organic materials into sugars that can be fermented. I just find that, well, since we already have sugarcane and sugar in Minecraft... Makes sense right? No comments on the balance and bug issues, i just find the name change weird because of how the making of the stuff works, that's all.
I would really like to see *both* Ethanol and Biofuel being options, with different methods of production, in Forestry. Another suggestion that could be good is to introduce another step after Biomass into which you turn it into Methane, which Gregtech already has, while nerfing Biomass so that it's really inefficient. So we have the "holy trifecta" of current-day natural fuels, which are methane(natural gas), ethanol, and biofuel(biodiesel). That would be really good. Ethanol as a starter liquid, as it is the process that requires the fewer amount of resources, and then methane/biodiesel as semi-equivalent later game options, with methane being produced with animal products, and biodiesel with plant matter. Methinks that would be very cool. Also, another neat idea: A multiblock structure like the Coke Oven, only used to cook different kinds of meat, producing Grease as a byproduct(Like the Coke Oven produces Creosote Oil), this Grease can then be used as a very inefficient starter fuel, or used as a booster in a Fermenter in order to produce Biodiesel more efficiently. Or as an ingredient in yummy, extremely caloric and fatty food recipes. Deep Fried Squid? Deep Fried ANYTHING? Yummy. Also placeable in-world as a liquid that transports mobs faster(because it's slippery), and can also burn in-world. Minecraft has a serious lack of lakes of fire.