If RP3 is a direct port I couldn't be less interested.
Itemducts are better than tubes(just need the ability to transmit redstone)
MFFS, Redstone in Motion are both better than frames
Blutricity is yet another power system to annoy me
ANY sorting system above BC is better than RP2's
ProjectRed's redstone circuits cause less lag and lighting updates
Forge multipart blows RP's microparts out the water cos it's an API and everyone can use it
Only RP2 machine I ever built was to make the circuit parts, any other tech mods machines are better
Mekanism's windmills are cooler
Eloraam whines too much, started her crap again I see
Just my 2cents but she's got a lot of catching up to do, mods are light years ahead of where they were back in 1.4