I meant my config changes.If it broke what the author intended, then either they wouldn't have made it that way in the first place or they'd release an update to change it.
I meant my config changes.If it broke what the author intended, then either they wouldn't have made it that way in the first place or they'd release an update to change it.
So what? If he wants to do that for HIS game, what business is if of yours? Similarly, If you want MORE balance, your option is to do the same and change your own config files to reflect your own ideals.
I do not want to play under Hoffs or your ideals of what balance is. You don't seem to understand that you have no right to push your own ideal of what balance is to you onto everyone. As I and everyone else has been telling you: Play the damn game the way YOU want, and stop whining and let everyone else play the game they want to play it.
Doubling ore output is exactly what Hoff said.
1 ore = 1 Ingot in vanilla, so 1 ore = 2 dusts = 2 ingots is essentially converting energy into matter to get that second dust that appeared out of nowhere.
Part of what makes minecraft so amazing is the community.
So please, I know we all like to be right, but we also have to listen to eachother, don't we?
Perfectly said.We really can't just go, willy nilly, into the configs and change everything. Part of what makes minecraft so amazing is the community.
You've seen some of the amazing things that the vanilla mode has produced when so many people get together and work on something together, right? Part of that is because everybody can just pick up what other people did and use it themselves, and then try to improve it.
If we all splinter to 10,000 changed config settings then it becomes rather hard for any of us to know if the project that our friend is so proud of working on would even work for ourselves.
This is one of the reasons that trying to agree, as a community of individualists, on anything is so important.
So please, I know we all like to be right, but we also have to listen to eachother, don't we?
No it doesn't. YOU don't like it, but others do.Perfectly said.
This is exactly why I hate the argument "If you don't like it, just disable it in the launcher." as a method of avoiding having to actually respond to a point. It makes us all look like fools, and defeats the purpose of this entire forum.
That's why config changes should be pre-made in modpack.We really can't just go, willy nilly, into the configs and change everything. Part of what makes minecraft so amazing is the community.
That's why config changes should be pre-made in modpack.
Right, I don't like something. For reasons I would attempt to explain. I don't understand what you are getting at here. My conception of what this forum is primarily for is as follows:No it doesn't. YOU don't like it, but others do.
Right, I don't like something. For reasons I would attempt to explain. I don't understand what you are getting at here. My conception of what this forum is primarily for is as follows:
I don't like mod/feature X.
You do like mod/feature X.
We discuss it.
Then one of three things can happen:
A) It becomes clear that something is broken/OP/Bugged/being abused/Imbalanced/whatever, then we have succeeded in bringing attention of this issue to the makers of FTB. They will make a decision about what to do.
B) It becomes clear that that specific something is actually an intended and misunderstood feature, then we have succeeded in bringing it to the attention of players who have otherwise had problems with it.
C) It remains a topic of contention for a long time, with no obvious outcome. (like the endless greg-tech debates) The FTB makers say "Thanks for the input, we'll think about this." and lock the now useless thread. But we have succeeded in letting them know that it is a "hot-topic".
If we allow the liberal use of the "If you don't like it, just disable it in the launcher." argument then this process happens:
I don't like mod/feature X.
You do like mod/feature X.
You say "If you don't like it, just disable it in the launcher."
Then nothing happens, and we now have a useless forum.
Do you understand what I am getting at?
"The way things are, is just the way things are. Get used to it." Is not an argument. It's a cop-out. You might like how things are. That's great. Represent that side of the argument! Don't just dismiss the argument. Why are we not allowed to discuss it rationally?
Saying "If you don't like it, just disable it in the launcher." doesn't help your side or my side. It just kills the debate. Pointlessly.
No. This thread is more like:
1) Some idiot abuses some mechanic of a mod, then creates a thread about how his abuse of the mod makes it overpowered, and proceeds to bitch about how it's over powered for page after page.
2) Other users say "No we like it just the way it is. You're the idiot that chose to abuse the mod. We shouldn't have to conform to your ideals of 'balance' because you have no self-control?"
If your whole argument is "This is the way it is, and I don't want it to change."... then sorry, but you have no argument at all.