Back when IC2 reactors were water-cooled and had no (c)heating cells, it was a very fine border between getting 32x from your uranium and a giant crater. That was crazy fun.
Now, as I said, IC2 is interesting for me two things. UU generation - more as something to add objective to a game, than means to an end. And IC2 Mining Laser. Awesome hand-held digging and mining device I haven't found replacement for.
The IC2 laser is pretty cool. Currently however it is outperformed by TiC hammers or Dartcraft Power Drills. I was just doing some tests. The mining laser on horizontal mode breaks between 5-7 stone blocks for me. The hammer breaks 9 and power drill breaks 18! Also, you have to shoot the laser twice to be able to go forward whereas you can go forward straight away with the other two tools. I like the mining laser it is pretty cool. But maybe it is time it got buffed a bit because for what it does it cost an awful lot of material and energy.