Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

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SUBJECT: After Action Report​
We have had several manned expeditions to the country side to determine where we are and try and gather resources needed to survive this inhospitable world. During these explorations we have determined that we are on a sort of island. What is strange to me is the boundaries of the islands seem almost artificial. As if some force has cut away the land with a knife. Other than the absence of civilization and the attacks by what many of the fellow survivors have started calling "Creepers" the main body that we have observed holds nothing out of the ordinary. Much of the terrain reminds me of home. It was when we set out past the bounds of the island that things started to get strange.​
We first encountered a crude vessel just off the shore of the island that I can only assume was made by fellow survivors. We hailed the vessel and got no response. I volunteered to board and investigate. What I found was horrific. The whole crew had turned. The ship was crawling with the same undead creatures we encountered after losing several of the engineering crew. I barely managed to escape with my life. After laying a torch to the vesel set off as fast as our oars could take us. That is when we saw it. Under that water was a sort of sunken ruins. We marked the spot on our maps for possible exploration at a future date and were turning to leave when one of the team members spoted light coming from the ruins. Someone was home.​
We agreed that 4 of us was all we could risk sending into those ruins. The remainder of the team stayed topside with orders to report back to the main settlement should we fail to return. Faesyn, Aceldamor, Higgins and myself jumped into the water. Faesyn arrived at the ruins first and cut a hole for us to enter. Higgins dropped through the entry and we felt the shockwaves in the water as a series of explosions punctuated Higgins' screams. Fae, Ace and myself hit the ground on the offensive and managed to drive back the creepers and other undead away from Higgins' dead body. The creatures seem to come at us endlessly but we owed it to Higgins to continue on. Fae, Ace and myself operated like a well oiled machine. We went room by room exterminating creepers, undead and the newly discovered mutated spiders. We encounted several stores of resources. These stores mainly contained large piles of preciouse minerals and ores. Faesyn also gathered a number of objects for the science teams to investigate. They were located in a sort of lab with strange books on the walls. One was a sort of alter and book. The text in the book was a language I have never seen and when I touch it the hair on the back of my neck stood up. The other object appears to be a sort of chemistry station with strange runes etched in the base of it.​
Our return to the surface was without incident. We gathered as many of the resources that our packs could hold. Our swim to the surface was difficult weighed down by our gear so when I took my first gasp of air and found that the rest of the team was no longer there my heart sank. We swam for the nearest land mass and gathered our wits. When one of the team members rafts drifted into view I already knew what to expect. Ace's arrow found it's mark before I could even draw my bow. The team was gone. Turned or dead. Now that we know how to deal with the underwater ruins they could prove to be a good source of precious resources. I recommend sending expeditions to clear out these ruins and bring back to the settlement so we can use them to get off the godforesaken rock before we all end up like the rest of the team.​
Exploration Team​
Has something gone wrong with the server? As was well until I lagged out, now it seems I'm not getting any updates from the server. Logging in just shows me what I had cache'd on my local machine before I lagged out. Anyone else having this problem?
Has something gone wrong with the server? As was well until I lagged out, now it seems I'm not getting any updates from the server. Logging in just shows me what I had cache'd on my local machine before I lagged out. Anyone else having this problem?
Dark and I don't have any problems, so it's likely on your side.
SUBJECT: Transmission clarification and request for orders​
I have been trying to decipher the A.I.'s transmission and believe we may be able to construct beacons for triangulation using matrials found during exploration. Does this follow protocol? Further, I have been unable to locate an energy source capable of powering the beacons. Can engineering be consulted on a suitable power source? I will continue to gather resources toward this end. Please advise on plan of action.​
OOC: What community infrastructure should we be working on. We created a road that runs straight north to the end of the world and it seems someone created a road running west. I would make the southward and eastward roads but I was told this may be ill advised as we're working toward rail travel vs. roads. I just don't want to be "that guy" who hangs out on his plot because we're allowed to now. I want to continue to grow the community as a whole but need some direction please.​
OOC: We're working on getting some schematics for the drop pod summoner, but you can begin on the Genisis Portal. Look at Avebury/Stonehenge, pillars made of the five different precious blocks, Likely make the area on top of something black and difficult to break ;)
***Incoming transmission***
A.I. signature confirmed: HAL ...
connection to atmospheric probe established ...
receiving map telemtry ...
transmission succesful ...
uploading ...
upload successful ...
requesting probe trajectory ...
probe reply: apoapsis 213km, periapsis -400km, collision imminent, preparing external cameras for final sweep ...
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I have not yet, Doc, as I am a bit cautious about downloading programs. But many have recommended it so I will look into it tonight.
Osh... there's a ftblauncher folder in your appdata. Try blowing that away and see if that helps with your issues.
***Incoming transmission***
A.I. signature confirmed: HAL ...
connection to atmospheric probe re-established ...
receiving final image data ...
transmission succesfull ...
uploading ...
upload successful ...
estimated time to impact: +36 seconds ...
connection lost ...
attempting reconnect ...
attempt failed ...
There are to be NO personal portals this go around. No nether network, nothing of the sort guys. Two portals were torn down today, if you have one tear it down please.
I know it's late and nobody may be around, but I'm not able to get on to the server right now. Did I catch it during a reboot or are we having trouble?
SUBJECT: Hunt for Black Skeleton
The science and exploration team has been hard at work in the hell dimension that was recently openned to us. We encountered a number of the the floating emblazend entities from the underwater ruins in this dimension as well as the skeletal archers that seem to populate our little freakshow of an island. In addition we have discovered a few new creatures.

The native population seems to be comprised of a huminoid with pig like features. They appear to be in the process of decomposing. They're seem friendly enough though any attempts at communication has failed. They also seem to have a herd mentality. If you provoke one "pigman" then any within view will come to it's aid. Often with detrimental consiquences. We lost Jones on our first trip in.

Then there's the giant flying squid-like creatures. These creatures are straight from a nightmare. They coo and caw like a baby. That's how they lured me in. They seemed almost "cute" when I saw them. That was a mistake I'll never make again. Their expression turned ugly and they belched fireball in my direction that exploded on impact. Our archers took a few of them down. The science team tells me their tears appear to have healing properties. We could use them to replace some of the medicines we lost in the crash.

Finally, there were a different variety of skeletal creatures. They are jet black and seemed to be composed of a coal like substance. They carry poison coated weapons. The medics say the poison can be remedied if they get to the individual in time. They others... they just seem to wither away and die. The few of these skeletons that we have been able to eliminate turn to dust instantly. Only, leaving behind a chunk of the coal like substance which we have found to be a suitable fuel in the furnaces.

Faesyn and Rake have reported that on rare occasion one of these skeletal creatures dies with it's skull intact. These skulls seem to tingle with the same magical energy found in the tables that tech have been using to imbue our weapons with extra power. Yet, when I came into contact with one it wasn't simply goosebumps that I felt. But rather a pulling, like the air is being sucked out of my lungs. It's almost as if it was calling to my soul and I had to fight escape it's grasp. The science team has stated the "magical" field increases in strength when more than one skull is in proximity to each other. They have stated that it is their intent to experiment with increasing the field further. I have a bad feeling about this. We should be prepared with a full security/medical detail during these experiments. If harnessing this field can grant us the power to guide Naomi's drop it's worth the risk. But I would like failsafes in place.

The eggheads wanted me to attach their request for black skeleton skulls. I've looked it over and the exploration team can support this.


Attachment 1: Black Skeleton Encounter Patterns[DOUBLEPOST=1366381152][/DOUBLEPOST]ATTACHEMENT 1:

Black Skeleton Encounter Patterns

The science team is running some experiments to harness the mystical power of certain resources on this planet. We have discovered that the black skeleton skulls are particularly strong in this energy. There will be compensation for any skulls brought to us intact once we have returned home. Analysis of the pattern of encounters has revealed areas to look for in order to set up ambushes.
First and foremost, these creatures tend to stay in cover until its area is clear of any expeditionary members. We have found that the will reveal themselves once all team members have retreated to a distance of approximately 24 meters. We have also found they avoid the light and any manmade structural material such as the cobblestone or brick slabs our engineers use as pavers. Also, though they seem to be immune from the effects of fire and lava, they will avoid it if a more favorable option is available to them. Now as our motion trackers only have a range of about 72 meters (4-5 sector chunks in all directions) we cannot give detailed information beyond that point.

We teamed with one of the tactical officers and came up with a strategy for hunting these creatures. Find two of the 4-way intersections on that red brick fortress structure that are in close proximity to each other (roughly 10 meters apart from the center of the intersections). Using any strong material available extend out both intersection to create two 10x10 platforms joined together (creating a 20x10 platform). For every red brick surface outside that “killzone”, as the tactical officer called it, place down a slab and mark an observation point outside the 24 meter perimeter. This will funnel the creatures into the killzone where our security and exploration teams can mop them up. It is important that we pave over all areas within the range motion trackers. Again, that means all red brick surfaces in a 9x9 sector chunk centered on the killzone and observation area need to be covered by slabs.
Good job jvonbon! really good job...this is a good addition to the logs we found and the logs that can be found in future!
This is why I wanted to add Bibliocraft.


We each have a Kit that is readily available to us. Potions, weapons, tools, food, all right at hand and displayed. No need to mess up your armour with all those little falls you take around the base, just pop it on an armour stand. Tools are kept on the racks instead of cluttering up chests or inventory, same with potions. The arrow is because we all have infinity bows, so we can grab and go. Bags are kept on the shelve unless we go dungeoneering, keyed to our chests.
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Just an advanced notice I may not be on as much this weekend. I am having to defend my honor with fisticuffs. I have a series of fights, and I hope I come out unscathed.
Oh, btw, I will be playing Injustice, the new DC fighting game :rolleyes:
General Reminder
This thread is our general repository for information regarding the server, something that everybody will/should be following more or less closely. It will also be the first thing future players see of us at some point.
The higher the information:"noise" ratio on here is, the better for us all. I do not post this now because I see posts that I deem irrelevant or useless but because I believe some things should be said using other channels.

Things that definitely belong here:
  • Announcements by the staff
  • Pictures! You built something nice? Feel free to share it, explain a little, detail your future plans etc. It's always nice to see what's going on. (ok, we don't want to see that 2 block high cobble wall you just built around your plot but that should be obvious)
  • Are you leaving for a week or longer? Leave a note so we don't assume you MIA and reset your plot. (again, we don't need to know every last of your movements)
  • Got a nice piece written up that fits in with our fiction (look at jvonbon's post above for an example)? very nice, post it.

Things that should probably go elsewhere:
  • Tech Support questions. Your first step should be trying to fix it yourself, chances are high it's a problem on your side only and you can find a solution on Google. If that didn't work out you can consider approaching one of your fellow players or us mods. This thread is not the way to go though, pick one of the other available platforms, PMs, G+, teamspeak etc.
  • Server down? This effectively falls under the above category. Go through these steps, if you want to be helpful: 1.) check wether Mojang's servers are down ( 2.) check if another player also can't connect 3.) contact the mods via PM or G+
  • Leaving for less than a week? Again, don't post it here, there are other places to go, if you have to inform someone working on the same project for example.
  • One line replies. You like what someone else posted? Use that like button or PM them your line, just don't post it here. The person in question will be delighted to hear your reply but for everyone else it usually has little relevance.
This post is not aimed at any of the above posts specifically, it is just this. A Reminder.