Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

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Do we already have specialists for each mod? would be practicable if we have someone who is good in the tech stuff of his mod and this would make it easier fpr the rest of the community to get what they want.

for example we could have a thaumacraft expert who gets stuff to do the research and in return can build the thaumacraft stuff for others
some could go for the more techie stuff...
Compact solars are the way to go for performance reasons. A single 512 eu/t HV array puts out a single packet, single burst. If you went with advanced solar panels (8 eu/t) you're looking at 64 panels each updating every tick sending out 64 separate packets. Now extrapolate that kiddies. I had a single Ultimate Hybrid, Dan had five or six, and M!C had a bunch, but Bakerman, he had what, nearly 100 advanced solar panels? Combine them into 1 HV, 4 MV, and 4 LV arrays for the same energy production at 1/10th the server overhead. A good portion of the mods that were cut, changed, edited are for server reasons guys. This server is going to grow, and in order to allow as much freedom to make fools of yourselves as you can we have to make sure that there is as little overhead as possible.
HV Compact Solar almost as good as Ultimate Hybrid Solar (Storage, 512 EU/t during day, and 64 EU/t at night)
MV Compact Solar almost as good as Hybrid Solar (Storage, 64 EU/t during day, and 8 EU/t at night)
LV Compact Solar almost as good as Advanced Solar (Storage, 8 EU/t during day, and 1 EU/t at night)

The name of the mod is "Advanced Solar Panels" and that's what I'm calling it. The better panels in that are better.

HV Compact Solar almost as good as Ultimate Hybrid Solar (Storage, 512 EU/t during day, and 64 EU/t at night)
MV Compact Solar almost as good as Hybrid Solar (Storage, 64 EU/t during day, and 8 EU/t at night)
LV Compact Solar almost as good as Advanced Solar (Storage, 8 EU/t during day, and 1 EU/t at night)

The name of the mod is "Advanced Solar Panels" and that's what I'm calling it. The better panels in that are better.

How many people go above the plain advanced solar panel? Few and far between. If you go solar, most of the server had huge arrays of 8 eu/t solars. Now the larger ones are within reach and they are worth getting as opposed to "I need to save my iridium!". I agree that the loss of night generation and the storage is going to be a huge change, but it's worth getting higher tiers of eu storage now and having LESU and going for the IESU in Gregtech instead of just spamming a few MFSU and calling it good with that because your solar arrays have millions of eu storage. Also, four tiers of solar helms. You're welcome.
Hi, guys.

I've been playing Mindcrack for a while now and switched to Ultimate when it launched, but I'm frustrated at the amount of "cheaty" mods/mod combinations in the pack and I'm very much in favour of the direction that you guys are taking in pruning out the more overpowered elements. I know that the original post states that you're not currently accepting new people; I'm hoping that you'll consider my application once this policy changes.
  • Have you READ everything before this? : Yes.
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? : United Kingdom
  • How old are you? : 34
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? : Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? : Grungi
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? : Currently, I'm (re)playing Skyrim to experience the new DLC, fiddling around with Don't Starve and occasionally having random fun with Chivalry.
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? : Mainly Farmer, with a side order of Builder/Digger.
  • Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)? : Extra/Thaumic Bees and Thaumcraft 3. I love combining mods.
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? : Daily
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? : I work office hours and play in the evenings and at weekends. GMT timezone.
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? : I'm a quiet, mature guy and I know how not to build. I'm out to have fun and enjoy the FTB experience with like-minded people, and I'm not looking for drama or to ruin that experience for anyone else.
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? : Two of the mods in your loadout can be exploited together to obtain nether stars without Withers. I've seen servers remove this by disabling a specific recipe. It's a shame that you've chosen to cut out Factorization; I consider the Router to be one of the most useful machines in the entire FTB mod-pack, and a great way to build on a large scale without excessive piping.
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? : No personal military history.
The larger arrays send out a single, larger EU packet. An LV array will burn out Ultra LV cabling.

That must have changed from previous version of compact solars. In previous versions it would send out 1eu/t packets that = 8eu/t total. Can't find the source where I had read that back in the day... I had done some of my own testing with HV and copper wiring but that was long ago.
Hi, guys.

From the OP: "DUE TO A MODPACK CHANGE, we are not accepting any new players for the time being. We need to get things sorted out first and will open up applications as soon we can be sure the server is stable enough to take more players."

Please be patient.
HV Compact Solar almost as good as Ultimate Hybrid Solar (Storage, 512 EU/t during day, and 64 EU/t at night)
MV Compact Solar almost as good as Hybrid Solar (Storage, 64 EU/t during day, and 8 EU/t at night)
LV Compact Solar almost as good as Advanced Solar (Storage, 8 EU/t during day, and 1 EU/t at night)

The name of the mod is "Advanced Solar Panels" and that's what I'm calling it. The better panels in that are better.

See the switch to solar panels that actually only work with daylight as a challenge. I mean really, solar is the one major maintenance free power source and it's all you'll ever need, if it gives you power at night too.
With the new panels you need either a back up generator of sorts for the night or a power storage system, or possibly both. Both are systems that are fun to figure out, so this change should enhance both performance and play value.
I'm happy that there are some better than basic solars and am satisfied with the reasoning for the change.
Other Thoughts
Portal Mod - I'll miss my Long Fall Boots.
Factorization - I might miss routers, but AE is pretty good too. Wrath Lamps will be missed. Barrels + AE are really nice because a normal barrel = 500 Byte drive that is effectively preformatted to one thing. Deep Storage Units are a bit too deep for my needs. I like to fill one thing up then let anything more go to processing. I may just switch to flavors of iron chests and limit the Storage Bus to the item.
Soul Shards - I hear that Wither Skeletons will stop dropping skills anyway. Still, I'll miss their coal. Time to breed some bees...

The other removed mods, I'm meh on.

Agreed on LFB and barrels. AE plus barrels are sweet but before AE and barrels were even imagined I made due with gold chests and logistic pipes. AE plus any flavor of chest should suffice.

I was looking forward to trying out the advanced jetpack though and I haven't tested to see if they finally removed the capability to enchant IC2 tools but if and when they do it'd be nice to have the advanced tools from gravisuit. Especially seeing how hand mining will be used more with the limited auto miners.
I'll definitely miss Factorization and Xycraft. I had hoped to make more use of routers this time, and the Xycraft stuff is just cool, especially the fabricator. I really like the idea to eliminate quarries/mining turtles to force us to mine more by hand, or come up with more creative ways to mine. The core mods we've got are definitely good, and I'm looking forward to using AE. I never got that far into my SSP world to play with it. The first days should definitely be interesting with the new biomes/dungeons, as well as having to explore more to get the resources we need. I'm looking forward to hearing "go" too!
Agreed on LFB and barrels. AE plus barrels are sweet but before AE and barrels were even imagined I made due with gold chests and logistic pipes. AE plus any flavor of chest should suffice.

I was looking forward to trying out the advanced jetpack though and I haven't tested to see if they finally removed the capability to enchant IC2 tools but if and when they do it'd be nice to have the advanced tools from gravisuit. Especially seeing how hand mining will be used more with the limited auto miners.

Yeah. I just saw a Barrels only mod added to the FTB 1.5 tracker.

I have a mode for my turtles to do a form of branch mining which could aid in manual mining with silk-touch or finding stuff faster without strip mining, probably will have to use a shovel and lose the ores they do go through.

When TC updates, the Mining Bore will be popular. Maybe it is time to figure out how the IC miner works.

This is awesome! Looking forward to starting back up with you guys!

I notice quarries are disabled, but the note on the Turtles from Computercraft had me wondering... does that mean all turtles are out or just some of the varieties?

Marv, i've used the IC2 miners a bit before and I actually like them a lot... nice and balanced, plus they only pull up ores instead of leaving huge holes in the landscape.

I do kind of wish we were adding mystcraft in a highly regulated manner. It would be nice to have a single mining age we could refresh periodically without tearing up our main dimensions. EDIT: I saw the note about regenerating dimensions and the area outside the building zone, so that makes up for it.

See ya soon!

EDIT #2: I would like to set up (or help someone set up) a farm near the spawn area. We can collect specimens of all the major plants and grow them garden style. Later on we can set up automated production of certain things, but for the early game I'd just like to do large plots of food crops, hemp, trees etc that everyone can access. I could use some help with making it look good!
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On Xycraft:
This one is actually not our fault. The mod author simply won't allow it to be used in custom packs like ours. This might change in the future but until then, no Xycraft for us.

On Mystcraft: This might be introduced to carry out certain challenges but that's in the not so near future, if it ever happens.

On server start you will be able to do your mining on your own plot as well as outside of the main area (2048² around coordinates 0,0). There's a visible border there, that should make it easy to distinguish. This outer area can be reset within 5 minutes. So it's just as good as having a different age without the associated problems. Note that actual Highlands and dungeon generation only happens in that outside area. The Main area is a semi flat space with a few forests and lakes throughout. If you require special landscape, like I do, you will have to terraform.
Long Fall Boots will be a hard thing to say goodbye to, also the Advanced Electric Jetpack seemed like a good upgrade to the Advanced Lappack and Electric Jetpack, but I'm just happy to know that soon we'll be in the server, like M!C said I'll try to see these changes as challenges. =)
The thing about the advanced solar panels mod was -- they require uranium, and later iridium to make. I think that was the justification behind the nighttime output -- they are also mini nuclear reactors. I too will miss the long fall boots.
Our First State of the Server Address.

As many of you know I have been taken away by real life for some time. I was faced with the decision to walk away and shut down the server, or leave it in the hands of my trusted few, the Mods. We are about to launch DotS: Colony. None of this would have been possible without their hard work. A special thank you to M!C and Doc for herding cats there towards the end and making sure I kept on task to make the big decisions.
Reading the OP you can see what our vision is, a mixture of the plot system we HAVE been doing and a "downed Mothership" model (where we flatten the land, put in roads and build a Jurassic Park style fence around the colony, but have the earth below us.
One of our first tasks, as a server will be building up NoobTown (for when we DO unwhitelist); building a Hall of Colors, Treasure Hunts, Dungeon Raids (you read that right), and gamified storycontent to unlock and turn on future mods (like the Nether and Twilight Forest).

Without further ado, drop THE code in the upper right of your launcher where it says "Private Packs".

Thank you all for you patience, and support. I look forward to the moments that Real Life lets me join you again as a Dog of the State, in Minecraft.
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In case you were missed in the tossing of the code, it's located on the private DotS G+ page, where all of you SHOULD BE members! And before I forget:
Read the bedrock wall!
So, I used the code you posted on G+, but it's saying I need to be whitelisted. Any way I can get some help with that? :) Not sure if I need to go through with the formality of re-applying or not.

Also, say I wanted to load up this mod pack with OptiFine and Rei's Minimap, which I already have and normally load via Magic Launcher. How the deuce would I do that?