Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

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Buildcraft updated on the 13th!! It's not on the FTB spreadsheet yet but that's another big one in the can!!!

On a side note I love the challenge the vanillaish buildup it's presenting. I love all the ideas to gamefy the extra dimensions and would love to see it continue with introduction of any and all new features.
Well I want to thank everyone for their advice in this launcher issue. I have tried them all and still have the same issues. The only way to access is to completely erase the DotS mod from my PC and restart each time. It doesn't have issues when I use launcher for normal FTB. Sadly this means I won't be able to add rei's or voxel minimaps to my set-up either. It this going to be the permanent modpack for the server? I plan to endure the pain in the butt erasing each time to join in, but wonder if there is another pack coming down the pipes in the future
Osh... Download multimc. It has a function that allows you to import ftb packs that you have downloaded from the launcher. The launcher seems to be glitchy when it comes to private packs in general. I've managed to get by with closing the launcher and running it again but your issues seem more severe so use multimc.
[...] but wonder if there is another pack coming down the pipes in the future
We're going to stick with this pack for as long as is feasable, which should be quite a few months. We will be regularly updating it though, so that might fix your problem (not to get your hopes up, it might not be pack related at all).

On another note:
The Map Dome has been completed. You can view where plots are on the map and find out who lives where.

Brave explorers have found what could be said as to be somekind of Blackbox of the crashed mothership.
Maybe there are more logs out there and they just need to be found? Maybe we can solve the riddle, why the mothership crashed?
You can read the logs in game at the community hut (or at the map room, depending where the logs have been taken.) or here:

Blackbox Log 1

Priority Alarm ! ...
...hull breach detected...
...Warning: All systems disabled...
..starting emergency procedures..

...hull breach imminent...
- recommended course of action?
- clear cargo and human personal?...
- negativ!...human personal value: Absolute!
enganging teleport-evacuation?
Engaging Genesis Order
...ejecting teleporting homer to...
...destination: unknown Planet
...strategic and ressource value: Absolute!


Blackbox Log 2

...starting backup programs...
...fatal error!
...loading memory...
...memory irreversible damaged...
- course of action?
- reboot teleport homer system?
- negative! human ressources value: absolute! teleporting system irreversible damaged!
- starting Genesis Programm?
- affirmative! Genesis Programm enabled.
- established time till dimensional opening?
- incalculably! awaiting further instructions!
- beginn with establishing perimeter!
- affirmative
- starting noob town protocol!

Survivor Log 1

...i still cant recall what happened! I thought the shields would save us from any danger. But they failed. The Teleporting Device and its attached computer is not able to give us any hint what hit us or what really happened. The whole thing is fried to the point of no return. At least most of the personal could be evacuated via the teleporting device. But this homer still gives us the creeps. This world is new...and...somehow creepy...and then this homer starts to emits strange signals as if it wants to create something...or if it wants to tear the very fabric of the world says something about a Genesis Project...i am not sure what it means, but i hope it brings us help...

Captains Log 1

Something hit the mothership hard. Really hard. I cant believe that the shields broke. It must have been something really big. Or was it manipulation from with in? Did someone destroyed the shield generator on purpose? Do we have a traitor admidst us? I am not sure. The computer with all the details is destroyed. I hoped that we could at least figure out what happend, but all memory is lost. At least we could land on this strange new planet. But it has a very dangerous fauna. I lost two of my man today, when a strange, green creature crawled up to them just to commit suicide by detonating right when it reached my man. Also, 3 of the ships engineering stuff died from there wounds the late evening, just to return this morning as freaking corpses. Yeah, you heard me right. They where...undead! We have to get away from this planet. The teleporting homer is working on the Genesis Project. I hope he can succed in opening a portal so we can leave this hostile enviroment...
Choosing plots is now possible
Head to the Map Dome and have your pick from the available plots. I f you can not place the sign get a mod to assist you (spawn protection). You may head out to your plot as well BUT make sure you got the right one. If you are not sure get a mod to count it out for you.
Pro Tipp: Dont Blind-Pick your plots...otherwise you get a plot full of jungle trees...i will be lumberjacking the next threee weeks^^ (or i will burn the freaking thing down!)
Building Permit Request:
I am proposing a commune build with Dochussey, Bissit, and myself. We are requesting a plot in the size of ten chunks square in order to build a nice plot, where we will be exploring mods to their full potential. The main mods we plan on using in our build will include Applied Energistics, Minefactory Reloaded, Forestry (mainly bees) and Thaumcraft, if and when they are added to the modpack. The commune's first idea would be to make an artificial beach, turning roughly twenty blocks from each side of the plot into water of various depths. Having a ten chunk plot would allow us to do this while still keeping a decent area to build in.

Short detail list:
Who: Dochussey, Bissit, Faesyn.
What: Request a ten chunk combined commune plot.
Where: Far North-East corner, (around x: 1000, z: -1000), creating artificial island.
Main mods: Applied Energistics, Minefactory, Forestry, Thaumcraft.

~End of Permit Request~
Building Permit Request:
I am proposing a commune build with Dochussey, Bissit, and myself. We are requesting a plot in the size of ten chunks square in order to build a nice plot, where we will be exploring mods to their full potential. The main mods we plan on using in our build will include Applied Energistics, Minefactory Reloaded, Forestry (mainly bees) and Thaumcraft, if and when they are added to the modpack. The commune's first idea would be to make an artificial beach, turning roughly twenty blocks from each side of the plot into water of various depths. Having a ten chunk plot would allow us to do this while still keeping a decent area to build in.

Short detail list:
Who: Dochussey, Bissit, Faesyn.
What: Request a ten chunk combined commune plot.
Where: Far North-East corner, (around x: 1000, z: -1000), creating artificial island.
Main mods: Applied Energistics, Minefactory, Forestry, Thaumcraft.

~End of Permit Request~
Fae, since I have my plot next to doc's, will that be in the way? I can move if needed, as I am not eve sure where it is in real game life, only on the map.
Waiting on a G+ approval so I can get the code.

Aceldamor, Tesmetron, and anyone else requesting to join our G+ community, please PM me your G+ user name so I'll know which requests to approve. We get request all the time from people who don't have anything to do with Dogs of the State.
A streak of fire burns through the night, slamming into the forest south west of the beacon. Another piece of wreckage?
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I understanding major mining is to be done outside the boundaries of the colony. Can we make bases there as well?
I understanding major mining is to be done outside the boundaries of the colony. Can we make bases there as well?
You can build outside the main island, yes. You have to be aware that whatever you build there will get reset without prior warning eventually.
Apparently the forums didn't like the image the last time ... so here goes another try.

Also, expect to see weekly maps again, I'm just getting settled now.
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It seems, that some of our brave explorers found the wreckage and could save some data slates which might bring in a little light!

Broken Data Record 1

Project Genesis is the most advanced symbiosis of magic and technology humanity has produced so far. The melting of ancient alien magical technology and human science produced this fine beacon of human genius. As it seems, the old annunaki were right: there are alternate dimensions out there. Humanity just wasnt old enough the time the annunaki discovered the first dimension. As we all know, the annunaki were once a proud and highly advanced alien species, relying on their magical prowness and their science. We also do know, that the annunaki didnt need spaceships to travel space, instead, they used something we could call portals...

"data disc too broken to read the rest of it"

Broken Data Record 2 we know this, we finally figured out, how to use the teleporting technology and some ancient crystal we found on one of the annunaki planets, to create a teleporting homer, which would allow us to locate a rift in the fabric..or to be precise: a portal. But there seem to be some dangers with those portals as they....

"data disc too broken to read the rest of it"

Broken Data Record 3

...the homer has located seems to be some kind of least that is what i would name it. It has 5 Pillars, 4 metres high, of some kind of rare and very precious material. Somehow, this Portal reminds me of an old earth sanctuary. Some kind of old earth did they name it again? Avebury? Stonehenge? I am not sure, but this portal really looks like some prehistoric sacred place...

"data disc too broken to read the rest of it"

Be sure to read the books in the Map Room!
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Just wanted to update all on the launcher issues. I want to thank everyone for their suggestions, but it seems the only way I can access the server is to go to where the dogs folder is and delete it and then re-download each time. This is frustrating, in case I get dropped or have chunk issues, I need to do this as well. I then have to save the IP address again and fix all my in-game settings. I will keep doing this as to continue to join in though. In my case, it seems to be the pack itself, as when I do not have the Dogs modpack downloaded, I have no issues join other servers I might have. I am currently on a server with Direwolf and one with Ultimate. No connection issues if dogs is now downloaded. I will continue to re-download and play as I have beeb doing
I have not yet, Doc, as I am a bit cautious about downloading programs. But many have recommended it so I will look into it tonight.