Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Thank you Dan, and I appreciate your donation; and helping to spread the word.

I haven't asked for Donations for some time as we were in a state of uncertainty and turmoil. I think it has been about three months since I actively asked for folks to help fill the Kitty. She's much lower than she was once. We never DEMAND donations from our players, but if you find a real joy and value in playing on the server, please consider giving something. We don't ever tell you how much to give. Consider it a "Love Gift"; however much you think is right is how much we'd like to see. It helps keep the server, and the website running.

Be well. I look forward to whenever the fates allow me to see you in game again. You all are in my thoughts and I miss you dearly.

-Incomitaum / Andrew
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Reactions: danw3st and M!C
***incoming transmission***
A.I. signature confirmed: HAL ...
connection to machine pod lost ...
re-establishing connection ...
attempt 2/3 ...
attempt 3/3 ...
attempted reconnect failed ...
pod position unknown ...
pod status unknown ...
evaluating most recent telemetry data ...
result: possible reason for total failure: 10% equipment malfunction, 89% pod was intercepted ...
initiate reaction protocol 3.1a ...
preparing backup pod for launch ...
stand by ...
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Reactions: R8MC
Just a couple of FYIs for everyone. Bibliocraft's potion racks (filled with potions) can cause FPS drops. On a more positive note railcraft is finally out of beta. I speculate that IC2 isn't far behind.
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Reactions: Faesyn

- Whitelist.
- Server Hostname:
- We have an Dallas server with 20 slots (we'll add more if we have a flood of applicants).
- Server is running Feed the Beast (Custom Modpack: link).

Support Us
If you like your time on our Dogs of the State server, add our page on G+ to your circles (we will have more pics there too).
You can also find a Donation Button (that helps keep the server running) at


  • When you are accepted as a probationary player you will be allowed to build a home in The Noobtown.
  • Go to and register your standard in the Hall of Colors.
  • Probationary players are granted access to a 27x27 plot. You can have a free pick from the provided plots.
  • It is your obligation to create a nice looking property. What you build will influence how long it takes you to get out of probation. The classic dirt cube won’t get you very far and pixel art is frowned upon unless it’s *really* well integrated and subtle. All in all build some nice looking architecture and you’re good.
  • Resources may only be gathered in your own plot, in the extra dimensions and far away from spawn (coordinates 1024+)
  • There is no law in the extra dimensions; venture forth at your own risk.

It's pathetic that this section needs to exist. It continues to be a problem either way: so we are spelling it out for all you noobs and Players to read. If you are caught gossiping about a problem you have with another Player, Moderator, or Admin, you will be banned. No questions asked; those who were gossiping with you may risk being banned as well.

Gossip, whining, and the "woe is me" attitude is not productive to having a good time. Players that collude to talk themselves into a frenzy without addressing the heart of the problem do not contribute to the well-being of our server. With these points said here is what you should do, in a simple step by step breakdown if you have a problem.

1: Solve it Yourself: Communicate with the Player you have a problem with. Engage in civil conversation to come to an agreement.

2: Talk to a Moderator: If you have a problem with another player you may come to a Moderator. You may do this ONLY after you have tried to work out the problem with the player in question. If you have a problem with another player, the first thing the Mod should ask you is, "have you spoken to X about this problem".

3: Talk to the Admin: If you have a problem with a Moderator (or a mod could not help you with the Player in question), then you can talk to the Admin. Send a whisper to the Admin and politely engage them IN game. If they cannot be reached you can send them a PM.

4: NO, REALLY, TALK TO THE ADMIN: If your problem is with the Admin, do not contact a Moderator. Talk to the Admin directly. If you are civil and well spoken your opinion will go farther.

Again if you are caught stewing or colluding with other players in unproductive and venomous rabble you probably will be KICKED at the very least: at worse, banned. We are not babies, for the most part we are adults, gossip and keeping our issues festering inside solves nothing. Deal with it.


You just made a typo in the spoiler : GregoriousT
No he was referring to a different person. GregariousT is a bit more sociable that GregoriousT.

If you think I'm serious look up gregarious in a dictionary.
Server is back online now.

I have removed the update again, since obviously the launcher is still distributing the old mod pack version even though we've been told that it has the new version.
I apologize for the, now useless, downtime and will be looking at how we can improve the situation after I've had some sleep.
Should you be experiencing problems logging in please consult the G+ community. We are testing a new setup.
(do not post questions here. PM me, if you can't do so on G+)
Our Teamspeak server is moving. Get the new details from our G+ page.
I have updated the RPG section of the dogs of the state minecraft server g+ page. You can now access all the books we have found so far there, sorted with log-type. Future logs will be postet there too, so please refrain from posting stuff there :)
Apologies for the inactivity, finals are up this month and official exams the month after that, so I'll be extremely busy until the beginning of July, after that, summer will start for me and I'll be more active than ever.
Server Maintenance
In 10 minutes from this post the server will be going to down for a quick fix of our bukkit issue. Extra dimensions and The Wilds are getting a reset as well.
We are back online
Please inform me whenever you notice any weirdness going on, particularly when the above mentioned changes could be at play.

The new modpack version is now available via the FTB launcher. Make sure to grab the new pack code after removing the old one.
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Reactions: danw3st
On map renderings

I'd like to do these a little more regularly than I did so far but that also means I can't spent 2 hours fiddling with the 3d map anymore.
Here's the plan (or rather, what's going to change):
  1. I want to provide the maximum resolution I can get out of my setup, so you guys have some quality to work with. That means I won't be directly posting the images here anymore, even though Marvin made that possible (thanks again for that). It's just too much if 3 images have anyone visiting this page downloading 100mb. Instead the files will be available in the form of a link to an off site image viewer that, as far as I can tell, works very well.
  2. The 2d map is going to be updated weekly, so we get to see what exactly changes on our lovely map. (maybe we can turn it into a timelapse someday)
  3. Now, I don't know how big the demand is out there, but here's what I'm offering: I will make a top resolution 3d render of your base, if you send me an introduction/description/story that goes with it and can be posted here for the entertainment of all. We can include screenshots in that as well.

Anyways, here goes our first weekly aerial.
Thank you to those who have donated. It doesn't go unnoticed. We have also taken inventory of our server to get a lower rate that will stretch the dollars farther. Any bit you give goes to help keeping the lights on.

Happy Block Placing.
Server updated to DotS v2.0

Grab the the new version via launcher.

We currently don't allow *any* kind of chunk loader. Place one and you may find it has violently exploded when you come back.