Private Pack Dogs of the State: Colony [DotS Pack v1.0]

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The Dark Cathedral

The footsteps echoed through the dark, brooding hall of the cathedral. Once a proud building, shining in all of its glory,
build by the finest architects and stonemasons the kingdom could offer with materials so rare and true like gold, diamond,
finest white stone and stonebrick, this once proud building is now only a shadow of its former glory.

Darkness, evil and malicious powers have corrupted that building. Only the diamond, blessed by the Mages of the Order
and the Priesthood of the Sun defy the darkness and spreading corruption from the nether.

And as such, the people of the Colony are happy, that the wise mages and priest foresaw that the nether would be a dangerous and made this
cathedral happen. As this cathedral is a fortress, a stronghold, a bastion against the creeping evils the nether spills out into our world.

Without the Cathedral, the colony would have been overrun long ago by the seven Lords of the Nether. The Diamonds hold back the evil in
its purest form and the cathedral itself helps with keeping the darkness at bay with each prayer and each donating the pilgrims and the faithful

But the times are hard. A huge setback occured. Evil denizens of some yet unknown plane have entered our realm. They Mages call them
Endermen, a strange and mysterious race, prone to evil and the worship to an evil dragon. With the coming of the Endermen, the Netherportal
collapsed, unable to bear more evil power in this world.

Fortunatly, the Order of Architects joined forces with the Mages of the Netherguard and repaired the cathedral. But still, darkness and corruption
lingers in this hall and before one could visit the evil plane of the Nether again, the Cathedral has to be purified again with prayers and costly
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Captain Subtext says: this is a community event. The Nether Cathedral has been corrupted and we need lapis, diamond, emeralds, iron, endstone, gold and other very precious materials, to stop the corrupting. If we gather enpugh precious material and pray for the help of the gods, the corrupting will go back and we can access the nether again
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"Forever in darkness shall you remain, until the cathedral you regain. Purge the evil, clear the halls, save the kingdom, save us all..."
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Ever wanted to visit a certain player but didn't know where they live? Search no longer, here is my current list of what's where.
As you can see, sorted x, z, y

Map Dome
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Station 6
Station 7
Station 8
Station S
Since I discovered today that EVERY MOD in our pack has updated since last time we did, which translates to twenty hours plus looking into changes and making sense of new additions and suchforth before I can even compile and send off to the modpack guys. What I had hoped would be a next week thing is looking much more like a couple weeks in the future. Hopefully you guys get to work on the cathedral in my absence, as I'm heading back out to the lake for a while to recuperate from the stress of working on the lot and suchforth. I'll keep you updated if I run into any issues.
We are on the verge of pushing the Lords of the Nether back! The Cathedral is nearly purified and the blessings of the Heavenly Host slowly starts to shine upon us again. We only need some more Diamond Blocks and we can push the darkness back and gain back our freedom, our might and the protection of the Gods. Let us stem the tide against the Dark Lords for one more Push and we are free again and the Nether will be ours!
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The Order of the Nether Guard has some highly important news to tell:

First of all:

... <Noooo foolish mortals! You can't beat us! We are the lords of the nether, we are the kings of pestilence, keepers of the dark secrets. We inherit the powers of the dark flame and the evil arts! No mortal can keep with us, we....Noooo stop it! The pain! Noooo we will return puny mortals and you will learn the true meaning of pain. We will.....arghhhhh.....>

Those were the last words of Asmodeus , king among the nether lords. The people of the colony had beaten the lords back, their corruption purified, their influence destroyed. And the people of the colony were once again able to enter the nether again, taking the war to the domain of the nether lords!

- Chronicles of Sir Dante, chronographer in the service of the Order of the Nether Guard

And Second:

Recent news tell us that the royal order of architects and cartographers made a huge discovery: while terraforming the area west of the hall of colours, the architect as found something which can only be described as the huge remains of a dragon. The Order of the Nether Guard was informed and their a ages told us, that this skeleton must be the proud relic of Bahamoth, King of dragons! What is even more surprising is the fact, that some kind of portal was right in the middle of the skeleton...just as if the dragon tried to protect yourself it..or guard it. The colony is asking for brave adventurers who go on and explore the regions which might lay just behind this portal!

If you want to get more information about Bahamoth I would recommend visiting the library of the Order.

- Chronicles of Sir Dante, chronographer in the service of the Order of the Nether Guard

Be advised: any writen story can be reread in the library of the Chapter House of the Order of the Netherguard, near the Royal Architects Fortress/Map Dome Entrance
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**WARNING!- This is going to be a fairly long post, and I would hazard that it may upset some people, but it has to be said to keep you all informed as I am want to do. This is very important information, so I recommend reading it and not dismissing it out of hand for being long. There may be consequences…**
First off, on the subject of mod pack updates, since a majority of people can’t be bothered to participate in quests which directly affect not only the people on the server at the moment, but all peoples in relation to the server. It was decided once we moved from the mind crack pack that we were going to gamify the releases of mods as they came out, and so far has been what I would consider a success. A success up until the Eternal Night. I’m not going to name names because I am not that kind of person, however you know who you are, and personally I am not impressed. There were certain people who did amazing things as far as working on the Nether Cathedral and some wonderful people who supplied ungodly amounts of supplies. However, out of the whopping 27 players who were online during the time of eternal night, I have gained reports that there were seven to nine total people who did much of anything in regards to getting our day night cycle back on track. At the time, the nether was disabled in the average response was “You guys need to hurry this up; I need to go to the nether for supplies.” Not only do I find this lazy, I also take it as a partial personal affront in that myself and other key players are taking their time and effort to try to make mine craft more of the story, instead of something linear like straight tech tree progression. Initially, it appeared that people were very excited about this and really enjoyed it. I don’t know what changed, but obviously the general consensus is that it’s taking too long and we need to change our direction.
In this respect, I will be working tirelessly to get the ENTIRE mod pack up and running in on the server as soon as I can. Given that this is an addition of five-ish large tech mods plus updates for some of our other mods, don’t expect it for a couple weeks. The original mod pack listing will be your guideline as to what to expect, and there are a couple small mods, aesthetic mods, that I may or may not add depending on the bulk of the pack. Mic, Goddess bless his soul, was decent enough to rename a section of our Google plus community to mods and updates. If you have questions, concerns, or general whining, post it there and don’t come to me directly about it. Once this full update goes live, there will be monthly, or possibly bimonthly depending on my schedule updates to the mod pack. Prior to these updates, once again depending on my schedule, I will do my best to have an open forum a week prior so that I can possibly look into other mods and test them with our current configuration. Any update pestering, mod pack requests, or other general foolishness directed in unprovoked and uninitiated conversation will result in immediate and unquestioned consequences. Further infractions and I will make them severe. The pestering and constant poking and prodding really saps my energy and desire to maintain a pack which I cannot play as it stands.
Second order of business, which I guess directly relates the first order of business. If players want to continuous story related gaming, that is their right and I will do whatever I can to assist them in maintaining that atmosphere; however I personally will likely not be attempting any server wide storyline questing. As stated above, this whole Eternal Night fiasco left an extremely sour taste in my mouth in regards to the conduct of players on the server. Instead of server wide questing, we are going more with epic quests that will be discovered purely by accident. There will be no announcements, there will be no posting of knowledge, these quests will be worked on in secret, and they will be one offs. You may be roaming a desert 1200 blocks from the border of the Kingdom and discover a 60 m tall skull made out of bloodstone, courts, and obsidian. It could be that you find a large ship sitting in the middle of an ocean that looks strange, or gigantic house or any number of things. They will be yours to raid, the puzzles yours to complete, the risk all your own, and of the rewards will be yours and yours alone. This stops people from feeling that they “have to” participate in server wide events, not that that prevented them in the first place…
All this bitching and moaning aside, I will say that I am very proud of some of our members for the ASTRONOMICAL amount of work they put in around spawn in regards the rail lines. The Nether Cathedral looks positively amazing, and the work done to the Golden Carrot is brilliant. The road work that has been done is wonderful, and the tram system coming up has unbelievable possibilities. I hope that it continues because it would be an amazing draw to have this kind of infrastructure in place.

And with a short novel, Doc out.

The time has come. We are "releasing" chunk loaders for general use; here is how it's going to work.
The only type of chunkloader available will be personal chunkloaders.
1) Obtaining a chunkloader:
There will be books hidden throughout the worlds; finding one of those is paramount (it will be very difficult at first and become easier as we add more and more). Every single one of those books entitles you to get one personal chunkloader. Simply put the book and the materials stated inside of it into a chest and ask a moderator to exchange them.
2) Placing a chunkloader:
Well, right click wherever and fill it with enderpearls, right?
Not quite; while we don't restrict where you put your chunk loader, we only allow one of them (placed in the world) per player. You need to put a sign with your name on it too, so we know easily who owns which one.
Chunk loaders not set up properly are liable to disappear into the void violently.

For outstanding services rendered in the creation of a beautiful spawn and our future rail system the following two players will be awarded one personal chunk loader each.

- Dark_Tundra
- phantagor
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Update on plot resets
I thought it might be time to give a summary of how this is being handled atm, so no, this is not an announcement of who gets reset now. We just like to clarify the proceedings every now and again.

1.) All time limits described hereafter are minimum guarantees; wether we actually see fit to reset a plot is up to the council's discretion. General rule of thumb is: probies get reset faster than players; dirt huts get reset faster than imperial palaces; keeping to yourself gets you reset faster than interacting with others (includes but isn't limited to community projects); if we need room for new players we'll obviously look to resetting plots earlier too.
2.) The limit set by Incomitatum is one week. If you are likely to exceed it, leave a note. If you don't, your plot is on the "pending reset"-list. We do not expect half a page and we don't rate your reasons either.
"I'm kinda busy IRL for now but I'll check back in 3 weeks." is more than enough, you don't need to be moving or getting a child to stop playing MC for a while. ;)

currently "pending-reset" (168h = 1 week):
name MIA for
Deaths_Messengr >330h
Tatsu011 281h
Tesmetron 280h
Aceldamor >330h
Kayse >330h
neel1337 306h
Iammooningham 204h
The Railway
Thanks to the tireless efforts of many busy hands and a good deal of powerful magic the rails for our railway system are finally done.
All that is missing now are the stations, and that's where YOU come into play.

The railway company is nearly broke and you will need to finance the final building efforts. Of course we won't ask you to pay for any random station; no, you can pick which station you want to see built first. Simply go find the station chute of your choice and deposit what valuables you want to invest in the chest you will find there. Once a certain level of investments has been offered, construction of the station will begin. If two stations get up to that level simultaneously, the one with higher investments will be build first.
Don't forget, that you might want a destination for your travels as well. ;)
  • Have you READ everything before this? Yup
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? USA
  • How old are you? 20
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? Montgumery
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? World of Tanks and Ultima Online
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? Builder and explorer
  • Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)? I have no ideas, I don't usually use mods except for Evil Minecraft.
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? Mostly every day available from work.
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? Right now, I work from 8 to 2, so after work I get on for a while
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I am mature, love minecraft, am outgoing and easy to get along with, I love to laugh, and I love doing most anything :]
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? I have only been on my own personal server.
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? I am currently Army, E-2/PV2 (sad life), and I am stationed at FT Meade USCybercom in Maryland.
*SNIP*(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? I am currently Army, E-2/PV2 (sad life), and I am stationed at FT Meade USCybercom in Maryland.

Lucky!!! I'm Air Force IT and I'd love to work for USCYBERCOM just not in Maryland :p. As it is I'm at Meade too, just assigned to Defense Media Activity so I get to watch the new campus being built from across the street.
  • Hi Everyone!! I was with Jewel and her server and played for a quite a bit. Danw3st told me to come try you guys out, and I cant wait to hop on.
  • Have you READ everything before this? Yes multiple times
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? hahaha Iowa (no really)
  • How old are you? 22
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? Cirades (Sear-ah-dez)
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? Defiance, BF3 (xbox360) Payday, FTB,
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? Exploring/ gardening
  • Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)? Thaumcraft ,buildcraft and a bit of forestry, twilight forest, and bees
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? maybe 1-2 hours a day
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? 5pm-8pm
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I like the idea of being a small tight knit community and expanding the zone, I love town building in creative mode so survival may be a bit different for me.
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? the ability to flip from creative to survival I like to build in creative but play in survival.. Its a nice faster pace for me but I understand that goes against many peoples ideas of fun.
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? 4 years for the Army in Iowa doing Military Police.