Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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Jul 24, 2013
Got the 8.something 25 version working great. also removing the max perm size in my settings gave a huge boost to the fps , now all works perfect. Thanks Hambeau.

If I recall correctly the original announcement suggested the "ideal" Java memory settings are the following, as well:
Min. Ram = 2GB
Max. Ram = 4GB
Permgen = 256MB

Cool that 1.8.0_25 is working... I guess it's time to start updating till things break again :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ill try and get a video made for the RAM settings.

i have a modded server running 1.7.10 private pack in the ftb launcher (this works whit 1.6.4 also )
people that have ram issus on my server (client side) runs whit this in the java parameters and that fix'et all issues on my server just copy paste all off the text in to additional java parameters ( its under options and advanced options ) and then try start again i hope this helps some off you remember to use java 7 not java 8 have a nice day anyone
ps the -xx: Permsize=256m is just making a smiley if the 256 dont work try 512m be aware that an to high perm just "lock" the rams but do not make it run faster the 256 and 512 works for me and my players (remember to save a little ram for windows dont give all your ram to minecraft :p )
-Xms4096m -XX:permSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone know how to turn off the extra utilities generator sounds? I can't see an option for it in the config file, ** but I don't seem to hear them in direwolf's season 7 lets play. **
EDIT: I'm wrong, they were just quiet in the video.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Java 8 just changed my gameplay!!!

I usually had to restart the client every 30 mins since something would start to slow down(chunk loading or FPS or crafting table or whatever...).

3 hours in, no issues at all :)
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Pascal van Ratingen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me the max perm size increases my fps by half, man i wish i knew that before, i would not have set any max permsize and just left it blank, that helped me alot. My pc is just a avarage I5. with 8GB rams. and 2gb video card.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
anyone having issues with the filler? every time i have used it to flatten an area for a house it works fine with its missile effects then it totally laggs up and then i get kicked off my server, and i cant reconnect, server does not actually crash just the commands i put in are really slow i have to reboot the thing for it to let me back in game... bug or is it just me?

server finally caught up after i broke the filler

[12:09:22] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or i
s the server overloaded? Running 41002ms behind, skipping 820 tick(s)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am running a small server for kids and friends and have not found any saltpeter ore spawning at any levels. Is it turned off for any reason?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Java 8 just changed my gameplay!!!

I usually had to restart the client every 30 mins since something would start to slow down(chunk loading or FPS or crafting table or whatever...).

3 hours in, no issues at all :)
Same issues here, but Java8 didn't help. Still starts to crawl at 30mins or so.

edit: the second (and subsequent) start up of FTB has been good so far. I updated NEI and NEI plugins to latest, installed fastcraft, and Java 8 x64.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know how to put the stealth upgrade on the traveller's vest? It looks like it needs five slots in the tool forge, and I can't work out where to put the vest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello guys, first time in this forum.

Could you help me, please?

Also, my computer is not a wonderful machine but I used to play modded versions without problems, do you guys believe that 2.25GB RAM is anough?

I've got 4GB on my PC.

Thank you!




Jul 24, 2013
Hello guys, first time in this forum.

Could you help me, please?

Also, my computer is not a wonderful machine but I used to play modded versions without problems, do you guys believe that 2.25GB RAM is anough?

I've got 4GB on my PC.

Thank you!

I need a bit more information on your setup to see what's going on...

What Operating System are you using? What version? 32 or 64 bit?

What version of Java? 32 or 64 bit?

System type: Desktop or Laptop?

Ram amount. You already said you have 4GB.

The Direwolf20 pack runs best with the following Java settings:

Ram minimum = 2GB
Ram maximum = 4GB
Permgen = 256MB

With 4GB ram you won't be able to set these values... If you use Windows doing so would either crash the OS at some point or the OS would be so busy memory swapping the game would be unplayable. You should always reserve about 1.5-2GB for the OS... If you've allocated 2.25GB in the client you have already done this.

A problem could arise if you have a laptop/notebook system, since the video circuitry in these generally "shares" part of the total installed ram. This shared memory is really dedicated only to the video subsystem, so for example my old Sony Vaio "steals" 256MB for video, leaving 1.75GB (out of 2GB) available for everything else.

If you can do it, add at least 2GB to your ram although it's possibly cheaper to go with an additional 4GB since that's a standard sized part. This would allow the recommended memory settings for Java.

As far as your error log goes, it looks like the Minecraft server may have been having issues, since you were able to do everything up until you started downloading the file. Either that or you might want to check your hard drive for free space. I've seen similar error messages (with other software) when the program was unable to save the file.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need a bit more information on your setup to see what's going on...

What Operating System are you using? What version? 32 or 64 bit?

What version of Java? 32 or 64 bit?

System type: Desktop or Laptop?

Ram amount. You already said you have 4GB.

The Direwolf20 pack runs best with the following Java settings:

Ram minimum = 2GB
Ram maximum = 4GB
Permgen = 256MB

With 4GB ram you won't be able to set these values... If you use Windows doing so would either crash the OS at some point or the OS would be so busy memory swapping the game would be unplayable. You should always reserve about 1.5-2GB for the OS... If you've allocated 2.25GB in the client you have already done this.

A problem could arise if you have a laptop/notebook system, since the video circuitry in these generally "shares" part of the total installed ram. This shared memory is really dedicated only to the video subsystem, so for example my old Sony Vaio "steals" 256MB for video, leaving 1.75GB (out of 2GB) available for everything else.

If you can do it, add at least 2GB to your ram although it's possibly cheaper to go with an additional 4GB since that's a standard sized part. This would allow the recommended memory settings for Java.

As far as your error log goes, it looks like the Minecraft server may have been having issues, since you were able to do everything up until you started downloading the file. Either that or you might want to check your hard drive for free space. I've seen similar error messages (with other software) when the program was unable to save the file.

Thanks for the reply, Hambeau!

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit version, on my desktop. Java version is also 64 bit (1.7.0_55).

Regardin RAM, I'm not entirely sure about adding more because my processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3GHz (LGA775, old I know) and my motherboard is an Asus P5QC. I'm not sure if I can add more DDR2 add-ons because I'm already using 2x2GB, gotta check the manual. However, a hardware fix is not an option right now.

Also, I've got anough free hard drive space (9GB at the moment).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the reply, Hambeau!

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit version, on my desktop. Java version is also 64 bit (1.7.0_55).

Regardin RAM, I'm not entirely sure about adding more because my processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3GHz (LGA775, old I know) and my motherboard is an Asus P5QC. I'm not sure if I can add more DDR2 add-ons because I'm already using 2x2GB, gotta check the manual. However, a hardware fix is not an option right now.

Also, I've got anough free hard drive space (9GB at the moment).
Your problem is not hardware...

Seems you are having problem downloading minecraft assets, all the assets the client downloads get corrupted. Check for viruses on your PC or try disabling the anti-virus, he might be locking the files for an AV check while the launcher tries to check if they are not corrupted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your problem is not hardware...

Seems you are having problem downloading minecraft assets, all the assets the client downloads get corrupted. Check for viruses on your PC or try disabling the anti-virus, he might be locking the files for an AV check while the launcher tries to check if they are not corrupted.

I don't have use anti-virus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have use anti-virus.
It's a network thingy- I don't know why i had it, but using a different internet access worked (I've had help- we used a net-stick, but I'd guess regular WiFi would work (maybe using a smartphone?)).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's a network thingy- I don't know why i had it, but using a different internet access worked (I've had help- we used a net-stick, but I'd guess regular WiFi would work (maybe using a smartphone?)).

Well, in this case I'll try to donwload the modpack through my roomie's WiFi.

I'll be right back.

EDIT: Didn't work.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somehow, Minecraft launched by it's own and all of a sudden the modpack was installed.

After walking for a while, I noticed extreme lag and low FPS (10~30, sometimes less than 10 FPS) and because of that I'd like to ask:

Is there any way to increase FPS, either by turning off specific mods or by setting anything up?

Below you can see my current video settings and Hats mod is already disabled:




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My guess is that certain mods just cause a huge load on the CPU. So disable some of them and the game should get more stable.
To me mod like Botania, PnyeumaticCraft and mostly the JourneyMap mod caused my CPU to be on more than 80% load (all six cores!).

You might also try and not use any tanks that causes liquids to render to save some FPS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My guess is that certain mods just cause a huge load on the CPU. So disable some of them and the game should get more stable.
To me mod like Botania, PnyeumaticCraft and mostly the JourneyMap mod caused my CPU to be on more than 80% load (all six cores!).

You might also try and not use any tanks that causes liquids to render to save some FPS.

Disabled Maps too but these FPS drops are just too much for me to handle, I'm giving up on playing.

Thanks for the help everybody, have a good time you all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you install Fastcraft for better terraingeneration? Helps alot with FPS when comming to new areas.