Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why are you shocked? it says in all capital letters when you click on the pack "PUBLIC BETA TEST VERSION" which loosely translates to "Yeah, some of you are going to have problems, and some of you will have severe problems. Your mileage will vary."

I'm shocked that others are having so many problems when I am not :p I'm usually in the bug boat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yeah but the one upgrade needs to stay attached, the other doesn't, and I don't know which ones - so does fortune need to stay attached or not, the pump definately needs to stay attached, speed upgrade not apparantly, but still the whole thing seems just as slow as normal, etcetera. Also with all that stuff attached you start having attach space problems for your power, fluids and items.

It just makes me terribly insecure. I had preferred a gui where you pop upgrades in, just like every other thing in MC.

I also preferred a GUI for upgrades, but perhaps RWTema sees this as a balancing point for the quarry


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does Forge and consequently DW20 support Java 8?

The new pack does with the latest version of JAVA 8. I think it was just older servers that had problems.
I would highly recommend you play this pack with the newest version available because performance under 7 was horrible.


Jul 24, 2013
If thats the case i have to try this, i had to remove java 8 to play TPPI, but if it works under DW20 i can safely run it with java 8?
See my post 2 above this one... I know for a fact that 1.8.0_11 works, since I'm using it. Every issue with Java 1.8 I've read about occur with versions newer than this.
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David Benston

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey i am having problem with NEI (and also other players on the server) sometimes the search bar just bugs and i cant search for any items and it is stuck on last search, the only fix i found so far is to delete NEI config files in modpack folder. (it does not have any subsets selected). Is there any better way to fix that?

edit: It seems to happen when i double click the search bar to find item in chest and then go back

I've noticed that too, really irritating. I have to be careful not to double click the bar, which is hard to do when it starts lagging.

David Benston

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm completely shocked that so many have been having such widespread issues with crashes, even booting up the pack. I am playing on my Macbook since 1.0.0 and I haven't had a single issue. Usually I'd expect there to be some. I hope subsequent versions help others who are experiencing this!

Wish I could say that. I haven't had any crashes on my MBP per se, but the lag...my God the lag! Removing Journey Map completely helped a lot, but it still just grinds to a slow slideshow after not very long. If I push through for five or ten minutes it'll pick up and run great...for a few minutes until it starts grinding again. The game is clearly capable of running well, it just chooses not to most of the time.

Pascal van Ratingen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got the 8.something 25 version working great. also removing the max perm size in my settings gave a huge boost to the fps , now all works perfect. Thanks Hambeau.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another issue I have is that I cannot connect to multiplayer servers if I get the pack to launch :(