Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For some reason, MFR auto-spawners take 1000mb of essence to spawn a blaze. I remember in 1.6 it was around 150mb or 500mb. Did they change this as a nerf? Or am I doing something wrong?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also having an item stacking issue, so far it's happened to cobble, torches and green slime balls. items have same ID yet will not stack. deleting the items and getting them back from NEI fixes this issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not at home to test... can Ender IO ducts power Buildcraft machines with RF the way the old conduits could? I'm trying to move as much as possible into one power system this time around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For some reason, MFR auto-spawners take 1000mb of essence to spawn a blaze. I remember in 1.6 it was around 150mb or 500mb. Did they change this as a nerf? Or am I doing something wrong?

Probably a config change. Try adding the ender IO spwner. Keep killing the blazes with the MFR grinder and you can collect the essence from both spawners.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone else noticed a really skewed ore gen? I'm still trying to get my first stack or so of iron, but I already have well over a stack of gold blocks. Also, by the first time I found diamonds, I had over a stack of lapis blocks. I thought that in vanilla lapis and diamond had the same spawn rates.

David Benston

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had trouble finding iron at first too, but by the time I got down to around 20-30 blocks above bedrock I was lousy with the stuff.

Anyone else having issues with the Pulverizer? The only item NEI pulls up when searching is "Pulverizer (Resonant)" which has six different weird recipes to make a pulverizer, all of which require a pulverizer. I feel like I'm at the DMV.

Lag is a problem. It was unplayable until I added Fastcraft and Optifine, now it is barely playable. By the time I get around to building stuff or going above ground, I'm probably going to have to quit.

Someone mentioned the bat morph requiring a trip to the Nether. I didn't have to do that with default settings. There is an option under More Settings (or something to that effect) at the title screen where you can restrict morph flight until you travel to the Nether, and another choice for requiring your first wither kill. Though why anyone would want to kill Bill Withers is beyond me...the man is a national treasure.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Yeah I observed this happen with the very first few dirt blocks I broke. Not sure why it happened. Dirt blocks? With different NBT tags? Wat? Weird error. Haven't seen it happen since my first few minutes playing the game tho, I've played about 4-5 hours with no further incidents. But yeah, very weird.

Has anyone else noticed a really skewed ore gen? I'm still trying to get my first stack or so of iron, but I already have well over a stack of gold blocks. Also, by the first time I found diamonds, I had over a stack of lapis blocks. I thought that in vanilla lapis and diamond had the same spawn rates.

Haven't noticed it yet. I dug down to layer 31 and then went sideways from there, in 15 minutes of digging I already had 1 1/2 stacks of iron, it was the most plentiful ore I was coming across. My JourneyMap Y-coordinate said 31, that's apparently the place to dig to find iron.
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Jul 24, 2013
That's too bad they decided not to use GregTech, but it's really not all that surprising. Direwolf is definitely not a GT kinda player, he does good videos obv but he's never been into seriously hardcore Minecrafting in his Let's Play series.

I'm a GregTech kinda player, so it would really have been awesome if they had left GT in the modpack, I would have played it exclusively until 1.8 modpacks come out in a few years (yes, years, not months LOL). I'll still play the modpack because DW is always a good modpack, if not a great one. But I'll have to split my time with InfiTech2 or some other pack that does include GT.

For those who didn't know, GregTech changed their wiki and are now using the FTB wiki for all GregTech stuff. That's a very good sign indeed!! We should have a lot more packs with GT in them, that's what it tells me.

In case you haven't seen yet, Slowpoke is working on a new pack (and twitch-streaming the testing) that is intended to be a completely updated version of "Ultimate", called "Codename: Resurrection". It is based on Gregtech.

I doubt I will ever play it regularly, although I may try it. There's just this image that pops into my head when you only get 2 sticks from a log (1 log -> 2 planks -> 2 sticks) of the amount of sawdust that is leftover from whittling a square meter of wood into 2 sticks :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In case you haven't seen yet, Slowpoke is working on a new pack (and twitch-streaming the testing) that is intended to be a completely updated version of "Ultimate", called "Codename: Resurrection". It is based on Gregtech.

I doubt I will ever play it regularly, although I may try it. There's just this image that pops into my head when you only get 2 sticks from a log (1 log -> 2 planks -> 2 sticks) of the amount of sawdust that is leftover from whittling a square meter of wood into 2 sticks :D

Awesome, thanks! I had not heard this yet. Very cool. I think GT is a very fair mod, it's just a slower progression through the game. For instance, yes, at the beginning you can only get 2 planks per log, and 2 planks only gives 2 sticks... but that is incentive to make the saw as quickly as possible. Once you make the saw, you once again get the normal 4 planks/4 sticks, at the small cost of some durability of the saw tool... and that small durability cost is then incentive to make a machine that doesn't have any durability issues... etc etc

But for now, I'm loving this Direwolf pack - sometimes its just fun to play a pack with a quicker progression, I'm almost ready to begin making my full Thermal Foundation machine setup, and that always puts a smile on my face. I love those machines so much. Can't wait for RWTema to finish up conduits, it'll be just like the good old days again! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having issues with the Pulverizer? The only item NEI pulls up when searching is "Pulverizer (Resonant)" which has six different weird recipes to make a pulverizer, all of which require a pulverizer. I feel like I'm at the DMV.

I remember on forgecraft they were complaining about that. It has to do with the fact that those recipes change NBT data, and NEI apparently doesn't support that yet. All of the recipes using pulverizers are obviously upgrades, but how to get your first one, I'm not sure... Keep looking? Or it could be a different crafting type.

What does "cluster" mean, and "veins"? On that chart, for Tin, the "best" region has 12 clusters and 1 vein, but the "least" region has 4 clusters and 8 veins, which almost sounds like it could still be very productive?
I think the more important thing to pay attention to the frequency of the oregen, rather than the size of the vein/cluster. not really a fan of this oregen, but probably just because its different. It shouldn't be a problem once a quarry is set up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I remember on forgecraft they were complaining about that. It has to do with the fact that those recipes change NBT data, and NEI apparently doesn't support that yet. All of the recipes using pulverizers are obviously upgrades, but how to get your first one, I'm not sure... Keep looking? Or it could be a different crafting type.

I dunno if INpure mod is included in this modpack, but that's what it does, it eliminates most of the redundant recipes. In the case of Thermal Expansion, I'm making the "Pulverizer (Basic)" machine to begin with, and that's on page 2 of 3 of the "Pulverizer (Resonant)" recipes in NEI. Not sure what the different tiers do, that's what I'm curious to find out. Only way is to build em all and see. Getting there. :) We can prob assume TE now has quicker processing power at the Resonant tier, that will be fabulous if so!

Matt Usurp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally found it was massively laggy to play. I decided to mess with the settings and found that doing the following things help a lot!
  • Disable journey web map. (J > Options > Web Map > Enabled (untick))
  • Set "Mipmap" to 2 instead of 4. Im unsure what this actually does anyway.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This doc is incorrected as stated by me and other is the past
What does "cluster" mean, and "veins"? On that chart, for Tin, the "best" region has 12 clusters and 1 vein, but the "least" region has 4 clusters and 8 veins, which almost sounds like it could still be very productive?
Cluster is the number of blocks it will try to spawn. I say try coz not always is possible to do that. Veins is the number of attempts to spawn by chunk. So... 8 attempts to spawn 4 blocks on the cluster.

4/8 might seem better but, in perfect conditions is 8 veins of 4 blocks on all chunk, scattered at any height. The 12/1, in perfect conditions, you will have 1 vein of 12 blocks at height 23+/-3(again, the doc is wrong). Much easier to find if you mine the all 23 y level at the chunk...

What doesnt make any sense in this ore gen, is things like nickel at any level or copper at deep levels. It should be a good mining level, like 6-10 height, a bad mining level +5 below and up the good mining level and some sparse ore gen upward. So... you could find some stuff like copper and some iron above level 60, but no way you would find copper below level 40...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack seems to run well, hopefully I can get it to run smoothly with cauldron.

Any chance we will see EE3 or Mekanism?