Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.23
Mod & Version: MFR And ic2 from what i've been told
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash log
Whats the bug? The bug is minefactory machines stop working when you teleport away from a chunk and then come back to the chunk, Only way to fix them is replace them or restart the server.
I have talked with the dev of cauldron and he looked in to the issue, he came to conclusion that it is a conflict between ic2 and mfr
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: There is no fix, it's a bug between ic2 and mfr which prolly won't be fixed, unless someone finds a work around or actually updates these mods for 1.6.4 to fix the issue
Is this pack even still under dev.?...Or am i wasting my time making a bug report
Or - don´t use Cauldron

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