Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Modpack: DW20 1.0.21 (server)
Mod and Mod Version: The hole Modpack

The whole mod package is a great idea, but it runs totally unstable, it haave good 1000000 bugs. These errors have from time to time to lead not total failure of servers and sometimes. There are sometimes crash reports and sometimes not, but mostly not.


It would be very nice if someone could write here. And if you even still bugs should post here or just if you can let it be because the mod package is no longer being developed. I think that it is no longer being developed, because it has just been more no update for months.


Should we still continue to post bug here?
Will there still developing the package?
Will there be updates or bug fixes?
Or is deprecated and you should prefer to find another package?

(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Modpack: DW20 1.0.21 (server)
Mod and Mod Version: The hole Modpack


Not really sure what you are going on about.

The recommended version is 1.0.23, you've been reporting bugs for 1.0.21(update maybe?)

There is also a 1.0.25 in the drop down list, that is in testing. So...
Because I have a Server.... and you can,t join on it with 1.0.23 or 1.0.25............. and you get only 1.0.21 for servers as a download.........

(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Because I have a Server.... and you can,t join on it with 1.0.23 or 1.0.25............. and you get only 1.0.21 for servers as a download.........

(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)

If you select 1.0.25 in the dropdown on the FTB client then click the download server button on the FTB client it does download the 1.0.25 server zip file.
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (Server/Client)
Mod and Mod Version: Tinkers Construct & Thermal Expansion

Pastebin: There no crash

Bug: - RF bumpered tools of Tinkers Construct are no longer charged by the flux of thermal expansion canisters

- The tank of the smelter loses lava, even if nothing is melted.

Known Fix: ...


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
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Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/clien)
Mod and Mod Version: Ars Magica 2 v.1.1.2b

Pastebin: There no crash

Bug: - Arcane Compendium, that´s completly empty
- The magic book should be soulbound when it enchants to a Enchanting Table. That it does not.

Known Fix: no


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/clien)
Mod and Mod Version: OpenBlocks

Pastebin: There no crash or log

Bug: - When you craft the "Radio" (ID 2577) and then placed, then stops the server.

Known Fix: Make a Server rollback / use a backup without this "Radio" / delete the Player Data File


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
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Nobody is replying for a few reasons.
  1. We're having great difficulty understanding just what is erroring. Your descriptions are vague and non-specific.
  2. When we can understand what's going on (or what we think might be going on), we can't reproduce the issue, let alone work out how to solve it.
As for the Morph bug posted, you don't get mob abilities until you've gained the "We must go deeper" achievement (Which is done by getting diamonds and lighting a nether portal). It also relies on the server being able to connect to the net to download the latest list of mob abilities. If the server is offline and unable to connect to the internet, this might be the problem (Which might also explain the problem with the Radio, that plays internet radio streams).

The "Empty Arcane Compendium" might be a translations issue - AM2 might not have translation files for the language you're running in, and appears blank. Try running in English.

TiCon tools are only charged by RF Capacitors when the capacitor is in your hotbar and active, and the TiCon tool is being held. If there's no enchantment effect on the capacitor, it's not active (Shift-click to activate).

Not sure what would be causing the smeltery to drain lava without being used. Sorry.

Pneumaticraft seeds can (in some cases, Propulsion plants especially) introduce some slight TPS lag when moving. Pneumaticraft needs to be fixed to solve this problem.

Opis - "This mod can not turn off you." - I am unable to make any sense of this sentence. Please try restating the issue in as verbose and complete a method as you can. What are you trying to do? What do you expect to happen? What actually happens instead?

"The server TPS rate is now reduced from previously 19 to just 10." - Modpack has become (slightly) more complex, as new mods were added and new revisions of mods were updated to fix former bugs. This is to be expected, and NOT A BUG.

And the 1.0.21 bugs you have posted thus far HAVE been fixed thanks to newer versions of the affected mods. If you are not seeing this, please re-install the modpack from scratch, as it appears your mods haven't been updated for some reason.
(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)

  • Ars Magica to 2. Okay this may be that there are no language files, I play on German, have now but let's ALL other languages tested. And it's complete empty at ALL.
  • To Morph and the radio. No idea what you mean. I can not speak English, I have said often enough. And the Google Translator is not just great, because we can understand anything if you put your pure text there.
    If I put the "Radio" open block, the server, as if someone would have the /stop command stops used.

    To "morph" - the problem I got solved, just had to change something in the config and in the Server Properties.
(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
  • If I put the "Radio" open block, the server, as if someone would have the /stop command stops used.
If the server is stopping, it must be leaving a message as to why it's stopping. Please find the log file (the crash log, preferably) and place it somewhere that we can read it. Like pastebin.com
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.25
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion

Whats the bug?
Fluid duplication bug that's very simple yet very easy to miss:

ANY object, of any type, auto-ejecting fluid into a TE Fluiduct, will cause duplication of that fluid. Looping the source of the fluid back into the object ejecting it will result in infinite fluid. Works with any fluid that can be placed into TE stuff.

Can it be repeated?
Yes. Simplest way is to just take a TE Portable Tank, connect the bottom to the top with fluiducts, set the tank to output mode and stick a bucket of anything inside. You will end up with a full tank in short order.

Known Fix:
This problem only affects auto-ejected fluids. Ejecting a fluid manually with a redstone signal or the use of a pneumatic servo attached to the fluiduct will result in the proper amount being pulled out. Depending on the source that's auto-ejecting, the simplest workaround is to simply attach a Buildcraft or OpenBlocks tank to act as a buffer, then attach the fluiduct to that along with a servo or redstone signal to manually pull out of that tank. TE Machines auto-ejecting fluids to other machines or Buildcraft pipes does not cause duplication; this seems to be strictly a Fluiduct bug.
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/client)

Mod and Mod Version: Ars Magica 2 v. 1.1.2b

Pastebin: There no crash or log

Bug: - You can´t enchant the "Spellbook" (ID 22259) with the "Soulbound" entchantment on every enchantmenttable.

Known Fix: ...


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Modpack: DW20 1.0.23

Mod: Thaumcraft

Log: No Crash

Bug: Unable to craft thaumcraft tables with oak wood.

Known Fix: use different type of wood
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/client)

Mod and Mod Version: Ars Magica 2 v. 1.1.2b

Pastebin: There no crash or log

Bug: - If you want remove a Arcane Reconstructor, you will got a kick. You can´t remove it.

Known Fix: ...


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Mod Pack Version: since 1.0.23 starting with IC2 - now 1.0.25 MFR too
Mod & Version: industrialcraft-2_2.0.354-experimental, MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.9-final
Error Message:
[IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.machine.TileEntityPlanter@662e0ec3 (powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.machine.TileEntityPlanter@662e0ec3) is conflicting with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.machine.TileEntityPlanter@59cb589d using the same position (already added, prev. te not removed, overlapping), aborting
Whats the bug? [IC2]This causes the energynet to disconnect all IC2 items. Cable won't connect, power won't flow. All items have to be removed and placed again. This happens after changing dimensions.
[MFR] Machines stop working. It's like they recived a redstone signal.
Happens in multiplayer only.
Known Fix / Workaround: Don't switch dimensions ;P - hopefully a update to IC2 / MFR might help
I'm playing DW20 1.6.4, 1.0.25

I have noticed that after the server that i play on crashes or restarts, then the chunks in the deep dark where players have a quarry set up get reset and we lose everything there. The part of land that gets mined out doesn't reset though, just the part that holds the machines.
I put a chunk loader there just in case and that disappears as well
not serious, as its small scale, just a bit of a nuisance having to make everything again and going to place them again
Nobody is replying for a few reasons.

Opis - "This mod can not turn off you." - I am unable to make any sense of this sentence. Please try restating the issue in as verbose and complete a method as you can. What are you trying to do? What do you expect to happen? What actually happens instead?

I think he's trying to say, that in the FTB launcher, that he cannot remove, in other words disable, the Opis mod from the modpack, it's always in the list of mods and cannot be removed for some reason. Does that make any sense to you? I know I certainly can't remove it out of my list of installed mods in the modpack I have here.

Cheers ...

  • Like
Reactions: Internuntius
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/client)

Mod and Mod Version: Ars Magica 2 v. 1.1.2b

Pastebin: There no crash or log

Bug: - The "Sigil of Lunar Trides" don´t work.

Known Fix: ...


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)
Modpack: DW20 1.0.25 (server/client)

Mod and Mod Version: Ars Magica 2 v. 1.1.2b

Pastebin: There no crash or log

Bug: - The "Sigil of Lunar Trides" don´t work.

Known Fix: ...


(sorry for the bad grammar i'm not use to english)

Did you place it on a Siogil Stand? Did you place it in the area covered by a chunkloader?

Question: Do you know the German YouTube user known as Docm77? He is a very knowledgeable European person, and has had experience with modpacks. He also speaks some German, being from Europe. I'm sure if you requested to contact him he might be able to help you a bit. There's also other European YouTube personalities or commenters you may have heard of, please can you ask some of them to help you, or to transcribe a written copy of the German description of your problems into English for us so that we may attempt to better understand your problems?

Cheers ...

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