The 1.0.10 update coming out tommorrow should help.
Thanks I'll give it a shot!
The 1.0.10 update coming out tommorrow should help.
ah okay i have a 3Gb ram server ill upgrade and see if it makes a difference, i admit it was last week when i contacted them about it and the direpack has changed since them if after i upgrade it still does the same i'll ask them again. Thank JadedCat much appreciatedWeird just talked to them... and nope. Only bug thay are aware of is a ticking entity bug in open blocks.
Also thats not a complete log.
Generally speaking creeperhost will say report modpack bugs on the thread anytime a client says "its not working" on a beta pack. Timeout exception CAN be a memory leak. It can also be you attempting to run a pack on lower then the recommended minimum of 3GB of RAM and it can also be a bad internet connection.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Factorization in 1.0.9
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug? There is something wrong with the Dark Iron blocks, as you can see from this paste. But to make it easier to find I'm also pasting it here.
Code:Compilation events (10 events): Event: 746.235 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 6750 factorization.common.BlockDarkIronOre::hasTileEntity (2 bytes) Event: 746.235 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 nmethod 6750 0x00000000036ee690 code [0x00000000036ee7c0, 0x00000000036ee818] Event: 748.869 Thread 0x000000000b4a5000 6751 (81 bytes) Event: 748.879 Thread 0x000000000b4a5000 nmethod 6751 0x00000000036ebd10 code [0x00000000036ebee0, 0x00000000036ec498] Event: 756.519 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 6752 (17 bytes) Event: 756.521 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 nmethod 6752 0x00000000036df0d0 code [0x00000000036df200, 0x00000000036df278] Event: 757.322 Thread 0x000000000b4a5000 6753 % @ 290 (506 bytes) Event: 757.423 Thread 0x000000000b4a5000 nmethod 6753% 0x00000000039d3c50 code [0x00000000039d3e80, 0x00000000039d5460] Event: 757.858 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 6754 net.minecraft.entity.Entity::func_70087_a (55 bytes) Event: 757.891 Thread 0x000000000b4aa000 nmethod 6754 0x00000000039b7750 code [0x00000000039b78e0, 0x00000000039b7eb8]
This caused the GPU to harden up and exceed the Timeout Delay Response, which was even set to 10 on my end. This would also cause the screen to flicker black with the "Display driver has stopped responding and has recovered" error.
Can it be repeated? Unknown. It spontaneously decides to combust. I even made a superflat "Tunneler's Dream" presetted map to see if it would occur, and sure enough it did.
Known Fix: Disable Factorization, and it will stop the random explosions.
After Java, otherwise Java will try to download to that location again.Oooh! Thanks! Okay![DOUBLEPOST=1388850804][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry for the double post but should I reinstall quicktime first before java? Or after it?
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: ProjectRed 1.6.4- and Thermal Expansion
Pastebin to crash log: N/A
Whats the bug? Sometimes I see ProjectRed's red alloy wire not connecting, here's a screenshot of one:
The same happens with Thermal Expansions Itemducts and Fluiducts here is a screenshot of that:
In both places there was a fluiduct and a wire where it's missing!
Can it be repeated? I have not found a way to repeat it, however there might be one.
Known Fix: Place a terrain smasher facing the fluiduct/itemduct/red alloy wire, the game will crash, open it again, enter the world and the wire/itemduct/fluiduct will be broken.
This bug is ridiculous. We keep getting spammed with updates to TE and each time it get's broken more.... I have about 25 pipes/conduits like this, I'm on a server and It keeps CTD each time I try to fix them...
I can second this. This is is true for the newest version of Direwolf20 as well.I'm not sure I have the right thread for this, but in the Direwolf20 1.0.9 changelog, it said that the ProjectRed Mechanical and Item Routing system would be added, but I see no new ProjectRed files on my server and on my client after updating, and no new items from the mod show up in NEI. Did I download a broken version of the pack, or am I misinterpreting something? Thanks in advance.
The same happened to me.Apparently DW20 pack seems to be on version 1.0.11 but neither i can download the pack or choose version 1.0.10 (which my server runs of).
EDIT: the problem refers in the console as unknown source, but java freezes and i am not able no pastebin the error report.
The same happened to me.
I'm not sure I have the right thread for this, but in the Direwolf20 1.0.9 changelog, it said that the ProjectRed Mechanical and Item Routing system would be added, but I see no new ProjectRed files on my server or on my client after updating, and no new items from the mod show up in NEI. Did I download a broken version of the pack, or am I misinterpreting something? Thanks in advance.
Apparently DW20 pack seems to be on version 1.0.11 but neither i can download the pack or choose version 1.0.10 (which my server runs of).
EDIT: the problem refers in the console as unknown source, but java freezes and i am not able no pastebin the error report.