Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 (on a server)
Mod & Version: Thermal Expansion 3.0.0
Pastebin link to crash log: no crash
Whats the bug? Itemducts (opaque and regular) exhibit strange behavior. Items disappear when they enter the ducts. For example, my Forestry treefarm was outputting wood, apples, and apple oak saplings. After a period of time, only the wood would ever move through the ducts. Saplings and apples would disappear from the treefarm gui, but would not render in the clear itemducts or ever show up in the chest or the barrel. Problem seemed to be exacerbated by loading and unloading chunks, but I was able to get it to happen sometimes even when I hadn't left the chunk. Breaking and replacing all pipes sometimes seems to fix it for a time, other times not. Long itemduct networks with several item types moving through them have the most problems. Short lengths (1 or 2 itemducts) moving a single item type never have problems. Problem also occurred when interacting with vanilla chests, chests from Iron Chests mod, JABBA barrels (yes I tried uninstalling this mod and problem kept occurring). I never noticed a problem with my quarry, possibly because it was chunkloaded? Also, ducts outputting in round robin mode seem to not be able to find more than 2 or 3 inventories to send items to. Trying to feed 4 steam dynamos with charcoal from a chest through round robin mode resulted in the 2 closest (or rarely, 3 closest) receiving charcoal with the remaining dynamo never receiving anything, and the charcoal that would have gone to it sometimes vanished or sometimes popped out of the duct in a random place along its length.
Can it be repeated? Frequently
Known Fix: Don't know... sometimes the ducts work, other times they don't
tl;dr -- itemducts behaving badly