Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

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So is DC OP? Well really that goes deep into what is your playstyle.

DC has some really nice tools and options which I would not count as overly unbalanced.

But then it also has some stuff that just makes at least to me feel like I'm cheating.

I Think the engine is nice sure it is a little super for what it does but you kind of reliant on some random luck to get the stuff needed to make one early game. And while it is strong early to mid game from mid to late there are much better power options out there.

the crazy stacking fortune to me is a little over the top.

The armor? really sure early it is nice but if you have MPS installed mid game you will most likely be switching that out.

Tree killing? Yeah once again sure great early game but once you get any sort of tree farm up just no often will you be manually chopping wood?

I'm not a fan of bleed but to be honest that goes into the realm of pvp something I don't do anyways.

I love the wrench and being able to turn unwanted books back into xp is nice.

Over all it is one of those mods that you can have installed use just what you think is fair and ignore the rest with little impact. Except for one thing spoil bags if I could change one thing about this mod it was be to have a toggle for these bags. It is basically just free dungeon loot that you can now farm with a basic mob farm. Meaning all low % dungeon loot becomes a matter of time and less a mater of chance. It also sort of turns a basic mob farm into an upgraded scrap box maker. (which you could then toss your unwanted into an actual recycler)
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It may be a little overpowered in some regards, but I love it for its secondary uses, such as the alternate recipes for IC2 circuits and mixed metal ingots, using one redstone, six insulated copper wires, and two force ingots to get two circuits and three refined iron, three force ingots, and three tin ingots to get four mixed metal ingots are both great, and bat claws and force gems are great sources for several forms of Thaumcraft essentia which I've always found to be in short supply.
Power drill with speedV fortuneIV drains my adv.jetpack in about 7 or 8 mins. So little powerful than adv.drill but not broken OP.
And bottling up pig and throwing at creeper? How cool.
It's one of the best mods out there, focusing on fun instead of artificial difficulty. Its take on enchantment is amazing if you start working on it as soon as you can (although a bit grindy if you start too late), there are convenience tools everywhere, spoils bags are an amazing reward for fighting the stupid monsters of this game, you can easily turn all that useless dungeon loot into profit, the configurable backpacks are one of the best things to have ever been created in a mod, it has auto-crafting with nothing but pipes, the clipboard is much more convenient than any minium stone or similar items, force mitts are considerably better than RP2's sickles could ever dream to be (although it seems a lot of mods nowadays have their take on them), and I guess that's about it for my favorite things. The only thing I really find a bit unbalanced in it is being able to pick up spawners with the wrench (I forgot to mention how incredible it is to be able to pick most machines in the game without losing their stored power or chests without a portl/grav gun), but then again you can choose to not pick them up.

And I'm so glad that Bluedart doesn't listen (much) to all people complaining OP this OP that, seeing how the only change he did after a few pages with nothing but posts like that in his thread was nerf the burn time for liquid force in his engines (and even that got a config option, so you could turn it back up to the old default). "But my configs!" also holds true to this mod, plenty of things can be turned off if you're one of those guys.

To be fair, if you have thaumcraft installed you can easily give your tool repair.
"Easily", after you spend quite a bit of time getting your tome to level 7.
As for the durability of tools, ArmorStatusHUD tells me it's something around 500. Grinding makes a tool lose 3 durability points per block mined, and heat makes them lose 2, so for example if you have both you get a pick with 100 durability.
Dartcraft updated ... force engine went from 60k to 20k. And other stuff...

Oh, something about force buildcraft pipes and item cards ...


Beta 0.1.18
- Bugfix: Changed the way the Rod of Return is damaged. The maximum damage it can take per use is now 1, and as a result should they break inside a Force Belt the user's current item should no longer be destroyed.
- Bugfix: Clipboards can now be crafted with any type of wooden planks registered with Forge.
- Bugfix: Force Slabs/Stairs, Force Engines and Force Infusers should now sync properly to clients even in dimensions other than the one in which the player first logged in.
- Bugfix: Updated Force Wrench support for Extra Bees TileEntities, as they recently changed location. Errors of this nature will now be less verbose and forboding in the future.
- Possible Bugfix: Threw a try/catch block around a function allegedly preventing user login when an agitated Cold Chicken decided to deny certain individuals the privelege of their presence.
- All Thaumcraft golems are no longer bottleable.
- Added Shift-click support for NEI's recipe inquiry button to the Clipboard. Shift-clicking will print the recipe behind the crafting slots, attempt to place the clipboard's contents into the user's inventory and then place viable recipe ingredients from the user's inventory into the appropriate clipboard slots.
- Force Trees can now be cultivated in Forestry's Multiblock Farm.
- Force Saplings ferment into half as much biomass as before.
- Triggering Wing flight is now also determined by player.isSneaking() rather than a hardcoded keyboard binding alone.
- Wing flight may be initiated now even while holding an item, when Wing flight is available.
- When the Wing Meter is depleted, Force Armor's speed bonus is temporarily negated.
- Force Shards now contain 1 bucket of Liquid Force as far as the Liquid Dictionary is concerned.
- Change: Angry Enderman will no longer look around their child's mangled corpse for a possible culprit to punish. They will however, still spawn around it.
- Liquid Force Burn time in Force Engines is now configurable. In addition, the default burn time of Liquid Force has been reduced to 20000 ticks, down from 60000. Users may change this value to anything from 7500 to 60000. Liquid Force's output in MJ/t has not been changed. This change should encourage the use of BuildCraft Fuel in Force Engines, as Fuel will now last 5x longer than Liquid Force, but Fuel may still benefit from throttles such as Milk or Crushed Ice to exceed that of the Combustion Engine.
- Force Packs can now be recolored all 16 Minecraft Standard Colors. Existing Force Packs will change color once and only once to the new standard.
- The Sturdy upgrade on Force Armor can now be "nerfed" in the config, effectively halving the additional protection afforded. If this option is enabled it is quite possible to die but one still stands a better chance than they would in vanilla armor. This setting is disabled by default.
- The Sturdy upgrade on Force Armor will now prevent a death blow to players under its aegis leaving them with half a heart, but only if they have 1 heart or more remaining. This effect is paired with the sound you hear when the Wing Meter depletes to notify the user this effect has occured.
- Force Packs with configured Item Cards inside them will now be a bit smarter about inserting and removing configured items from IIventories. Essentially, whether or not the target item is already inside the Force Pack will determine the action.
- Refactored the Item Card's Crafting upgrade to use Forge Ore Dictionary alternatives.
- Force Packs may now be upgraded with Sturdy to make their EntityItem form indestructible and prevent them from despawning. Sturdy Force Packs have a rarity of Rare instead of Uncommon. (Blue names instead of yellow.)
- Force Wrenched TileEntities that are dropped into the world are now completely invincible and will never despawn.
- Spoils Bags may now be right-clicked onto an IInventory to dump their contents into that inventory. If the Spoils Bag is emptied in this manner it will vanish. Clever players may now find means of automating the emptying and subsequent sorting of Spoils Bags.
- Refactored the Force Wrench to work with most TileEntities. The Force Wrench will also no longer refuse to pick up TileEntities with Force Packs or other DartCraft storge media inside them.
- Force Wrenches may now be used to properly dismantle Thermal Expansion IDismantleables: Redstone Energy Cells, Conduits, Liquiducts etc.
- The Ender upgrade is once again a valid upgrade for the Force Sword. Shift-Right click on a block up to 64 blocks away to instantly teleport to it, and do one damage to the sword.
- Force Pickaxes and Force Shovels can now be toggled between normal and Area mode by shift-right-clicking with the tool in your hands. In area mode the Force Tool will take much longer to break blocks, but when an appropriate block is broken in this mode all other blocks the tool is effective against will be broken in a 3x3 area around the first block. Blocks broken in this fashion will expend the same amount of durability as if all affected blocks had been broken manually.
- Buffed the Lumberjack upgrade to function within a 7x1x7 area instead of just a 1x1x1 area.
- Added the Force Transport Pipe if BuildCraft is installed. The Force Transport Pipe has a right-click interface that interacts with Item Cards in specific ways. As a bonus the Force Transport Pipe has the functions of an obsidian transport pipe and a golden transport pipe, however the Force Transport Pipe is 3x faster than a golden transport pipe.
- If a non-upgraded Item Card is placed inside a Force Transport Pipe the contents of the Item Card will determine what is allowed to pass through the pipe, with anything not allowed bouncing back in the direction whence it came.
- If a Craft-upgraded Item Card is placed inside the Force Transport Pipe when items matching recipe ingredients (forge sensitive) will be stored in an internal buffer. When this buffer has sufficient crafting supplies it will craft what it can and send the results forward through the pipe in the direction of the last item passing through the pipe.
- The Force Pipe's Crafting buffer has limited space, so care must be taken to manage supply ratios. To combat this, the pipe will not accept more than 128 of any given item.
- If a Force-upgraded Item Card is placed inside the Force Transport Pipe when items that are specified by the Item Card to be Force Transmuted will, if a valid transmutation is applicable, be transmuted into the shown output without so much as slowing the item down.
- Force Pipes with Item Cards inside them have a more closed-off texture, to indicate the presence of an Item Card.
- Added the Forge upgrade. The Forge upgrade is given by a Furnace, and at present is only valid for Item Cards. Item Cards with the Forge upgrade will act in a similar fashion to Force-upgraded Item Cards, excepting that their only valid targets are items registered on the Forge OreDictionary. Using Forge Cards, items labeled as "equivalent" by the Forge OreDictionary may be transmuted between each other.
- Forge-upgraded Item Cards may also be used inside Force Pipes to transmute the desired items, just as with Force-upgraded Item Cards.

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Awesome : 40 slot backpack and configurable. Rod of return, speed. Power drill, chainsaw. Unexplodable engine with throttle. Force wrench(carry around extruder and not lose my lava)

Meh : spoils bag(just gives you chest full of force mitts and single use safari net) claws for sharpnessII(tier1, to easy to obtain)
"Added Shift-click support for NEI's recipe inquiry button to the Clipboard. Shift-clicking will print the recipe behind the crafting slots, attempt to place the clipboard's contents into the user's inventory and then place viable recipe ingredients from the user's inventory into the appropriate clipboard slots."

And wow, force pipes and forge cards sound awesome! I'm also pleased at more backpack colours.
The force wrench is rather fantastic early game when your base is expanding and you need to move stuff around. Just shift right click chests, pick them up and place elsewhere. All items remain in the exact same slots. It seems convenience really is king. :)
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The force wrench is rather fantastic early game when your base is expanding and you need to move stuff around. Just shift right click chests, pick them up and place elsewhere. All items remain in the exact same slots. It seems convenience really is king. :)
Shift right click a spawner...

:) I giggled
And there is a Forge upgrade card that is a pipe that can unify ores in the pipe. Which is uhmazing.

Unify ores? By this I assume you mean it will change the dozen or so types of copper into one single type of copper when they pass through, as an example?
And there is a Forge upgrade card that is a pipe that can unify ores in the pipe. Which is uhmazing.

When you use a force pick that grinds+smelts on nether osmium, it gives you gregs osmium dust. Which is not smeltable, only compressble. It will be sooo handy to swap that over for some proper osmium dust that I can smelt. I don't want to have to make any GT machines at all, strange that the pick would default it's output to GT dust :/
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