Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to say, I was recently a victim of the claw effect and it is way op due to it carrying over through death and lasting forever. I died twenty-seven times before it finally wore of :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to say, I was recently a victim of the claw effect and it is way op due to it carrying over through death and lasting forever. I died twenty-seven times before it finally wore of :(
That is bleeding.
It is arrow, not claw

But it is brudal anyway(force armor + sword with full bleed = death by punch)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Woah woah woah there, hold your horses, that got a bit too heated up :p.
First of all I never said you personally were whining. I was speaking generally.
Ah, OK, sorry about that.
Second; I don't understand in what capacity it's silly, because all I see is the implication of "You don't share my opinion on subject x, therefore you are dumb."
I'm not really sure where you came to this conclusion, I certainly didn't mean that if I implied it. I was just expressing my opinion, I wasn't trying to undermine anyone who doesn't share it. Sorry if it offended you, it wasn't meant to.
Third; You didn't show that at all.
Yeah it wasn't really meant to be all that effective either, if you look back at the post it was mostly sarcasm about FTB adding the dirt to diamonds mod to the pack.
Frankly, The only reason I see about why this argument is "silly" is because you can't rebut to it.
And I will respect your opinion, just as I hope you will to mine :).
You can't argue against it and it takes away your ability to bitch, so you talk down the argument in some half-baked delusion that it'll be less credible to do so.
Again, sorry if it appeared like I was trying to wine, I wasn't. If you'd like I'll edit out my post. It wasn't my intention to delude people into thinking something either.
Prove me wrong.
I can't really do what you're asking if it's just a matter of opinion whether you feel the argument is effective or not...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Frankly, The only reason I see about why this argument is "silly" is because you can't rebut to it. You can't argue against it and it takes away your ability to bitch, so you talk down the argument in some half-baked delusion that it'll be less credible to do so. Prove me wrong.

You can argue against it. It's actually a non-sequitur of an argument. "Dartcraft is overpowered in this modpack because _____" is not a complaint actually addressed by, "Don't use it!" It's an evasion.

But the entire discussion is moot. It's silly. It's a waste of time. DartCraft exists to do very specific things, it does them well, and ultimately FTB made a decision and they're not really well-known for having random forum threads for them into recanting said decisions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to say, I was recently a victim of the claw effect and it is way op due to it carrying over through death and lasting forever. I died twenty-seven times before it finally wore of :(
You see, the problem is that this isn't intended. Go check Dartcraft's topic on the Minecraft forums, it explains perfectly how the bleed effect works -- if it's lasting this long, that's obviously a bug that should be reported, but instead people are just complaining OP this OP that instead of doing anything useful. The same goes for the billion Nether Stars thing, as mentioned previously.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both things Revemohl has mentioned are confirmed bugs. But let's call them features so that we can hate on the mod anyways.

While we're at blaming mods for bugs, the very best PVP mod is Railcraft. Boilers can get broken in such a wya that they output an invalid liquid and seeing it in a liquiduct you crash. Only fix is to rollback the chunk. This is way too op.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually hate either bleed or fire, dunno which one, but when I had both I punched a mob and i got the damage, the dot and the fire; but then i couldn't punch it again (like if i did, it just didnt do anything) till that wore off


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both things Revemohl has mentioned are confirmed bugs. But let's call them features so that we can hate on the mod anyways.

While we're at blaming mods for bugs, the very best PVP mod is Railcraft. Boilers can get broken in such a wya that they output an invalid liquid and seeing it in a liquiduct you crash. Only fix is to rollback the chunk. This is way too op.

You sir deserves more likes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You see, the problem is that this isn't intended. Go check Dartcraft's topic on the Minecraft forums, it explains perfectly how the bleed effect works -- if it's lasting this long, that's obviously a bug that should be reported, but instead people are just complaining OP this OP that instead of doing anything useful. The same goes for the billion Nether Stars thing, as mentioned previously.

Ah. In that case I refract my previous statement on their OPness. What is this billion nether star thing you speak of? Did I miss something again?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So after annoying DoctorOr by safely wrenching Thermal Expansion things (and yes, you can safely do it in multiplayer too) I set out on a mission to break Dartcraft somehow.

I succeeded. Wrenched spawners of different species can occasionally stack, converting all the stacked spawners into one type. This is not a huge exploit but it could be really annoying if you wanted to keep the types separate, and I suspect there are other inappropriate stacking issues out there waiting to be found.

Oh, and spoils bags are really really strong. By auto-spawning mobs and dropping them off a cliff I'm getting a lot of spoils bags, which sometimes contain force crystals or buckets of force, which can be chucked into the force engines that run the auto-spawner and the grinders to keep them running with a substantial surplus. There are also industrially relevant amounts of tin, copper, and plenty of steel and bronze from the meltable metal armor. Tomorrow I will set up a massive recycling system to get rid of all the dross items like wooden tools and those goddamn force mitts that I have dozens of now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So after annoying DoctorOr by safely wrenching Thermal Expansion things (and yes, you can safely do it in multiplayer too) I set out on a mission to break Dartcraft somehow.

I succeeded. Wrenched spawners of different species can occasionally stack, converting all the stacked spawners into one type. This is not a huge exploit but it could be really annoying if you wanted to keep the types separate, and I suspect there are other inappropriate stacking issues out there waiting to be found.

Oh, and spoils bags are really really strong. By auto-spawning mobs and dropping them off a cliff I'm getting a lot of spoils bags, which sometimes contain force crystals or buckets of force, which can be chucked into the force engines that run the auto-spawner and the grinders to keep them running with a substantial surplus. There are also industrially relevant amounts of tin, copper, and plenty of steel and bronze from the meltable metal armor. Tomorrow I will set up a massive recycling system to get rid of all the dross items like wooden tools and those goddamn force mitts that I have dozens of now.

Maybe you could make a monument to force mitts using bibliocraft?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So after annoying DoctorOr by safely wrenching Thermal Expansion things (and yes, you can safely do it in multiplayer too) I set out on a mission to break Dartcraft somehow.

You being wrong doesn't annoy me. Nor does you playing an out of date version and somehow thinking its meaningful.
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