My advice on first day:
- setup your sync shell.
- Wall an area in front of your door and above your roof/spaceship.
Atleast 2 high. This will provide a barrier from you against mobs.
TAKE NOTE: spiders will still be able to get in. BUT. Its still better compared to creepers, skeles, and zombies altogether. You will def have a high survival chance
- Dig a trench in front of those walls for mobs to fall in and die from sunlight.
At least 2 wide and 2 deep.
- You should have enough food and fluids to survive the first 2 - 3 nights. These are given as starting mats
- You can dig your trench first and then wall so that you wont waste time as the dust from digging can be your walls. This saves a lot of time but also gives a lot of room for error, space allocation wise. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space. Did it the other way (Trench then wall), had less space in the end and had to cram a butt ton of stuff in a small area.
- This way you'll have bone, zombie flesh and gunpowder for days.
Day Two and upcoming days (before the nourishment thing kicks off):
- Make a sniping spot from you wall to your trench and snipe those bastards that were left over, creepers and armored mobs mainly. Then collect loot.
Bone, zombie flesh and gunpowder for days. Close sniping spot after.
- Finish the easy quests and start getting dirt and plant trees. Plant inside your wall of course for protection.
- Prioritize getting bone tools (pick, shovel and axe) for faster work.
- If theres still time. upgrade your trench.
Invest time on it and make it atleast 4 - 6 deep and 4 wide (for giving spiders a harder time getting up, but they can still get up and kill you. This just means theres more room for error for them to climb and fall and take damage). With this you can also make a bridge from your wall/cave to the outside world.
- if you run out of dust to sieve during the night, day time is best to go dust digging.
First and upcoming nights (before the nourishment thing kicks off):
- sieve the hell out of those dusts (from making the trenches) to get iron for shears.
- plant trees. get wood. get shears for water.
- make a crucible. put it somewhere thats accessible for you and above the pyrotheum and have it semi automated (chest + hopper + pipes leading to a safe collection point) within the wall
- try and make a cobble gen (get mats from sieving dusts)
When nourishment thing kicks off:
- By this time you should have completed a few more quests and hopefully a cobblegen.
- You should also have the rice seed and a butt ton of bones and maybe an orange tree sappling from a quest.
- You should have the mats to make a pot (from quest), mixing bowl, juicer, and chopping board
- Bonemeal the hell out of the rice and oranges.
- My food rotation:
First Rotation: Salad (from oranges - 2 oranges + mixing bowl + chopping board), Rice Soup (stock [from bone + pot] + rice + pot)
Second Rotation: Zombie treat thing (zombie flesh + 2 salt), orange juice (orange + juicer), rice ball (cook rice)
- I guarantee those 2 sets will reset everytime the nourishment thingy goes to 0
- alternate between sets
Major tips:
- When you have a cobblegen, Make a survivalist generator for sync shell production! extra lives = happy life.
- Go for the thrusters on one of the quests!
- Only use one of your flux capacitors to make water using your fluid transposers. Before it runs out of juice, setup your crucible and have it up and running for water production
- Make a jetpack. Make it using the empty capacitor. Do not waste your charged capacitors to make it! leadstone jetpacks can only hold 25k RF. your capacitors hold atleast 80k.
- save jetpack for exploration
- get cotton seeds! tea and coffee seeds are useless. *sigh*. cotton is good string supply. string = more sieves. string = beds
- if you did my guide. upgrade your trench to a vanilla style mob farm by utilizing the zombie special AI. Use water to pool and push them to a long drop. Abut 30 blocks deep. Easier collection of loot.
- if you want seared bricks, cook up those stone piles you got from sieving dusts in a crucible.
down side to it is that one stone pile = 8 mb of seared stone. you need 130ish to make 1 seared brick i think
-Consider going to an expedition when you have the jetpack and hardened capacitor. Bring both capacitors with you!
Pics of how i started:
My trench + wall (had my wall 1 high because i wanted to see the mobs fall down and die xD)
Vanilla style mob farm and drop (water pushes mobs to it)
Mob farm collection point with sniping / checking hole
My water setup. Accessible from within the wall/cave
Some pics as of now:
*Side note: I havent completed all quests. Having too much fun focusing on easier survival and automating some stuff. First line of quests = 90 pc done, Pneumatic quests = 75 pc done, Technology = 50 pc done, Create Life - 16 pc done
My base
Main House (Im horrible at design. dont mock me. its the best i could do lol, and made entirely of cobble)
Mats production (powered by charcoal. Need to be put in manually in the chests)
Ore doubling (pardon the liquids. Just finished automating the redirection of packaged ores, courtesy of auto packager, to smelteries. Had
a lot of mats unprocessed).
Water for days
More mats (fully automated, except soul sand) - All sponsored by my tree farms
Tree farms 1 8x8 (has a total of 6 regular furnaces down under, providing fuel to my 2 furnace generators and excess goes to storage) and 1 5x5 for solely for leaves and wood (gets power from same generators) - saps from 8x8 tree farm goes through to 5x5 tree farm, refilling its sapplings.
Back of my house (old school vanilla mob farm) used to be a long drop but i changed it to a grinder for mob essence. Using fans to push mobs into trench.
mob essence and collection point
Pneumatic house (A majority of the items here came from the city. Only made a few of em)
Lava gen and seared brick maker
Total play time: close to 3 days (from statistics area)
Total reboots: 1 - On my first run. I had it smooth until i went on my first trip to the abandoned city. It effed me over
Has fun!