COFH World Generation User's Manual

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Looking for some help using /cofh clearblocks command with GregTech (BeyondReality modpack on ATLauncher) so I can have a look at the ore distribution. I've cleared a 1 km x 1 km square around my base using:

/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 stone dirt water lava gravel sand sandstone clay
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 grass cobblestone obsidian planks fence rail web
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 log leaves bedrock red_mushroom brown_mushroom
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 tallgrass red_flower yellow_flower
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 chisel:chisel.limestone chisel:chisel.marble
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 Railcraft:tile.railcraft.cube gregtech:gt.blockgranites
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.stone
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartzCharged
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre harvestcraft:salt
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 BigReactors:YelloriteOre Botania:flower
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 BuildCraft|Energy:blockOil IC2:blockOreUran
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 factorization:DarkIronOre factorization:FracturedBedrock

I need to run so many commands because there is a text character limit. If anyone knows a better way where I can run them all at once, please let me know!

But my real question is this: GregTech ores come in "regular" and "small" varieties, however they all use the same BlockID (from NEI Item Dump: gregtech:gt.blockores,1514,true,null,gregtech.common.blocks.GT_Block_Ores).

How can I remove all the small GT ores using /cofh clearblocks and leave all the regular ore deposits intact? Is there a way? Can I use what I guess I'd call the "sub-BlockID's, such as Item ID 1514:16032 for "Small Iron Ore", etc. - the number after the colon. Is there a way to do this in /cofh clearblocks? I don't think there is a way based on what I see, but I figured I might as well ask anyways. Maybe there's a simpler way that I'm just not thinking of? Such as going into the modpack and removing all the small ores somehow? Thanks!

I used WorldEdit's /distr command to see the block distribution.
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I used WorldEdit's /distr command to see the block distribution.

Wow! Looks like I've got a fun new toy to play with today. Thanks! :D

Uh, I think my selection box is a bit too big... 1km x 1km x 200 tall. That's 200 million blocks it tells me, but it errors out before I can get a block distribution. LOL I'll have to readjust and scale down a bit I guess.
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Actually, it seems neither the -c or -d flags is working properly. I keep getting this when I try it:

[28/11/2014 13:46:16 PM] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cPlease report this error: [See console]
[28/11/2014 13:46:16 PM] [13:46:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null

If I just use //distr, then it works, but it doesn't give me enough info - I need to see the GregTech ore blocks separated by data values which is the "-d" flag, and it isn't working, not even when I just do the //chunk I'm standing in. Nor does the -c flag (copy output to windows clipboard) seem to work. Since I can't use "-d" then it lumps every GT ore block into one line on the distribution output without any distinction between them all. Since there are so many GT ore block data values, I assume I will need the clipboard to output the list to. But neither flag is working for me.

I've installed WorldEdit CUI, so I can see my selection box. That's a great litemod! So I know my area selection is working, but the //distr command seems to be having issues.

I normally select the current chunk, then expand my selection by 128 blocks radius. That works fine.

yes, a lot quicker than creative-flying from corner to corner. thanks for that tip.
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Does anyone know what the other files in /config/cofh/world/ do (besides the Thermal Foundation one and the vanilla one)? I mean a-primary.json, b-secondary.json, c-tertiary.json, and d-spatter.json. I'm using Direwolf20 1.7.10.
Does anyone know what the other files in /config/cofh/world/ do (besides the Thermal Foundation one and the vanilla one)? I mean a-primary.json, b-secondary.json, c-tertiary.json, and d-spatter.json. I'm using Direwolf20 1.7.10.

Those are the simple ore gen I pushed together for dire's pack.
Can some one pleas help me i am trying to disable ores in the Erebus mod, dimention but i cant get it to work. Here is what i have.

"erebusIron": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": "erebus: oreIron",
"material": "erebus:umberstone",
"clusterSize": 0,
"numClusters": 0,
"minHeight": 0,
"maxHeight": 0,
"retrogen": "false",
"biomeRestriction": "blacklist",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": []
Is there any way to specify multiple materials?

If not, is there any way to make the replacement metadata insensitive? (So it'll replace all UndergroundBiomes:metamorphicStone instead of just the ones with metadata 0?)

I'm using UBC, which replaces vanilla stone with 24 different types of variant smooth stone. Making 24 rules per ore would be annoying (But possible, I suppose, with scripts) Three rules would be better. Giving it an array of three different metadata insensitive materials to replace would be excellent! An array of 24 metadata sensitive materials would be just fine as well.
Short answer is Yes. I can't remember exactly off the top of the head, but I do that myself in my custom pack. Best answer I can give is download my pack, and check out the configs I've written to see how it's done.
I am trying to get ores to spawn in veins, big veins of 32-40 blocks per ore but have a high rarity. So you have a small chance of finding them but when you do you could potentially get a load of ores. More gregtechified. But I am having no luck. If I set clusterSize to 32 and numClusters to 1 I get waaaay to many clusters but I can't set lower than 1. I have tried 0.5 and 0.25 and then the ore just refuses to generate at all.
I am trying to get ores to spawn in veins, big veins of 32-40 blocks per ore but have a high rarity. So you have a small chance of finding them but when you do you could potentially get a load of ores. More gregtechified. But I am having no luck. If I set clusterSize to 32 and numClusters to 1 I get waaaay to many clusters but I can't set lower than 1. I have tried 0.5 and 0.25 and then the ore just refuses to generate at all.
There's a way of specifying the chance per chunk. I'll post details in a few hours when I'm home from work.
I've done that myself in my latest WIP update of my pack.
I got chunKChance working but I want veins bigger than 32 blocks. I am looking for ore gen that spawns huuuuge mines worth of 1 ore type but is rare.
I got chunKChance working but I want veins bigger than 32 blocks. I am looking for ore gen that spawns huuuuge mines worth of 1 ore type but is rare.

you should be using the fractal template. This supports increasing the clusterSize > 32.
Has anyone figured out the "decoration" type/generator? I don't know if I'm not adding the correct tags or if my numbers aren't ideal.

EDIT: Regular biome decoration seems to be kinda broken in CoFHCore 3.0.0B9-40, but updating to B9-103 fixed my problem. In other news, it is possible to finely tune the generation rates of Botania flowers now.
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I have no idea how to use the fractal template though as it never seems to work when I use it?

Right I tried it out and I like using "material": "minecraft:air" to visualise the ore gen but for some reason nothing is working still. No idea.

    "iron": {
        "template": {"type": "fractal", "generator": "large-vein", "sparse": false},
        "block": "minecraft:iron_ore",
        "material": "minecraft:air",
        "clusterSize": 8,
        "numClusters": 220,
        "chunkChance": 1,
        "minHeight": 0,
        "veinHeight": 80,
        "veinDiameter": 65,
        "verticalDensity": 15,
        "horizontalDensity": 15,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
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I'm not sure if "minecraft:air" is a valid thingymajig, I always have trouble when I use that value in configs. You may have to have it generate in stone then remove the stone after worldgen.
I got it working. Air does work to visualize it. Really really good. I have large veins of ore and then scattered random ores throughout the world with their own height and depth values. TE ores, AE2 quartz, Vanilla and Tinkers Aluminium. Just was a matter of making sure the phrasing was correct and it turns out I had just made several mistakes in terms of proper syntax. Gunna work on getting thaumcraft gen under control next! Wohoo!

I have literally spent 27 hours getting the ore gen just right. Phew its finally done. Can always tweak it later as well!
Any ideas where to start if you wanted to alter the ore gen? Anyone have a working example of "veins" instead of clusters? I'm composing our next modpack for our server and while I've eliminated duplicate ores, I'm not sure I want to start changing all the ore gen from scratch.