Looking for some help using /cofh clearblocks command with GregTech (BeyondReality modpack on ATLauncher) so I can have a look at the ore distribution. I've cleared a 1 km x 1 km square around my base using:
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 stone dirt water lava gravel sand sandstone clay
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 grass cobblestone obsidian planks fence rail web
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 log leaves bedrock red_mushroom brown_mushroom
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 tallgrass red_flower yellow_flower
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 chisel:chisel.limestone chisel:chisel.marble
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 Railcraft:tile.railcraft.cube gregtech:gt.blockgranites
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 ProjRed|Explorationrojectred.exploration.stone
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartzCharged
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre harvestcraft:salt
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 BigReactors:YelloriteOre Botania:flower
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 BuildCraft|Energy:blockOil IC2:blockOreUran
/cofh clearblocks asb3pe 500 200 500 factorizationarkIronOre factorization:FracturedBedrock
I need to run so many commands because there is a text character limit. If anyone knows a better way where I can run them all at once, please let me know!
But my real question is this: GregTech ores come in "regular" and "small" varieties, however they all use the same BlockID (from NEI Item Dump: gregtech:gt.blockores,1514,true,null,gregtech.common.blocks.GT_Block_Ores).
How can I remove all the small GT ores using /cofh clearblocks and leave all the regular ore deposits intact? Is there a way? Can I use what I guess I'd call the "sub-BlockID's, such as Item ID 1514:16032 for "Small Iron Ore", etc. - the number after the colon. Is there a way to do this in /cofh clearblocks? I don't think there is a way based on what I see, but I figured I might as well ask anyways. Maybe there's a simpler way that I'm just not thinking of? Such as going into the modpack and removing all the small ores somehow? Thanks!
I used WorldEdit's /distr command to see the block distribution.