Hello, we started this FTB server several months ago and now that school has come to a close we can be more active and finally start recruiting new players.
The server has 30 slots and so far only has a small community of admins and a few other moderately experienced players. On here we wont force you to be active but we do encourage being friendly. Gregtech is enabled and set to hard ("expensive" recipes). No mods are disabled. PvP is disabled. The server is hosted via BeastNode!
I'm going to be honest; the server is relatively void of players as I'm writing this advertisement, but that is obviously why I am here today!
Looking for players to help get this server going!
I am
determined to build a thriving community of
dedicated players and, as a result, will continue supporting this server so that it reaches such a point.
When the server becomes capped with an ideal community, I will expand and upgrade the server to accommodate more players.
This server runs on the unconditional love we all have for Minecraft along with the creative engineering and magical aspects behind the FTB modpack! Oh yea, and it also runs on a
Dedicated VPS with adequate system specifications and lightning fast internet speeds for a lag-less gaming experience!
The server is set to the
hard difficulty.
We favor a
relaxed gaming environment similar to the Ultimate Youtube community.
This means that the server rules are based upon
trust, integrity, and maturity rather then annoying plugins.
Violating the rules will result in a swift ban.
Server Backups are nightly. This allows your progress as a player to stay safe!
We would like for others to join in order to make a more thriving community.
We accept players of all experience levels so that the server may remain balanced.
Brief rule description: No xrays, hacks, or exploits, no stealing or griefing, no needless destruction of the environment (i.e. no wrecking the scenery with your mining lazer), no harassment, and finally, be mature, respectful, and honest.
For an excessively detailed list of rules you can message me

Applications - Post here or message me - You will be white-listed after accepted - IP: (This will change soon to something easier to type. More profesional
Name (Optional):
In-Game Name:
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):
What experience with FTB do you have?:
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: