Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

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As for the flowers, look in
okay,i will have a look at it, even i had generated a new rainbow forest, so it must no be magical after all.

I was kind of happy to have the new warp ability, but it does not work, when i use , it open the gui, but nothing happens when i press the butons( sometimes it showns and others dont). idk about you, but i would like to have this ability more early than endgame, such as the imporved listening, it is only usefull for the beggining, after a while it is not that good. i tried the sky ember on a dense forest and... well nothing aside some fire there and here, it was raining, so idk.
I did not tested yet, but i would like to have the option for upside down block, like the crystal altar is pretty, so if i could place it on wall or ceiling to make it more beatifull, would be good.
What cause those energy balls to spawn? it is happening alot lately, and they are annoying, i use a headfone to record and sometimes a huge painfull noise is playied, when i look is one of those balls, also it seems they now drop some dust, just hope it isnt necessary to some stuff.
Sometimes i dont understand certain things, we have pages to explain very mundane things like color leaves, but dont have pages for things the locus, the setup for overcharging (it is not just place it down, need a specific thing to actualy work).
Talking about overcharging, it is realy necessary? as far i did not miss much lumen after the power crystal, idont see where i would need that much lumen non stop, aside item fabricators ofc.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So where is this void reed ? :)

Just a guess, from someone that has not found it yet, maybe near the void?

Maybe there's gaps down where bedrock used to be?

Just a guess. I don't play with void monster :).

EDIT: Aha! Better guess: Try in The End, at the edge of the island. You know, where normal reeds would grow if this was a normal island with water.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
EDIT: Aha! Better guess: Try in The End, at the edge of the island. You know, where normal reeds would grow if this was a normal island with water.
All the new plants are found in the overworld. Also, Chromaticraft changes the End to generate infinitely, so there isn't just the island anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All the new plants are found in the overworld. Also, Chromaticraft changes the End to generate infinitely, so there isn't just the island anymore.
I was wondering what was doing that...not that I'm complaining, mind you, I quite prefer the new End, but I was curious as to what was doing it in my pack. Figured it was either that or DE.


I believe i hit the end of the mod, i am just missing one page, for an ability; have done most stuff in the mod, except things we cant craft or have no use for me like void cells; did play a little with the new content, still dont know how much deep some of it can work, i made the cobble gen flower, but using it for other stuff is another story; the item inserter gui is very alien to me; the dungeons are not pacific as before; Ion cannon ready! ; for some reason i cant turbo charge a lumen beacon; the north of my casting complex still dont work; the wispys are spawning like crazy; the locus aura is still a big mistery, aside the obvious thing it does when placed, nothing came to mind of uses.

It was fun for a good amount of time, with new tools and stuff that keep the mood, but after hiting the chroma dimension, it dropped to almost zero, doing a puzzle is fun, but 16 time in a row isnt, and getting something you cant make any use of it, is just bitter; idk about you, but it reminds me of terrafirma, the more you advance ,less the reward is. Anyway it is an amzing mod, have alot of interesting stuff, so keep up the good work. Diferent from a modpack, i will keep the save for futures updates, so far i recorded 36 episodes, with 22 episodes with CHC only, but due to schedule it will take some months before reaching the end.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe i hit the end of the mod, i am just missing one page, for an ability; have done most stuff in the mod, except things we cant craft or have no use for me like void cells; did play a little with the new content, still dont know how much deep some of it can work, i made the cobble gen flower, but using it for other stuff is another story;

I found you can make crystalline stone with it using Chroma and Lava. Takes ~1/4 bucket of chroma and 1/2 bucket of lava per crystalline stone. Given how cheap it is to make manually, that might be a bit pricey.

the item inserter gui is very alien to me;

I feel this way about a lot of the mod before you stumble into how it's actually supposed to work. People make the comment that only Reika really fully understands the mod, and while that might be a bit of a stretch, the view that the lexicon is less helpful than it could be isn't unfounded. You have know idea how many folks miss the jump from "They may also play a key role in enriching the power of crystal shards, though you will need some magical solvent" to "Put crystal shards and berries of the same color in a pool of chroma in a 1:24 ratio, then wait."

Speaking of which, it just occured to me that I never tested if the lotus can do boosted shards or alloying, I just tried a bunch of pairings of chromaticraft, rotarycraft, thaumcraft, and vanilla fluids.

the dungeons are not pacific as before;

What do you mean by this? haven't wandered too far from home since the update.

the locus aura is still a big mistery, aside the obvious thing it does when placed, nothing came to mind of uses.

It allegedly has "several functions", but I've only worked out two as of yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have know idea how many folks miss the jump from "They may also play a key role in enriching the power of crystal shards, though you will need some magical solvent" to "Put crystal shards and berries of the same color in a pool of chroma in a 1:24 ratio, then wait."
Was this changed? Last I remember it was put 24 berries in and then up to a full stack of shards. There's still other stuff, I'm pretty sure I remember the boosting process to be faster if using a rotarycraft reservoir or whatever it was called for example and I don't think that's mentioned anywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1 can use a reservoir to make boosted shards? Could it be done with alloys, too? If so, happy friggin day, I no longer need that floodgate!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
0 can use a reservoir to make boosted shards? Could it be done with alloys, too? If so, happy friggin day, I no longer need that floodgate!
Investigating gave this, looks like you can yeah, and they're twice as fast as doing it in a puddle on the ground.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
I found you can make crystalline stone with it using Chroma and Lava. Takes ~1/4 bucket of chroma and 1/2 bucket of lava per crystalline stone. Given how cheap it is to make manually, that might be a bit pricey.
You'll want enrichment vines. Like a few other ChC things, it works with reservoirs as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not a new feature, I was using it a few months ago on v9 iirc, looking at the github commits it's been in mostly intact since last July and predates even that.
Wait...what? Shit, I need to pay more attention, then. I forget, does it work with alloying, too?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait...what? Shit, I need to pay more attention, then. I forget, does it work with alloying, too?

Yes, it does. Another of those things where you either have to guess it or see someone else doing it to find out, since it's not documented anywhere. Making Chromastone wand caps for thaumcraft takes about a full reservoir of Chroma, as well.

Also the coalescence lotus can pull from reservoirs, but apparently not other container types.