Bagginses was chosen because balance, right? Have you looked at Iron Backpacks? I assume that you looked at Backpacks by Eydamos. I would end up switching it out personally, but I've never been a fan of tiny backpacks *shrug*.Whoa! Thanks guys! This is just what I need!
Ok so my reply:
1. I will be adding hunger overhaul, but I don't like spice of life at all. Sorry, but I just blah.
2. Got waila, got bagginses as my backpack mod. Derp I got NEI. For some reason, I don't like BoP. But I might add it anyway, seeing a lot of people like it.
3. Applied energetics I don't have. I just dislike it now because it seems everyone has it in their packs. Yes I got JABBA. I couldn't live without JABBA xD.
4. Yes I will add bibliocraft. I do really like this mod
5. Yus! I love botania!
6. Ok, I will get binnies mods and magic bees. But with gendustry, I think I will disable everything but the JSON bee adding because I lean towards binned mods more.
7. Chickenchunks I will add. Definitely.
8. Chisel is in
9. Out of all the npc mods, I might lean towards McA a bit more then custom NPC's because I have never played with Custom NPC's.
10. I will look into those mods. Sounds pretty nice. Can you link them to me?
11. EnderI/O is no question and extra utilities is already in.
12. I *might* add ender storage. Maybe
13. I was thinking about adding magical crops. But I think i'm going to buff some of the recipes.
14. I have never played with frames at all. I'll probably look into it.
15. IC2 and Inventory tweaks are already in. I might make it a disabled mod and let people decide if they want it or not.
16. I'll look into logistics pipes.
17. Mekanism yes. Mekanism armor and wepons on mobs no.
18. I dunno about the furniture mod. I already got bibliocraft.
19. Hmm. Do you recommend a portal mod? I just cant think of any to use.
20. Natura and obsidiplates are in.
21. For some reason. Openblocks doesn't like one of the mods. I will look into it and see if I can fix the issue.
22. Progressive automation I probably will use.
23. Projest red I will probably use too.
24. Railcraft is in
25. Random things seems pretty cool. I'll look into it.
26. TiCon and some addons are in.
27. TE is definitely in.
28. I don't know much about wawla. I'll look into it.
29. All of those magic mods are in there. I will be adding the thaumcraft addons soon.
Ok. I'll also look into draconic evolution. Never heard of it b4.
Thanks for the thoughts!
The problem with not including AE is one of storage and automation. EnderIO *FINALLY* managed to get CLOSE to the abilities that AE has, but nothing, and I mean nothing, currently can replicate the ability to automate with AE except for possibly Logistics Pipes. And nothing beats the speed of item travel (not necessarily transfer, there are mods with more throughput/bandwidth, but nothing beats the "latency" of AE). Additionally every other storage method has space issues. So just keep that in mind. AE and LP can also integrate if you just want to use AE as an "uber barrel". The other way around doesn't really work as well though.
Are you certain about gendustry? 1.7 heavily changed the way Binnies mods work, the process is like 50 times slower now. I believe the inoculator (by itself) takes a REAL LIFE HOUR to work. Which saddens me, I don't mind increasing the time a bit. But I don't want to be forced to abuse servers and chunkloading in order to be allowed to progress at a rate I find reasonable with bees. I would actually prefer doing it the old fashioned way and just breed a billionty 6 drones because then I don't have to wait longer than I have time to play. Even with all the inaccuracies! The sequencer/analyzer takes forever too from what I recall. Tedium does not make good gameplay! The only reason binnies mods are in my packs is because I can't replicate the worldgen hives with Gendustry. Really. The woodworker is awesome, and the new fences and glass are cool... but I added Extra Bees because of the hives (vanilla forestry bees just don't produce all that much useful stuff in comparison).
CustomNPC's and Minecraft Comes Alive are compatible. CustomNPC's is still a "you have to be able to use this mod", like ComputerCraft, OpenComputers, Steve's Factory Manager, etc. Check it out though, neat mod if you can use it. (works just like a compass, except it points to nearest end portal instead of world/your spawn)
Be extremely careful about buffing MagicalCrops. If you do, remove the seed drop chance so you have to make essence seeds in order to get new crops or multiply your stock. It's VERY easy with as many growth multipliers as we have access to now to take a single magical crop seed and make fields that stretch to render distance in times that would boggle your mind (I think I had 256 of them by about 8 hours of playtime... from starting the world.) I'd suggest removing the seed drop chance ANYWAY. MagicalCrops is flat-out more powerful than bees. Easier to get into, more products, more versatility with those products, quicker to get into a product you want, easier to understand, etc. That's one of the reasons I use Fluxed Crystals and Attained Drops. They're a bit less... self-multiplicative.
With as many transdimensional teleporters as you've got in the pack already, there isn't much reason to not add people's favorite. Tesseracts, Dimensional Transcievers, The TC mirrors are cross-dimensional aren't they? Most portal mods will allow for cross-dimensional item transport (usually via minecarts), the chest seals from thaumic... um... exploration? Are cross-dim. But as always, personal preference.
Frames are only really a thing if you played with redpower in the 1.2.5/1.4.7 days. But Maul did, and so the challenge references them in a few places... it's hard to beat a functioning flying airship base though
Crayfish's adds more "furniture" furniture. Bibliocraft adds more storage/functionality (and tables, lamps, and chairs). Crayfish adds ovens and refrigerators and... um all sorts of things (I don't play with it myself)
As for transport, you have 2 high-tech methods of near-instant transport (EnderIO's ender rails & IC2's teleporter). Me personally? I can't stand Enhanced Portals. It's apparently pretty popular though. The dialing system bugs me, and the power requirements also bug me. I much prefer RFTools' transporters/dialers for some reason. But those BOTH don't allow quite the level of flex that the mystcraft portals do. Which is why Mystcraft is "overpowered" (feh on that). The other issue with RFTools and Mystcraft (other than RFTools/EP3 being rather late-challenge in comparison to Mystcraft) is that they're build-your-own dimension mods. Some people like that, some don't. Also Mystcraft is really bad about custom ore generation methods like COFH worldgen and CoG. It takes some arbitrary hardcoded defaults for ore density, checks chunks after they're generated, and then decides if your world is unstable or not. It's made it unusable in DW20 1.7 without disabling instability entirely.
I've got RFTools AND Mystcraft, but I like options
Thaumcraft addons list: (It's as complete as I could manage, excepting things like Railcraft, Magic Bees, and Another One Bites The Dust 2 which have TC integration, but aren't really "addons") (It's not Thaumcraft for me without TT anymore. Vazkii is good at what she does, even though Neko and Pixel are doing it now, Lizbeth's ideas drove that mod for the longest time) (Enough said, hehe) (assuming you add AE and ExtraCells, it lets you do Arcane Worktable crafting with an AE terminal and your wand. Also store essentia in and utilize from your AE system as a fluid) (It adds automation aids that are useful outside of thaumcraft builds. The redcrystal is AMAZING!!!!) (It's a lot the Cross-mod Integration Addon. Adds a blood magic wand, a ars magica wand, a few botania flowers revolving around TC, "a flower that spreads like a weed and whose petals can be crushed for ink" (I use the botanurgist's inkwell, myself)) (Config files will allow you to customize aspect for mobs from any other mod. Which is nice for things like Mo Creatures (can't use in modpacks) or Lycanites, or Twilight Forest (all three are default supported)) (I don't use this one, never really seen the point, personally) (The stabilization mechanic is so unintuitive and spammy. This thing has saved me SO much annoyance and the personal requirement of everything below my altar being skulls/nitor/candles... nitor is seriously laggy when you've got 200 of it!) (I don't use it. Makes warp 50 billion kinds of even MORE annoying, also the documentation is crap-tacular) (Wasliebob is on my NOPE list, I don't like him as a community member, as a coder, or as a creative mind behind an addon. I'm not going to continue because I have nothing nice to say about him. Just listing it for completeness and because maybe other people actually like it?) (Ah Technomancy. I love the ideas, but a lot have been replaced by other addons and there's always been odd implementation issues. It still gets in my packs for neat things like the Node Dynamo and Ecologic Transmuter) (It's more like Thaumic Reliquary, making a mod craft via TC but not really be... integrated... with TC. Ya know?) (Yay! An automation solution for those of us that can't program in CC/OC, and don't want to use void jars with infinite sources of essentia!) (I know I didn't like the other mod by this author, and this has the same out-of-mod issues of lack of documentation. But I've been missing the ability to create nodes ever since Technomancy went... screwy/broken/un-updated. Note I haven't gotten to that part of the mod in legit, but I checked it in creative... it's EXPENSIVE. 150 times the vis points in the node in essentia, on a dangerous level infusion. Which I prefer to the version in Technomancy) (I had issues with it, and it didn't really add anything THAT awesome, but if you want to look, give it a try) (Enough said, hehe) (assuming you add AE and ExtraCells, it lets you do Arcane Worktable crafting with an AE terminal and your wand. Also store essentia in and utilize from your AE system as a fluid) (It adds automation aids that are useful outside of thaumcraft builds. The redcrystal is AMAZING!!!!) (It's a lot the Cross-mod Integration Addon. Adds a blood magic wand, a ars magica wand, a few botania flowers revolving around TC, "a flower that spreads like a weed and whose petals can be crushed for ink" (I use the botanurgist's inkwell, myself)) (Config files will allow you to customize aspect for mobs from any other mod. Which is nice for things like Mo Creatures (can't use in modpacks) or Lycanites, or Twilight Forest (all three are default supported)) (I don't use this one, never really seen the point, personally) (The stabilization mechanic is so unintuitive and spammy. This thing has saved me SO much annoyance and the personal requirement of everything below my altar being skulls/nitor/candles... nitor is seriously laggy when you've got 200 of it!) (I don't use it. Makes warp 50 billion kinds of even MORE annoying, also the documentation is crap-tacular) (Wasliebob is on my NOPE list, I don't like him as a community member, as a coder, or as a creative mind behind an addon. I'm not going to continue because I have nothing nice to say about him. Just listing it for completeness and because maybe other people actually like it?) (Ah Technomancy. I love the ideas, but a lot have been replaced by other addons and there's always been odd implementation issues. It still gets in my packs for neat things like the Node Dynamo and Ecologic Transmuter) (It's more like Thaumic Reliquary, making a mod craft via TC but not really be... integrated... with TC. Ya know?) (Yay! An automation solution for those of us that can't program in CC/OC, and don't want to use void jars with infinite sources of essentia!) (I know I didn't like the other mod by this author, and this has the same out-of-mod issues of lack of documentation. But I've been missing the ability to create nodes ever since Technomancy went... screwy/broken/un-updated. Note I haven't gotten to that part of the mod in legit, but I checked it in creative... it's EXPENSIVE. 150 times the vis points in the node in essentia, on a dangerous level infusion. Which I prefer to the version in Technomancy) (I had issues with it, and it didn't really add anything THAT awesome, but if you want to look, give it a try)