BluePower (Being Made By Quetzi and MineMaarten and Others)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think what this damn community needs is a little old fashioned, when modder did as they pleased and the users didn't complain that "mod X does this better so mod Y sucks!".

This x1000.

Had to quote it outside of the wall o' text, but this needs to be said again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Re: copying -- hello, late 2011, it's nice to see you again.
I was about to go look for that specific blog post myself...

Also, let's not hurl around legalistic fufu here, folks. It just never ends well and just makes for much grumpiness. The crux of such I think comes from the misapprehension people have that such law is applied consistently anyway (personal experience: No, no it isn't). I'd go into more but I'd just prefer we drop hammering on that angle because it goes nowhere productive and just turns into shouting matches and hurled insults, at which point a Moderator has to brandish a heavy object at folks.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hrm...I dunno how I feel about this one.

Copyright aside - it's a horrifically stupid system in the US especially - this is something I'm not necessarily crazy about. RP2 had a LOT of issues, but the state of modding at the time meant that it got a free pass. We've moved to an era where people understand server performance, and modders - some far more than others - try and make their mods performance friendly.

RP2 is a bit like a '67 Mustang. Yeah, I have a modern one (2012), but I'd love to have a classic one in my garage as well. But when it comes down to it, it's the art aspect that people love. It's sexy, and there's a nostalgia. The horrible fuel economy, lack of any modern features (ABS, safety, trac control, countless engine improvements), and relatively low power compared to the new one are going to be painfully apparent once I actually own one, but I sure do love the thought of it. And every now and then, it'd be fun to drive. But the new one is gonna be a lot better in the quarter mile.

EDIT: To be fair, RP2 was a Mustang in an era where IC2 was a Steamroller and Buildcraft was a boat. So take that for what you will.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EDIT: To be fair, RP2 was a Mustang in an era where IC2 was a Steamroller and Buildcraft was a boat. So take that for what you will.
well then, hopefully Eloraam will be working on some sort of nostalgic throwback mustang. a 13' gt500, but with An actual decent braking system plz. The way i view these "reboot" mods is about the same as I view that reboot of EE2. If that's what you like, cool, go for it. I've got no say in what you code, because I'm just a player.

tbh I haven't played with the clones of RP2 much because they lack the two things I miss RP2 for; Blutricity for my early game endeavors, and Forth. pipes, filters, frames, etc can all die in several fires.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Casually ripping it off? You can't be serious, this is a group of dedicated people effectively creating a mod from scratch just so more people now and in the future can enjoy it. Ripping something off implies they have something to gain from this asides from the thanks for bringing a mod back from the dead. Just because Eloraam tweeted she might update doesn't mean she will ever or soon.

Still copying it? Please share with me how you see this as a bad thing. I think what this damn community needs is a little old fashioned, when modder did as they pleased and the users didn't complain that "mod X does this better so mod Y sucks!". In every instance the quality of new mods inspired by RP2 matches or surpasses that of the original. The only thing missing is a unified art style.

In this case art = textures. She had a damn good idea, but you can't call it art with a straight face and a dictionary. You seem to think just because someone has a brilliant idea that no one could possibly ever replicate that. You couldn't be more wrong, it just takes time for another person who shares that vision to come along. Also, these days making a mod is not some strange mythical beast like it was in the time of 1.1 and 1.2.5, there is actually documentation that stands a chance of still being relevant in 2 versions.

The art is in the idea and the implementation. The fact that you need a dictionary to know art when you see it speaks volumes. And you dont share Eloraam's vision. You are copying it. So yeah.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just cant stand the entitled attitudes people have about redpower, as if Eloraam owes people something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The art is in the idea and the implementation. The fact that you need a dictionary to know art when you see it speaks volumes.

You're using art as a figure of speech, an idea can not be artistic, only the implementation. "works created by artists : paintings, sculptures, etc., that are created to be beautiful or to express important ideas or feelings" - Merriam Webster Dictionary

And you dont share Eloraam's vision. You are copying it. So yeah.

If 2 things are mirror duplicates of each other, they share the same properties but one can be branded differently. In fact I would argue that some people share Eloraam's vision to an extent that only an exact duplicate can replace it. I have no doubt in my mind that if the Eloraam didn't have claim on the name Redpower, Bluepower might be launched "Redpower Rebooted" or Redpower Revised" or some other manner of indicating its by a different author.

You're minor misuse of the English language aside, this matter should be dropped entirely. Eloraam loses nothing with BluePower in existence and the community can only gain. May the better mod win and may both sides get the respect they deserve. Seriously, I tried MC modding but its a serious time suck that receives little pay if any.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You all probably know already, but Elorram is back. She reappeared on Twitter and said she has written the first few lines of RedPower 3.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So what makes Blue Power unique? What will make me use it over the many other clones out there?

1. Actively developed. A lot of the clones out there are 1 off copies that don't get a lot of dev time.

2. An exact implementation, asides from converting the Sortron to a CC peripheral, its the exact same as RP2. Some people call that a downside but in my opinion I have yet to see a mod match its overall polish.

Edit: You have got to be friggin joking me. I say actively developed and not 3 hours earlier they stop working on it.