Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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TIC tools are fire proof and despawn proof. Get the lava out of the way and get them back.

Yes i have had people say this, but we have lost TIC tools in the nether, so this is not the case! Sometimes they vanish, even when you get back before despawn timer is up.
Well today I finally died, but this time It was the worst death of all. Lava. To get right to the point I now have to remake my sweet ass tools again. The best metal I've discovered thus far is Damascus. Should I remake my tools from flint, or just go straight to Damascus? In other words, what is the best method of making new TC tools?

I now have two sets of swords and pickaxes, just in case I loose them, like i have done previously. I do feel your pain, it is very bad when you loose a item which you been levelling for a long time. I have even rage quit for a day after one nether death and my gear had vanished.

I would restart from Flint with one pickaxe and also have a Damascus steel with silk touch on as a second pickaxe. This way can mine with the basic one and gather ores you find with the Damascus steel one until you get the basic one to speed.
Hi! i'm still looking for someone or a small group to try BloodNBones in multiplayer, got a dedicated server in datacenter up by now, but will do map reset so we can start together, pm me if interested! should be age:18+, have some kind of voicechat and be active in euro timezone, somewhere within 17:00 - 24:00 during the week.
Hi! i'm still looking for someone or a small group to try BloodNBones in multiplayer, got a dedicated server in datacenter up by now, but will do map reset so we can start together, pm me if interested! should be age:18+, have some kind of voicechat and be active in euro timezone, somewhere within 17:00 - 24:00 during the week.
I would totally say yes but.... after trying to start BnB on a server with other people... I quickly logged off and went to my singleplayer world. I kinda forgot how harsh was the first days and couldn't bother to do that again... But, it was an open server, so I was starting 'alone'....

In a couple days, when I finish ME^3, if I feel I still the need to play BnB, I will contact you. Playing co-op must be much easier and funnier :)
looking forward to it =) yeah, starting together and playing as team should even make it a bit easier, we'll still die plenty due to starvation, but with a bit of luck we can collect some wood, gravel and cotton on the first run, dig in before night falls and make a bed for respawn point, at least don't have to walk all the way from spawn at night that way XD
Anyone else wanna join us then ?
This might not be the case if what you're doing, but I've heard (on this thread) that there is some sort of bug where things don't display properly in the tool tips once you've started upgrading parts.

So it isn't like that for anyone else? I just tried to make an iron sword in a new creative world, and putting a steel blade on it doesn't increase attack damage. It does increase durability however.
Did you try attacking something before and after the upgrade to see if the damage did in fact stay the same, or are you going just off of the tool tip?
Did you try attacking something before and after the upgrade to see if the damage did in fact stay the same, or are you going just off of the tool tip?
I was going off the tool tip, but tried this. Iron sword says it does 7 attack damage, but actually does 8. I then attached a steel blade to it and it was still doing 8 damage.

The steel sword made from only steel does 11 attack damage. I also forced an update right before I tried this to see if it was jut a bug.
If this was the way it was supposed to be its fine however. I also deleted and re downloaded the BnB folder to see if that would fix it. It didn't so I'm starting to think that's the way it always was. I thought for sure I was getting more attack damage when upgrading to better metal blades, but I could be wrong.
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I was going off the tool tip, but tried this. Iron sword says it does 7 attack damage, but actually does 8. I then attached a steel blade to it and it was still doing 8 damage.

The steel sword made from only steel does 11 attack damage. I also forced an update right before I tried this to see if it was jut a bug.
If this was the way it was supposed to be its fine however. I also deleted and re downloaded the BnB folder to see if that would fix it. It didn't so I'm starting to think that's the way it always was. I thought for sure I was getting more attack damage when upgrading to better metal blades, but I could be wrong.

I now realize its always been that way. No problem though. It gives me an idea to make a weapon room full of every type of metal.
So... dont upgrade the weapons, make new ones?
Well technically you could use up the modifiers and put quarts on them for sharpness, but other then that upgrading will only increase the durability. For better weapon damage its best to make a whole new weapon, and luckily weapons level up faster then anything. Not sure if its fixable, or just a part of the pack.
Well technically you could use up the modifiers and put quarts on them for sharpness, but other then that upgrading will only increase the durability. For better weapon damage its best to make a whole new weapon, and luckily weapons level up faster then anything. Not sure if its fixable, or just a part of the pack.
I ran into this issue as well. I noticed Anesos didn't run into the issue when upgrading his sword in his recent video, so I took another look at it.

It turns out weapons and tools will not update their damage properly unless they have had Sharpness applied to them in some form. If you get it as an upgrade, or add at least a piece of quartz manually, it will then recalculate the damage properly when swapping pieces. See here vs here.
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I ran into this issue as well. I noticed Anesos didn't run into the issue when upgrading his sword in his recent video, so I took another look at it.

It turns out weapons and tools will not update their damage properly unless they have had Sharpness applied to them in some form. If get it as an upgrade, or add at least a piece of quartz manually, it will then recalculate the damage properly when swapping pieces. See here vs here.

Ahhh it must be the same concept with tools not getting benefit from haste until you upgrade to better metal, even though picks will still get the extra mining speed when adding new metal. The haste benefit and new metal benefit are both added to your pick after new metal upgrade. I bet the haste issue and weapon damage issue are the same things in some terms. I cant completely call it a major problem since what you said is a perfect way around it. Thank you very much :)

Just tested this and it works 100%. Putting a Damascus sword blade on a copper long sword with 1 level of sharpness gives a Damascus long sword with +10 attack damage, which is +1 more damage then a pure Damascus long sword. You just made my day :D
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Hi! i'm still looking for someone or a small group to try BloodNBones in multiplayer, got a dedicated server in datacenter up by now, but will do map reset so we can start together, pm me if interested! should be age:18+, have some kind of voicechat and be active in euro timezone, somewhere within 17:00 - 24:00 during the week.

The same goes for me. I have a server up and running. Should be 18-24yrs old - Female, preferably red head but not a must, good looking IS A MUST. PM me if interested o.-
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Reactions: Blargerist
The same goes for me. I have a server up and running. Should be 18-24yrs old - Female, preferably red head but not a must, good looking IS A MUST. PM me if interested o.-

Wow... I mean I'm assuming that the winky face means you're joking... but still... wow...
I have problems with ender creepers , when outside starts rain. Creeper teleport to my base because of rain and then he find something to grief and boom. Is any defence at all ? I dont need to be at base, he explodes because of griefing, i think.
I believe that endermen (and thus endercreepers) will teleport onto half slabs. Not sure about covers, but it seems likely. The only surface I know of that they won't target for teleportation is the lilypad.

However, I am not sure that endercreepers will grief. Have you actively seen it happening?
Ok, i dont realy saw them, but when i returned from mining. Found mess in my enclosed and well lighted bunker. I dont have much to lost, but want to be prepared for future. Also in "SpecialAI.cfg" is creeper in list of griefing mobs. I guess this option didnt recognize type of creeper.
Here are some tips
1 you could put up punji sticks made from sugar cane. It's not the best method, but it somewhat works.

2 Don't spend much time building a mine. Monsters will eventually break their way into it and wreck face. Do most mining in the nether. If you want a mine in the over world I recommend making the first 100 blocks out of obsidian. That way breakable blocks are far out of the main chunk.

3 The best tip I can possibly give is make a Sky base. You will never have a mob problem again.