Username: agomez74
Age: 38
Location: San Antonio, TX
Why you want to join: Current server I am on is having stability issues, so I am trying to find a mature and friendly community to call home for my MC needs. And at the same time hopefully make new friends on the way.
Suggestions: Can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do come up with something I'll gladly share my ideas.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) Being that Ultimate pack is pretty heavy with mods, I wouldn't want to suggest or add anything that would cause server issues.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I had just started Ultimate on the other server, so there are a few mods I am not 100% knowledgeable on. But I tend to hit up the wiki's on anything I don't quite understand. But for the most part I am familiar and comfortable with the majority of the mods with in the pack.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) If I can find a server that can actually stay online for more than a few hours at a time. I might have something awesome to share. But I normally tend to live within the side of a mountain or underground, so nothing spectacular comes to mind.