um quick queston does this mean im not accepted because i see you didnt respond to my application but posted other stuff? sorry
Username: LegendOfStuff
Age: 17
Location: America
Why you want to join: I want to play with a group of mature guys and build a small or big community to play on and help others out
suggestions: from reading everything you guys look really good and i wouldnt change a thing keep up the good work
How much experiance do you have in Ultimate?, Dont worry if you have much: I have a good understanding and really want to learn about the reactor modpack and make a nuclear reactor other then that i know alot about ftb and will help if needed
Pictures of anything youve built?: i guess ive never really took pictures of anything until this point sorry
thanks- LegendOfStuff
Accepted Welcome to Aurora! I will not be able to rank you up to member rank until later on today as I am currently at college so have no access to the server or the Rcon.Username: goptaron
Age: 21
Location: PA, USA
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a FTB server now that all these modpacks are out. This one looks cool from what I've seen while playing as a 'guest'.
Suggestions: None at the moment.
Experience: Hosted my own server of FTB Ultimate 1.1.2 for a while for some friends and family. Have been playing FTB for roughly 18 months, vanilla MC since the Halloween Update. I enjoy over-engineering trivial tasks.
Excellent, much appreciated! No worries.Accepted Welcome to Aurora! I will not be able to rank you up to member rank until later on today as I am currently at college so have no access to the server or the Rcon.
That reminds me I should set up rcon for me to access while on the move ha!
No problem its currently 1:10pm over here in the uk I will not be home until around 4pm so a couple of hours and I should be home and will be able to rank you up.Excellent, much appreciated! No worries.
just got home you are now ranked up! enjoyExcellent, much appreciated! No worries.
Accepted! Welcome to aurora!Username: Odane8713
Age: 28
Location: Texas
Why you want to join: Looking for a active mature community to have fun and build.
Suggestions: N/A
Plugin Suggestions (optional) N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have experience with most of Direwolf pack.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Accepted! Welcome mate! hop on the ts any time.Username: MonkeySquid
Age: 34
Location: UK
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a fun friendly server to play where I can make interesting builds and chat to people.
Suggestions: Server wide projects,these could serve to build a sense of community as well as sharing knowledge
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? Played on and off since it was released until Monster was available.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made View attachment 10296
That's something we can discuss later on but I think it may be possible but I will have to research into the mod a little bit. And see what it does for tinkers.I do have a suggestion i would like to add now. Can we enable Thaumic Tinkerer Kami?
Well, I love this server.
Haven't had any issues with lag, admins are very active, and everybody has been really friendly. Nice community around here.