Here's my application. 
Username: Okami_Shiranui
Age: 20
Location: West Coast of Canada
Why you want to join: I heard you had Pixelmon working with FTB, so I got really interested as both Pixelmon and FTB are among my favorite things to do on Minecraft.
Suggestions: N/A
Plugin suggestions: N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have never played Ultimate. I usually only play with the Direwolf20 FTB modpack and I watch the guy play every day from the videos he posted on Youtube. I am very familiar with some of the mods in the pack as those are the ones I usually use the most.
Thanks for taking the time to review my application. =)

Username: Okami_Shiranui
Age: 20
Location: West Coast of Canada
Why you want to join: I heard you had Pixelmon working with FTB, so I got really interested as both Pixelmon and FTB are among my favorite things to do on Minecraft.
Suggestions: N/A
Plugin suggestions: N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have never played Ultimate. I usually only play with the Direwolf20 FTB modpack and I watch the guy play every day from the videos he posted on Youtube. I am very familiar with some of the mods in the pack as those are the ones I usually use the most.
Thanks for taking the time to review my application. =)