Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7 FTB [Infinity] [Galacticraft] [LWC] [Essentials] [TS3] [20TPS]

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Username: RoboticGiant
Location: USA
Why you want to join: I was looking for a server to play on and my friend MrOreo is on the server.
Suggestions: none right now, the spawn looks cool.
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've seen a lot of FTB online but never actually played any. lots of knowledge on it though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Username: RoboticGiant
Location: USA
Why you want to join: I was looking for a server to play on and my friend MrOreo is on the server.
Suggestions: none right now, the spawn looks cool.
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've seen a lot of FTB online but never actually played any. lots of knowledge on it though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Accepted Welcome!
There has been a update to our pack just this minute. If you have already downloaded our pack then you will need to delete hardcore ender exp mod.
Why you want to join:I want to join the server because i dont like public i rather play private because the player's are much more friendlier,helpfuller.
Suggestions:i have none
Plugin Suggestions (optional):none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:Well i play it when it was released to today.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)none
Username: player9050
Why you want to join: because this seems like friendly community :)
Suggestions: none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have played with almost all Ultimate mods, but haven't played with modpack itself much
Why you want to join:I want to join the server because i dont like public i rather play private because the player's are much more friendlier,helpfuller.
Suggestions:i have none
Plugin Suggestions (optional):none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:Well i play it when it was released to today.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)none
Username: player9050
Why you want to join: because this seems like friendly community :)
Suggestions: none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have played with almost all Ultimate mods, but haven't played with modpack itself much

Accepted Welcome to Aurora! Could you guys also vote for us and just copy and paste your app over here http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/ser...ty-galacticraft-lwc-essentials-ts3-20tps.429/

Its the new server section so we would like our players to upvote us.

Username: TheNecromage
Age: 20
Location: United States
Why you want to join: I enjoy playing on online servers to add variety and make friends. Not too fond of open servers so I chose to take a look at more of a whielist server to attempt to avoid griefers and such.
Suggestions: Currently none.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): Not picky so I'm currently fine. :P
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? None. I have had experience with some of the mods though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) Currently none. They all got erased with my cruddy old laptop.
Username: TheNecromage
Age: 20
Location: United States
Why you want to join: I enjoy playing on online servers to add variety and make friends. Not too fond of open servers so I chose to take a look at more of a whielist server to attempt to avoid griefers and such.
Suggestions: Currently none.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): Not picky so I'm currently fine. :p
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? None. I have had experience with some of the mods though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) Currently none. They all got erased with my cruddy old laptop.
Welcome to Aurora! Accepted! Please Vote for us over here http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/ser...ty-galacticraft-lwc-essentials-ts3-20tps.429/
Username: Feldmeijer
Age: 15, will turn 16 next month.
Location: The Netherlands
Why you want to join: I really like the city structure you seem to have in this server and I'm looking for something new.
Suggestions: None, I haven't play yet so.. eh.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): Narp, none.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None, I've spend some time with a custom pack though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) Ehh I could make some but that'd take like 10 minutes and.. yeah, I'm rather lazy. :p
Username: Feldmeijer
Age: 15, will turn 16 next month.
Location: The Netherlands
Why you want to join: I really like the city structure you seem to have in this server and I'm looking for something new.
Suggestions: None, I haven't play yet so.. eh.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): Narp, none.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None, I've spend some time with a custom pack though.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) Ehh I could make some but that'd take like 10 minutes and.. yeah, I'm rather lazy. :p
Accepted Welcome to Aurora!
Actually, considering as my game keeps crashing on start up.. I'll most likely not be able to play :p (I've followed your instructions, but bear in mind that I have a mac-this may have caused the issue)
Umm... Has the server IP changed or something?

Whenever I try joining the server now I get an unknown host error...

Username: HaiyaDragon
Age: 36
Location: The Netherlands
Why you want to join: I usually run servers myself and got bored of all the paperwork that comes with it :)
Suggestions: none (yet)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've progressed well into Infinity expert mode and played a multitude of other modpacks, including Gregtech based ones.
Last edited:
Username: Immow
Age: 36
Location: Netherlands
Why you want to join: To play Minecraft \o/ Me and my friend Haiya-Dragon were looking for a good Minecraft server to play on. We are both very experienced players and are always willing to help out new players. We hope to create a fun playing experience with everyone :D
Suggestions: None right now.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): None right now.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Experienced, been playing Minecraft from the start + when mods got added. That being said mods change so I'l probably encounter new stuff!
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)