Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7 FTB [Infinity] [Galacticraft] [LWC] [Essentials] [TS3] [20TPS]

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Username: twoopi
Age: 28
Location: Australia
Why you want to join: I've just returned to Minecraft and have been looking for a decent server for a few days. This one sounds perfect.
Suggestions: None, really.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I had a little too much back in 1.4.7.
Username: twoopi
Age: 28
Location: Australia
Why you want to join: I've just returned to Minecraft and have been looking for a decent server for a few days. This one sounds perfect.
Suggestions: None, really.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I had a little too much back in 1.4.7.
Accepted! Welcome to Aurora!
Username: hausfath
Age: 31
Location: California
Why you want to join: I'm getting the itch to get back into Minecraft after a break of 6 months or so. This looks like a fun place to build.
Suggestions: Nothing in particular, though I may have some once I play with Resurrection a bit more .
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I played quite a bit of ultimate back in the day. I also played on Kirana 2.0, the original Gregtech 5.0 server (with Greg himself). It was tons of fun, but eventually I got somewhat tired of the perpetual grind (16-max stacks, no health regen, etc.). It should be fun to play Gregtech on "medium mode" rather than hardmode.
Age:24 (turning 25 in about 30 days)
Why you want to join: I started a server for ultimate and ran it for about 4 months. I did it to try and start a community, but it failed because i was in College. I am out of college now and working so I would like to join a community and do a lets play series for my youtube channel.
Suggestions: I currently don't have any suggestions.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I played ultimate for about a year and a half.
Username: hausfath
Age: 31
Location: California
Why you want to join: I'm getting the itch to get back into Minecraft after a break of 6 months or so. This looks like a fun place to build.
Suggestions: Nothing in particular, though I may have some once I play with Resurrection a bit more .
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I played quite a bit of ultimate back in the day. I also played on Kirana 2.0, the original Gregtech 5.0 server (with Greg himself). It was tons of fun, but eventually I got somewhat tired of the perpetual grind (16-max stacks, no health regen, etc.). It should be fun to play Gregtech on "medium mode" rather than hardmode.
Age:24 (turning 25 in about 30 days)
Why you want to join: I started a server for ultimate and ran it for about 4 months. I did it to try and start a community, but it failed because i was in College. I am out of college now and working so I would like to join a community and do a lets play series for my youtube channel.
Suggestions: I currently don't have any suggestions.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I played ultimate for about a year and a half.
Accepted both of you Welcome to Aurora!
Our server is currently experiencing small lag spikes now and again on our new host 8gig of ram is dedicated to the server. I put in a support ticket so they can look into why this is happening.

Not sure if its stopped happening but if anyone knows let me know as I'm at work.

Username: Tony1302
Age: 19
Location: US
Why you want to join: My buddy Sw33tR0llThief recommened this server to me.
Suggestions: none
Plugin Suggestions (optional) none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been playing modded minecraft since before FTB. I played on the monster pack and ultimate pack and I also have experience with other packs a well as custom ones and I have been a host and admin to such servers.
Username: Tony1302
Age: 19
Location: US
Why you want to join: My buddy Sw33tR0llThief recommened this server to me.
Suggestions: none
Plugin Suggestions (optional) none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been playing modded minecraft since before FTB. I played on the monster pack and ultimate pack and I also have experience with other packs a well as custom ones and I have been a host and admin to such servers.


Care to explain please? Also your supposed friend that reccomended us i have not even seen him online on our server yet.

Care to explain please? Also your supposed friend that reccomended us i have not even seen him online on our server yet.
I was never aware that I was banned from any server. As i said, most of my time playing has been on my own private servers and the reason i am now moving away from that is to join a community and because its getting too expensive to maintain my own equipment. How long ago did this ban occur if you know?
With christmas so close i have decided to give everyone a gift that can be found at our spawn. Just open the chest and receive a gift from aurora:)

Also have remembered to install LWC as well.
Username: Hollowfires
Age: 21
Location: US West Coast
Why you want to join: Looking around for a server with stable TPS and uptime.
Suggestions: hm? suggest what
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 1.4.7 ultimate was my first mc modpack actually :d. been a while since that was released.
Username: Hollowfires
Age: 21
Location: US West Coast
Why you want to join: Looking around for a server with stable TPS and uptime.
Suggestions: hm? suggest what
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 1.4.7 ultimate was my first mc modpack actually :d. been a while since that was released.
Accepted Welcome to Aurora!
Username: PanzerFX
Age: 28
Location: Poland
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a Resurrection server with Botania and Bloodmagic(I really miss them in this pack).
Suggestion: Make gameplay and progression as hard as possible(hard difficulty, no keep inv. on death, no teleporting) this pack is designed to be hard.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? It was my first modpack, I was playing it for~1 year.
Username: PanzerFX
Age: 28
Location: Poland
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a Resurrection server with Botania and Bloodmagic(I really miss them in this pack).
Suggestion: Make gameplay and progression as hard as possible(hard difficulty, no keep inv. on death, no teleporting) this pack is designed to be hard.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? It was my first modpack, I was playing it for~1 year.
Accepted Welcome to Aurora!
Username: Tony1302
Age: 19
Location: US
Why you want to join: My buddy Sw33tR0llThief recommened this server to me.
Suggestions: none
Plugin Suggestions (optional) none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been playing modded minecraft since before FTB. I played on the monster pack and ultimate pack and I also have experience with other packs a well as custom ones and I have been a host and admin to such servers.
Denied due to ban report spoke to the people that issued the ban report and you will not be accepted on Aurora.

Denied due to ban report spoke to the people that issued the ban report and you will not be accepted on Aurora.

I'm sorry to hear that, like i said I was never aware of me being banned on any server. Thanks for considering my application.