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Well you could use a timer to only keep the MFR spawner running for a set amount of time. As long as you dont cut off the spawning box it is very regular in its spawnings. Or you would use the Mob Counter to stop the spawner once you reach a certain limit.

Oho, there's a counter!
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Has something changed with the way CofH core handles ore spawning in worldgen in 1.7.10?

One of the mods I added to my pack was Mekanism, then I started a new world. But it seems that Mek copper and tin are spawning in addition to the Thermal foundation versions. I thought CofH was meant to disable other mods' duplicate ore types? At least it always has done in the past.
Has something changed with the way CofH core handles ore spawning in worldgen in 1.7.10?

One of the mods I added to my pack was Mekanism, then I started a new world. But it seems that Mek copper and tin are spawning in addition to the Thermal foundation versions. I thought CofH was meant to disable other mods' duplicate ore types? At least it always has done in the past.
You'll have to disable the ore gen in the respective mod's config file (in your case, Mekanism).

If you want something that overrides worldgen, Custom Ore Gen can do it. CoFH only adds worldgen and replaces vanilla.
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Somewhat (tangentially) related to a post @Pyure made, but Wiki editing rather than moderation:

Does anyone know if there a vetting procedure for wiki editing, and do you have to be a "trusted member" in some way? I notice that the two FTB Wiki's I've seen ( and are both excellent, but they do have gaps here and there. It may be that there is a big team working on them and it's arrogant to think I might be able to help (especially as I have some learning to do) but: is anyone a contributor to those, who has any ideas about how one might go about making a contribution?

- GwnG
As far as I could tell from experiments, "vanilla" rezzers keep about 4 mobs at once maximum. The MFR one never seems to stop, which is fine if I want a #$%^ ton of villagers, but not so good for witches under a Well of Suffering, as they don't die.

So I switched to using a witch spawner instead and using the MFR one for either villagers or whatever mob drop I need (currently cows for leather).

For regular grinders I just use Cursed Earth.

Check out a new 'tuber, GemSlate... He has 4 "captive populations" of witches above his Well of Suffering. They cannot move, are walled in so he can't be attacked and heal themselves, providing LP forever.

Last part of this episode covers basic construction

This shows operation
I got one question regarding the resurrection 1.7.10 modpack.
I see that gregtech is in it. but where is gregtech-addon? ( the one with fusion reactor in it and all other gregtech machines).
It is going to be added in later versions of this modpack or not?
Resurrection has GregTech 5, which was somewhat of a re-write of the mod from the 1.6.4 version, GregTech 4. However, Greg never managed to re-implement some of the features, including the fusion reactor and the soldering iron. GT5 was, evidently, an attempt at fixing issues Greg had created in his code in the GT2 and GT4 updates (I think it was those...), and a week or two ago, he declared it a failed attempt, scrapped most of the code entirely, and has begun re-writing the mod almost entirely from scratch for GT6 (which currently has worldgen and not much else).

So the fusion reactors and whatnot simply do not exist in GT5, nor will they ever. GT6 is both very early in development (as I said, no machines at all yet, although worldgen is basically done) and not save-compatible with GT5, so the Infinity team will probably be reluctant to upgrade to it even once all the features are re-added.
I'm getting this crash when trying to generate a new world in my custom pack. Off the top of anybody's head, what could be causing this?
Can you post a mod list? It's a bit hard to read it from the crash log.

EDIT: I just looked it up in the MCP docs, func_147281_a is the method for handling mob spawning.
I would begin by removing all the mods that add new mob types and then doing a binary search if it loads fine.
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I was curious about the tiered mana spreaders from Botania so I did a little test, each tier mana spreader has endoflames around it and I keep adding or removing endoflames till the mana spreader can send mana without filling up completely.

for the mana spreader the endoflame count is 8, for the elven mana spreader the count is 15 but for the gaia spreader, who's a tier higher than the elven mana spreader, the endoflame count is also 15, which doesn't make alot of sense since the gaia spreader is a tier higher and in the lexica it's even mentioned that the gaia spreader is better.

so my question is, am I perhaps misunderstanding the differences between the elven and gaia spreaders or am I doing something wrong?

I also know you can add lenses to improve spreaders, but the tests are all done without lenses.
What are some good options for armor in FTB Infinity? Thanks.
I will keep swearing to GravitationSuite's armours(Advanced Nano Armour or GraviChest). Mostly because they will power your Advanced Diamond Drill which is basically a TiCo Hammer/Excavator/Pick/shovel all in one on speed. But they are also excellent armours and flying solutions in themselves.
I was curious about the tiered mana spreaders from Botania so I did a little test, each tier mana spreader has endoflames around it and I keep adding or removing endoflames till the mana spreader can send mana without filling up completely.

for the mana spreader the endoflame count is 8, for the elven mana spreader the count is 15 but for the gaia spreader, who's a tier higher than the elven mana spreader, the endoflame count is also 15, which doesn't make alot of sense since the gaia spreader is a tier higher and in the lexica it's even mentioned that the gaia spreader is better.

so my question is, am I perhaps misunderstanding the differences between the elven and gaia spreaders or am I doing something wrong?

I also know you can add lenses to improve spreaders, but the tests are all done without lenses.
This is actually not accurate. I assume you used coal or something else with a short burn time. You can really see the difference when you use coal blocks, where the cap for the basic is 3, and elven I think is 6, and I don't know the cap for gaia as I stopped at 10, so the difference is better than you think.
This is actually not accurate. I assume you used coal or something else with a short burn time. You can really see the difference when you use coal blocks, where the cap for the basic is 3, and elven I think is 6, and I don't know the cap for gaia as I stopped at 10, so the difference is better than you think.

yes, you're indeed correct, I was using charcoal for the test.
so I was doing it incorrectly as you mentioned, I used coal blocks and I do indeed notice a big difference.

I was wondering about the mana spreaders because in my creative world I've done a build using endoflames to create mana.
ofcourse since it's creative I used gaia spreaders, but I was wondering if I were to do this build in survival how many endoflames a normal spreader could support, as I always try to be as efficient as possible.
Is there an alternative for the DSU? I want to have a max integer storage thingy, but I don't like the rest of MFR at all.
Is there any other mod that adds something like that - specially if it's JUST that?
The closest thing to a DSU outside of MFR is probibly a max upgraded JABBA Barrel, or maybe that single type Extra cell AE cell. I don't think anything else gets you max int storage though, although I could be mistaken.
While not quite as extreme, a JABBA barrel with sufficient upgrades could work in a similar manner to a DSU - although it doesn't quite have such an EXTREME storage capacity, it'll still do the job.

If that's not your style, try an ME Chest with a large storage cell inside. ME Chests can be run by themselves without being connected to a greater AE system, so you could essentially just format a Drive to only accept the item you want, then throw as many of that item inside the drive as need be. Although this method DOES require power input to the Chest, unlike a JABBA barrel - which doesn't require power.