Since ~Sep 2014, the FTB launcher doesn't allow offline mode for some reason - and they never removed the button, making it rather confusing.Hello I have a problem when I launch ftb and want to play offline
It will say can't connect to minecraft/ mojang servers and won't Launch in offline mode I will try force updating it and see what happens but is there any thing else I can do before going to support?
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Some spawners(think it comes from vanilla spawners) use a mechanic that reduces output once there are a certain amount of mobs in a certain range of the spawner. You can make sure this doesn't happen by letting the mobs drop down a fair bit of way or having an agressive killing mechanism(several grinders). If it is actually the case that this happens with MFR autospawners.. /shrug, I have just always build spawner with it in mind anyway.So, is there any sort of limit to the number of mobs put out by the MFR spawner?![]()
They have sort of supplied the exploit themselves. Kill the mobs with anything else that drops xp orbs and then have MFR sewers pick it up. You can even run Exact Copy spawners with profit this way.Really? I thought they'd been careful to ensure that mobs cost more essence than they gave, is there an exploit they missed?
They are a separate thing, but you can convert them from gas -> liquid and vice versa with the rotary condensentrator though I might be a little off on the nameMore Mekanism questions:
Mekanism gases are not really categorized as fluids are they? So I cannot store/transfer them through ExtraCells ME network? And guess it is completely out of the question to hope they are oredict'ed with the gregtech "gasses".
I am really stuck with only choice of transporting it is through Pressurized tubes and Gas tanks aren't I?
Ahh yes ofc. This actually turns it into oredict compatible versions of GT liquids. Now just need to ponder if it is worth condensing and vaporising it every time I want to send it over ME network..They are a separate thing, but you can convert them from gas -> liquid and vice versa with the rotary condensentrator though I might be a little off on the name
Slags are(or used to be) byproducts of smelting items together with sand in the Induction Smelter. Or by smelting things together with Rich Slag(method of ore doubling)Infinity modpack, v1.1.0. After pulling my hair out, I think I figured out how to make an "Augment: Stabilized Frame" for Thermal Expansion. It turns out the wool in the middle of the recipe is actually "rockwool".
Q: How do you make "rockwool"? There's no recipe for it in NEI that I can find.
A: Nevermind, the light gray rockwool has a recipe (the other 15 colors of rockwool do not have the recipe, brilliant).
Q: How do you make "slag"?
This is the kind of wild goose chase that I hate about minecraft, it's like a dog chasing its tail. I guess the dog seems to enjoy it.
I think that one of ExNihilo's addons (probably Ex Aliquo, but it's been a while since I researched these mods) allows you to use crooks and hammers as upgrades for Tinkers tools. I don't remember off the top of my head what those upgrades actually did, though.Hey guys, is there a way to make tinkers hammers work like Ex nihilo (convert cobble in gravel, gravel into sand and sand into dust) in Sky factory 2?
I really didnt like the idea of automatize the ore production in sky factory but it would be very nice if I could use tinkers tools and upgrades here
Because there isnt much difference bettwen stone and iron Ex nihilo hammer, and I cant make a enchement table yet
unless Im missing some way to make those Ex nihilo hammer faster, which I would like to know..
Infinity modpack, v1.1.0. After pulling my hair out, I think I figured out how to make an "Augment: Stabilized Frame" for Thermal Expansion. It turns out the wool in the middle of the recipe is actually "rockwool".
Q: How do you make "rockwool"? There's no recipe for it in NEI that I can find.
A: Nevermind, the light gray rockwool has a recipe (the other 15 colors of rockwool do not have the recipe, brilliant).
Q: How do you make "slag"?
This is the kind of wild goose chase that I hate about minecraft, it's like a dog chasing its tail. I guess the dog seems to enjoy it.
Smelting ores in the Induction Smelter with sand doubles them, with a chance of giving Rich Slag as a byproduct. Induction Smelting ores with Rich Slag triples them, with a change of Slag as a byproduct. I'm not sure what the chances are off the top of my head, but they vary between ores. At least, that's how it worked when I last checked.Slags are(or used to be) byproducts of smelting items together with sand in the Induction Smelter. Or by smelting things together with Rich Slag(method of ore doubling)
I think that one of ExNihilo's addons (probably Ex Aliquo, but it's been a while since I researched these mods) allows you to use crooks and hammers as upgrades for Tinkers tools. I don't remember off the top of my head what those upgrades actually did, though.
Also, you should be able to Pulverize cobble to gravel to sand to dust. At least, you could in AgSkies... Jaded might've tweaked the recipe, though. I think the Pulverizer turns cobble directly into sand by default.
Some spawners(think it comes from vanilla spawners) use a mechanic that reduces output once there are a certain amount of mobs in a certain range of the spawner. You can make sure this doesn't happen by letting the mobs drop down a fair bit of way or having an agressive killing mechanism(several grinders). If it is actually the case that this happens with MFR autospawners.. /shrug, I have just always build spawner with it in mind anyway.
Well you could use a timer to only keep the MFR spawner running for a set amount of time. As long as you dont cut off the spawning box it is very regular in its spawnings. Or you would use the Mob Counter to stop the spawner once you reach a certain limit.As far as I could tell from experiments, "vanilla" rezzers keep about 4 mobs at once maximum. The MFR one never seems to stop, which is fine if I want a #$%^ ton of villagers, but not so good for witches under a Well of Suffering, as they don't die.
So I switched to using a witch spawner instead and using the MFR one for either villagers or whatever mob drop I need (currently cows for leather).
For regular grinders I just use Cursed Earth.
Ehm what? GregTech has fusion reactors and a gazillion machines. Never heard of an addon to gregtech that added fusion reactors.I got one question regarding the resurrection 1.7.10 modpack.
I see that gregtech is in it. but where is gregtech-addon? ( the one with fusion reactor in it and all other gregtech machines).
It is going to be added in later versions of this modpack or not?
i checked twice if no more in the resorrection modpack and I can't find any of the 1.6.4 gregtech machines. they don't exist anymore in 1.7.10?Ehm what? GregTech has fusion reactors and a gazillion machines. Never heard of an addon to gregtech that added fusion reactors.
AFAIK a LOT have changed between the 1.6 version and 1.7. Think it has a lot to do with multiblock machines now(as in you really build the machines up out of different components).i checked twice if no more in the resorrection modpack and I can't find any of the 1.6.4 gregtech machines. they don't exist anymore in 1.7.10?
all I can see is ~200 machines that look almost the same and ~500 types of ores that doesn't make any sense. is that a bug or what?