Openblocks, probably. At least I think it's that one... I get it, ExtraUtilities, and Random Things confused all too often. But I'm pretty sure the gravestones are Openblocks.What mod in Infinity 1.7 stores your items in a Tombstone when you die?
Openblocks, probably. At least I think it's that one... I get it, ExtraUtilities, and Random Things confused all too often. But I'm pretty sure the gravestones are Openblocks.What mod in Infinity 1.7 stores your items in a Tombstone when you die?
Most likely OpenBlocks.What mod in Infinity 1.7 stores your items in a Tombstone when you die?
Openblocks, probably. At least I think it's that one... I get it, ExtraUtilities, and Random Things confused all too often. But I'm pretty sure the gravestones are Openblocks.
Nope. Witches are generally considered the best due to their regen, but you can do whatever you want.Does it make a difference what mobs I feed to the Well of Suffering?
Nope. Witches are generally considered the best due to their regen, but you can do whatever you want.
I assumed you meant side effects as those were once a listed feature that never got implemented. The rate at which you gain LP from the ritual is determined by the number of mobs in the radius and the number of Runes of Sacrifice you have on the altar. The health of the mob determines how long it will be in the ritual, as unlike the dagger it does DoT.Was just curious, as I know it makes a difference when using the dagger.
Don't care about regen as I have a MFR spawner for the Well. Currently using villagers because they don't drop anything, plus it amuses me. It's stacked on top of a wisp spawner.![]()
Was just curious, as I know it makes a difference when using the dagger.
Don't care about regen as I have a MFR spawner for the Well. Currently using villagers because they don't drop anything, plus it amuses me. It's stacked on top of a wisp spawner.![]()
You can boost the efficiency of the Well if you can find some way to heal the mobs it's damaging, so it can drain more life out of them. I once tried to do this by autocrafting Potions of Harming and deploying them at the zombies and skeletons trapped in a Ritual of Containment underneath my altar (which heals them, by the way), but I couldn't find a way to produce them fast enough. I managed to produce the Spider Eyes needed by creating a cage around the center of the Ritual made of cobblestone blocks atop ExtraUtilities Iron Spikes (although I may need to use Diamond Spikes now) so that the spiders (spawned by Cursed Earth-powered vanilla spawners, mostly) would be killed by the spikes, dropping eyes (they only drop eyes from player kills, and iron spikes are/were one of the few blocks that emulate player kills), but not the one-block-wide undead, which were pulled through the cage into the AoE of the potions. On top of that, I would need massive sugarcane, netherwart, and sugarcane farms to produce the other necessary reagents, which I never got around to. This was in a testworld, so I just spawned in a bunch of the other reagents.I assumed you meant side effects as those were once a listed feature that never got implemented. The rate at which you gain LP from the ritual is determined by the number of mobs in the radius and the number of Runes of Sacrifice you have on the altar. The health of the mob determines how long it will be in the ritual, as unlike the dagger it does DoT.
Witches are handy because they regenerate themselves. However, they do tend to despawn every now and then, so they're not quite foolproof. Name tags or MFR jailer's safari nets may help, but I've heard reports of named/jailer-netted witches vanishing anyway.
Witches are handy because they regenerate themselves. However, they do tend to despawn every now and then, so they're not quite foolproof. Name tags or MFR jailer's safari nets may help, but I've heard reports of named/jailer-netted witches vanishing anyway.
If it works anything like ExtraCells and fluids, then I was extremely disappointed that it was not possible to set recipes in ME interfaces on machines to export set amounts of fluids on craft. That is what really should have been possible IMO. Imagine what you could do with TiCO for example if that were the case.
joeyjam said:Essentia Provider hooked up to a Thaumatorium, with several Mnemonic Matrices for the recipes on the Thaumatorium's end and an interface for the AE end? I haven't tested it, and it won't automatically produce the essentia, so you would have to do that one yourself, but theoretically could work.
pst you can put an interface in front of the construct above the hungry chest, and just connect a wire to that,it seems a similar question was asked not too long ago in the MCF topic of Thaumic Energistics and according to @joeyjam it should be possible to do
though I still don't know how it'd work... because I don't think the arcane construct is able to request any essentia it wants and you could export essentia into an arcane construct, but wouldn't that clog up the arcane construct with one type of essentia and won't allow any other essentia to come in if you've several recipes set up in the arcane construct?
EDIT: okay, I was just dumb, it's as easy as this...
what I didn't know was that the essentia provider can supply any essentia that's being requested by the arcane construct. because of this you only need 1 essentia provider for your arcane construct and a simple ME interface with crafting patterns.
pst you can put an interface in front of the construct above the hungry chest, and just connect a wire to that,
when a thaumcraft block drops an item it will first attempt to put into an inventory
Energy Transfer Nodes is probably the most efficient anyway. Although if your server banned redNet cables you might want to check out why. Wouldn't want to piss off the moderators I imagine.Hey guys so a simple question here. What is the best way to convert rf to eu in ftb Infinity ? I am asking because on the server i play on RedNet energy cables have been banned.... What would be the next best solution ?
The way I'd do it would be with crystallised essentia. Add the correct amount of the crystallised essentia to the pattern, and then route it from a chest via a furnace to the crucibleI don't know if that'll work... I was kind of hoping the crucible crafting would be easy to automate using Thaumic Energistics because I often mess it up... perhaps it's worth a try to ask the developers about this.
Due to crashing when connecting the cables to certain machines... Thanks for the reply !! ill get right on it !Energy Transfer Nodes is probably the most efficient anyway. Although if your server banned redNet cables you might want to check out why. Wouldn't want to piss of the moderators I imagine.
Ever heard of PhoenixReborn?Not really a question, more of a request...
I am looking for a third party pack that is fun, and different. However, I don't want the recipes to ridiculously stupid, but at the same time changed so that they are integrated.
Maybe with HQM, but not with a crap-tonne of mods.
Also, I am not going to touch any pack on the launcher as I have reasons not to, whether it be I have already played it, it's not my style, etc. Hence why I asked for Third Party Pack(s)