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I had a feeling elf was one I just never new about the others...

Since getting it I would clear them in the morning cause I seemed to get on before the other cleaners but I didn't today cause of family reasons. But I've only had it for like 3 days so....

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Ok here's my problem i play on mindcrack mod pack and i built a house in the twilight forest i have a whole series of machines ( electric furnaces macerators folding machines recycler blast furnace just about every machine i have built) everything was working fine when i last played (which was a few years ago) i just started playing again and now all my machines are blowing up i have no idea why its all powered by 2 sets of ultimate solar panels with glass fibre cables i have a backup thank fully other wise the explosions would have blown up my house .... ( one of em blew up half of it lol) but no matter what i do after loading the backup over and over i can't figure out the problem the series i have is very intricate ( remember it all worked at one time) so explaining exactly how its set up would be next to impossible i could however open it up to a direct server if anyone can help that way ... ( i also play on a cracked version as i lost my minecraft account info don't know if that would make a difference on joining a server if i made for someone to help) please if anyone can help or enlighten me as to a solution
Ok here's my problem i play on mindcrack mod pack and i built a house in the twilight forest i have a whole series of machines ( electric furnaces macerators folding machines recycler blast furnace just about every machine i have built) everything was working fine when i last played (which was a few years ago) i just started playing again and now all my machines are blowing up i have no idea why its all powered by 2 sets of ultimate solar panels with glass fibre cables i have a backup thank fully other wise the explosions would have blown up my house .... ( one of em blew up half of it lol) but no matter what i do after loading the backup over and over i can't figure out the problem the series i have is very intricate ( remember it all worked at one time) so explaining exactly how its set up would be next to impossible i could however open it up to a direct server if anyone can help that way ... ( i also play on a cracked version as i lost my minecraft account info don't know if that would make a difference on joining a server if i made for someone to help) please if anyone can help or enlighten me as to a solution
1. Try and put an effort into at least using some punctuation when writing. It is rather hard for people to help you if they cannot understand what you are writing.

2. It is rather hard to tell you why your machines is blowing up if you don't explain how you set it up.

3. From what I gather you power your IC2 and Gregtech machines of Ultimate Hybrid Solar panels. Are you feeding the power to the machines directly? Through MFSUs? Are you transforming the power down correctly to the correct voltages? In 1.4.7 machines will blow up if you feed them the incorrect voltage packet sizes.

4. Openly proclaiming that you play a cracked version on the internet might not be the smartest idea.
ok here they are set 1 is the back of the machines i have it labeled where the cable goes up to the solar panels the one labeled set front is the front side so you can see which cables go where as for the one labeled solar panels each solar panel is conected with glass fibre then down to the back side of the machines
set 1 front.png
set 1.png
solar panels.png
ok here they are set 1 is the back of the machines i have it labeled where the cable goes up to the solar panels the one labeled set front is the front side so you can see which cables go where as for the one labeled solar panels each solar panel is conected with glass fibre then down to the back side of the machinesView attachment 15085 View attachment 15088 View attachment 15091
Right, so you are in fact not transforming the power, but just directly feeding the power into the machines?

A Ultimate Hybrid Solar panel will output 512EU power packets(though I suppose it might only do 64 EU packets in the twilight forest due to it being twilight). If you feed this to machines that have a maximum of 32EU packets they will blow up.

You need to set up a proper power network. First feed your power from your sources into a storage device like a Batbox, MFE or MFSU. Each of these accepts and outputs different voltages(EU packet sizes), so look that up. You need to do this to get the power converted into standard packet sizes(32, 128, 512 etc.)(You also get the benefit of being able to store power for later use).
Then distribute the power from the storage device and transform the power down using the MV and LV transformers as needed. For example if you use a MFSU(outputs 512EU/p in 1.4.7) but want to power a 32EU/p maximum machine you need to use both a MV and LV transformer in series.
ok here they are set 1 is the back of the machines i have it labeled where the cable goes up to the solar panels the one labeled set front is the front side so you can see which cables go where as for the one labeled solar panels each solar panel is conected with glass fibre then down to the back side of the machinesView attachment 15085 View attachment 15088 View attachment 15091
Looks like you need transformers. Simplest (although not cheapest) way to do that would be to put some transformer upgrades in each of the machines. If I remember correctly, the ultimate hybrid solars output 512 EU/t, so your furnaces and macerators (which can only handle 32 EU/t) each need two transformer upgrades.

Also, I'd recommend putting the MFSU in the middle of the fiber cable line, facing downward. That way, it'll constantly be able to supply your machines without you having to flip it around every day. Unless, of course, your machines have enough overclocker upgrades that they draw more than 512 EU/t, which is all that the MFSU can output.

(Edit: ninja'd twice. Not gonna remove anything rhn already said, so I apologize for any redundancy.)

Also, rhn, Mindcrack is a legit, if old, pack maintained by the FTB team in MC 1.4.7, I think. Been a while since I touched it- I remember building a GT fusion reactor in it before the update that multiplied the complexity of it tenfold, and I only needed twenty machines to run it. And then I build one of those in Unhinged with seven times more processing than I needed because I didn't understand that it could only do one recipe at a time, even if you put in eight pairs of injectors.

Side note: Jaded promoted me to Spam Cleaner a month or so ago. All I can say is this: Report ALL THE SPAM. Even if it takes ten or fifteen minutes because of the obnoxious half-minute cooldown.
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awesome thanks i should be able to rig that up i can just have the MFSU and the transformers in sequence above the engine room in the solar panel room and run a cable down right? u guys are awesome
awesome thanks i should be able to rig that up i can just have the MFSU and the transformers in sequence above the engine room in the solar panel room and run a cable down right? u guys are awesome
Yeah you could do that. But problem with that is that transformers have limited throughput. So you would be severely limiting your power output that way.

Best way would be to divide your machines up into groups. Then you run a high or medium voltage line to each group and transform it down there.

Also, some machines can actually accept medium(128) or high(512) voltage by default. You can probably find information about this on different wikis. And as Someone Else mentioned you can apply Transformer upgrades to the machines to increase the voltages they can accept.